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September 05, 2006 06:40 PM UTC

Perlmutter Opens Lead?

  • by: Colorado Pols

The only publicly-available poll in CD-7 showed Democrat Ed Perlmutter and Republican Rick O’Donnell running neck-and-neck. Critics of that poll pointed out that the respondents didn’t reflect the voter registration of the district, and they may have been right.

We hear that Perlmutter’s internal polls have him up seven to eight points on O’Donnell at this point.


14 thoughts on “Perlmutter Opens Lead?

  1. You guys kill me, last time your big lie (line) said Ed’s primary wasn’t that bad.  Now its “long and tough.”  It is a little to early for anyone to be measuring the drapes.

  2. I’m a life long dem, and don’t like it, but I’m honest enough to look at the facts, and they are O’Donnell has so much more money than Ed that it will take an act of God (huge democratic wave) for Ed to win.

    1. If money is the only thing you’re looking at, then you are in right field my friend.  Sometimes, badboybilly, I wonder why you post at all. 

      Look at some more facts, such party registration numbers, O’Donnell’s political history, and Ed’s strong visibility for the past few months. 

      While money means a lot, there are other variables to calculate before declaring “an act of God” is the only possiibility for Ed to win.  How religious right of you.

      1. Ed has NO money!  He had to put $60,000 of his own money in right before the primary.  Rick has well over a million dollars on hand.  Yes Ed will get some help from the DCCC if he’s lucky, but he’s not going to be able to overcome that much of a whole in two months.  You’re right the district slightly leans blue, but not by enough to overcome the onslaught of negitave ads that will be coming. 

        1. The truth is easy: Rick O’Donnell is bought and paid-for by the Bush Administration and dirty campaign contributions.  He’s against Social Security and thinks that educating our children is a waste of money.

          In the 7th CD, those items combined are the kiss of death.  Ed won’t be *that* broke; the DCCC has already committed advertising dollars to CO-07, so Ed won’t be invisible even if he can’t fundraise – which itself is doubtful now that the primary’s over.

          Even ten million can’t overcome a bad image like Rick has – ask Joe Lieberman, whose image wasn’t nearly as tarnished.

    2. Many people know about ROD’s ideas.  And they are so desparate to make his whole draft children to the Mexican border idea that they are harassing bloggers who post stories about it.  Ed has been going on the offensive against Rick coming out of the gate, the DCCC is going to put money in this race because it is our most likely pick up.  Ed has been out there campaigning like nothing and he has been talking to voters. All this going on while Rick is getting bad press and having to deal with Bush being an albatross around his neck.  Ed is winning this race.

  3.   Little Ricky will need ever cent he can collect to offset: (a) the anti-GOP tide sweeping the country, (b) the reverse coattail effect of the Both Ways’ statewide debacle, and (c) some of the “interesting” (to put it charitably) ideas which R.O.D. has been putting forward (i.e., abolishing social security, compulsory national service for all male high school seniors). 
      Ed Perlmutter, on the other hand, has the advantage of not having said nutty things (ao far) which later need to be explained or “clarified.”

      1. Repugs are vulnerable all over the country why would the DCCC drop spend more money here when they could work with 25 + other candidates who actaully have money on hand.  They would have to do everything for Ed for him to win.  Generally they want candidates to have at least half a million of their own money before they work with them.  Ed could get there if the election was held in January and his was the only race in town.

        1. It’s on the top of almost every pollster’s list of seats likely to turn.  That includes the NRCC and the DCCC.  You’re acting like the DCCC is thinking about ignoring this race, but they’ve already committed advertising budget to CO-07, so they weren’t ignoring it even before the primary was held…

          You can hope and pray that ROD will skate on through with Cheney, Bush, and the cabinet coming to fundraise for him on the taxpayer dollar, but it’s just that – wishful thinking.  It doesn’t match even the current (underfunded Ed) reality.

        2. The DCCC will not have to do everything for Ed.  They have committed money for ads, and Ed is raising more money each day.  Rick will be viewed as one of the worst candidates in the US (Bush lackey), while “Ed will bring change to Congress.”  Im not a CD7 voter, but I still recognize the importance of winning that seat.

          Your generalities and antagonistic conclusions are completely out in right field.  To give up on one of the most important House races in 2006, is exactly why the Republicans took Congress in ’94. Boy am I glad, badboybilly is not managing any campaign in this state.

  4. Just kidding, but c’mon now, who cares if one guy thinks that the money issue is going to sink Ed?

    But, he is of course totally wrong.  For anybody that hasn’t checked out non-blog news in while, do some googling on the race – it’s a key seat for the Dem’s strategy this year, and you better believe that the fundraising networks are going to be in full effect.  Money will not be an issue.  That being said, total campaign spending statistically tends to be the most improtant variable in open-seat elections after district partisanship, which is a close call but favors Ed.  Midterm elections and the president’s low approval also favor a Democratic candidate.

    The seat is highly winnable for the Democrats, and they’re counting on getting it, so the resources will be there.  It’s more than just strategy as well – O’Donnell has been getting personal fundraising from Bush and Cheney.  If the Dems can knock out somebody backed with the most heavyweight weapons the GOP has for a candidate, then it makes a statement.  The republican leadership cares about keeping this seat.  If they weren’t worried abou it, there never would have been this kind of attention.  Colorado is a battleground state this year where some great Democratic candidates are making strong runs in conservative districts, and Perlmutter’s campaign is the flagship. 

    So, basically what everybody else said.

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