“Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.”
–Robert Ingersoll
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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@ David – are you still coming over?
If so, I suggested Ale House, 12th and Patterson at 2 p.m.
Chime in all that can come if you prefer some place else and a different time.
And all the cool kids will be there Ale House, 2:00 pm.
I am unfortunately previously scheduled for the weekend. 🙁 I would have loved a trip to the desert.
Otherwise detained in the high country.
Too bad it takes a German magazine to point out the obvious.
I fully expect A-GOP and any other remaining right winger to ignore this, or dismiss it without merit.
explains why the story about Cain’s 13 yr affair is having a greater impact than the sexual harassment charges. Sexual harassment, to many Republicans, is just a liberal thing.
David Brooks comment where he quoted to the effect that the only thing Herman Cain knows about foreign relations is that he categorically denies ever having had any.
How serious can it be? Really, Ari, you should know by now that Americans can’t rely on foreign sources for anything with any authority.
We’re exceptional, aren’t we?
A good summary of each candidate’s “limitations,” shall we say, though really, far more examples could have been provided . . . .
Forget “dog bites man” – Dog shoots owner in the butt.
Google rips Senate’s online piracy bill: ‘This is what is wrong with Washington’
What I think a lot of people in Washington don’t understand is a lot of digital piracy is not people who would otherwise buy, it’s people who would otherwise find other free alternatives. We hit this at my company – there’s people out there with illegal copies. But if we added onerous copy protection they wouldn’t buy from us, they would steal from someone else.
Protect IP (the Senate bill) and SOPA (the House bill) are both crappy pieces of legislation that have unintended (or perhaps intended) consequences far beyond preventing piracy.
They would overturn the apple cart of current law, forcing ISPs to become active participants instead of service providers. If the phone company had to live by these provisions (and who knows, it might if it goes digital), it would be out of business the first time a wiretap revealed copyright law violations that the phone company didn’t report.
It is the wrong solution to a poorly defined problem.
I know a lot of people who download content who then go on to purchase that content. I know a lot of other people who think it’s fine that they’re stealing the content. And I know some content creators who are perfectly fine with you stealing the content they created and which the RIAA is screwing them over on.
The RIAA doesn’t IMHO have much longer to live as a useful organization, and the major music studios are probably not far behind them in dying off. They are, like any other dying monopoly, trying to hang on to their market. Perhaps they’ll realize that they’re better off developing solid search engines to detect Copyright violators, and reselling their services to copyright holders.
(The MPAA is in a different position; it’s still a massive effort to create a movie, and studios still dominate the market for that reason. Still, they’d be better off enforcing distribution than going after grandmoms without Internet connections who they think might have made a download.)
Software providers don’t seem to have the same problems with distribution so long as people aren’t also distributing licensing keys (okay – some do… WTF is up with someone paying a monthly subscription for an online game but can’t access certain content because they didn’t buy the original game disk?). My biggest gripe with the software industry is the “license vs. sale” crap – which is also pervading DVDs. If one area of copyright law need revision, it’s this concept.
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How to Make an Impact During the First Month of Your Startup Job
… for the middle class.
From Think Progress – Grover Norquist delivered a message to House Republicans that, while allowing the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy to expire last year would have been a tax increase, letting the payroll tax cuts expire would not be.
Even Eric Cantor isn’t buying this one so far – but Saint Norquist can’t be wrong, can he?