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September 05, 2006 06:36 PM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Back to the real labor days.


70 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

  1. My daughter pointed this website out to me yesterday and I was, again, embarrassed by my fellow Republicans.

    A disclaimer is on this website stating Beauprez nor the GOP “endorse” this website. Yet, there are several key Beauprez supports, Monica Owens included, on it.

    Also, I am ashamed that Mark Hillman is sponsoring this website. He is on there too.

    Further, it was Beauprez’s campaign who designed the slogan. (Check out his blog for confirmation.) I am disgusted with my fellow Republicans and am outraged by another attack, this time using “MySpace.”

    Check it out…


    I hope someone will develop a “Both Ways Bob” website because there are more negatives against Beauprez than Ritter.

    1. The Beauprez campaign could not round up a creative brain cell among the lot of them.  Nothing negative is EVER endorsed of course and this is just sad.

      A sad desperate measure by an equally sad and desperate campaign.  This looks exactly like the same tactics that Satan Lamborn used during his primary.  It even has the same color scheme!  They even have a puicture of Nancy Pelosi with a whip?!  What is the with the current Republican parties twisted porn fantasies?!

      You guys want to fantasize about S&M with Nancy Pelosi?  Fine.  Just keep it to yourselves!  EEEEWWWWW.

      Aside from all of this negativity what is Both Ways Bob’s message?  Can he tell us what he wants to actually do?  What he stands for?  Or are we just going to hear that TIRED ol catch phrase,

      “Less taxes, less government!”

      Oh yeah, and down with those pesky illegals, gays who DARE to make a life-long commitmant to each other, and no abortions, no matter what!!!!

      This campaign is rapidly slitting it’s own throat.

    2.   To call that juvenile would be insulting…… adolescents!  John Marshall should be embarrassed to accept a paycheck for the quality work he is doing. 
        I think this is as good as it gets for the Both Ways’ people:  illegal immigrants and plea bargaining.  (And of course we all know the score on plea bargaining:  Bill Ritter = 97%, Pete Coors = 100%).
        I’m almost to the point of feeling sorry for Beauprez… but not quite. 

    3. Beauprez camp says they don’t endorse this website, according to the disclaimer, BUT….

      if you view the blog on the website. tell me what you see?


      1. tell 527s what to do BUT they have the right to request the links be removed. If they don’t after they are pointed out, I believe a case can be made for coordination complaints.

        1. They are just a group on myspace. It’s not 527 coordination, just a stupid page. There are plenty of bloggers who put up links to a campaign without anyone crying over coordination. I dont agree with plenty of the things on there, but come on, it’s myspace! hardly credible, or threatening.

            1. Well after some time reviewing Colorado Pols, I find myself in the middle of commenting on rhetorical non-sense.  The Dem’s on this site should research the last few day’s of thier diatribe and determine if they really are a significant political force. All innuendo, no fact.  Let me guess your personal profile:

              1) 20 something trying to change the world.
              2) Spoon fed as a baby.
              3) Never held elected office.
              4) Never elected to student council.
              5) Had Ward Dumb Ass as a professor at CU.

              If you really want to change the world, based your arguments in fact, statistics and social issues.  Now go have MAMA feed you.

              1. …pull your head out and practice what you preach. 

                Those posting here know more about politics and the players than most and argue well.  If you wish to play, little boy, contribute what you may, but leave the banalities for others.

              2. Man-o-man! I love reading people’s post about how they have successfully pigeonholed a large group of contributors based on what they perceive is a problem with the free exchange of ideas through this whole “blog” movement.

                I’ll give you my rundown:
                1) I’m 25
                2) Not to sure how I was fed as baby, but it might have involved a spoon.
                3) Correct, but I never want to either
                4) Correct again, but I never wanted to
                5) Didnt/dont go to CU.

                If you really want someone to take your post’s seriously, use proper grammar and dont attack those you are trying to address.

                Let me take a stab at what you profile is:
                1) 40 something
                2) Divorced
                3) Thinks he knows what is best for the country/state/city, but will never do anything about it
                4) Gripes about free handouts for welfare/tort awards
                5) Has been increasingly bitter since he was forced to join the real world.

                No, boy, does that sound about right? Because it is just as ridiculous as your post.

  2.   Good piece in the Post today debunking the latest misleading propaganda from the Snakehead Group. 
      If you want to use Snakehead’s analysis, Ritter sent about 19% of Denver’s felony filing defendants to state prison.  The national average is between 15% and 16%.
      During his last three years as El Paso D.A., John Suthers only sent about 11% of his felony filing defendants to DOC. Stats for Suthers’ earlier years as D.A. were unavailable according to his spokesperson, the Little Woman (a/k/a Kristen Holtzman).
      Does that mean that Bill Ritter was almost twice the D.A. that John Suthers was?

    1. to comment on the record like that.  Her activities are tax exempt.  No politics allowed in her line of work.  I suspect she was doing someone a favor, but she sailed very close to the edge with those comments.

      Looking at the statistics, I don’t believe she had the information she was commenting on in front of her.  The whole article just doesn’t make sense, but then we all know what filters reporters can be.

      As I said before, Bill Ritter wasn’t all that great a DA, just fair to middling, but he’s not running for top cop this time.  He should stick with talking about character and about ideas and give up on mangling the numbers.  He’s got away with it a little because the press likes him, but it’s really not something I would build a campaign for Governor on.

      1. What’s not shocking, unfortunately, is that the Post would quote Maguire as ‘an expert’ without revealing that she is partisan.  What else is new.

        As for Bill Ritter, I bet he’s even a million times better than the 14th district that covers Moffat County!  Shit yeah, he put a lot more people away than that guy!  Try comparing Ritter to a DA in a similar district…

        Finally, for you rocket scientists, plea-bargaining 97% of the time is almost twice as much as plea-bargaining 95%.

          1. Two things:

            1)The number of successful prosecutions and/or plea bargains is secondary in importance to the crime rate.  The crime rate is what directly affects people.

            If Bill Ritter wants to brag about himself compared to the 4th JD, then I’ll illustrate the much lower crime rate there. 

            2)Comparing the two isn’t comparing like things.  Denver has roughly the same number of people as the state of Wyoming.  I’ll take that crime rate comparison anyday.  Will Ritter?

            A better comparison is like districts (size AND quality).  For example, Austin, TX.  It is a city similar to size and quality as Denver.

            ULTIMATELY, Bill Ritter loses all of these arguments.  He has a high ‘prosecution rate’ because he plea bargains everything.  In his last full year as D.A. Denver had a higher crime rate than the 4th JD, Austin and NYC!!!

            1. … to make arrests. NYC has a lower crime rate because Guiliani cracked down, and now those who oversaw the NYPD overhaul are here in Denver trying to do the same here. And why even mention Moffat County or Wyoming if you don’t think it’s a valid comparison? For that matter, why compare Denver to NYC? Can’t you stay consistent within your own post?

              Still waiting for a good reason to vote FOR Beauprez (and not against Ritter – your response, even if it were valid which it certainly isn’t, was just a reason to vote against Ritter).

  3. Q. Which of the two gubernatorial candidates has ever killed someone?
    A.  Bill Ritter.

    Q.  Who was alive before he and Bill Ritter crossed paths, then dead afterward?
    A.  Mr. Mushibi Katiki Chinyama.

    Q. Who was at the wheel, officially speeding through a busy intersection in Mongu, when he ran over and killed the 70 year old grandfather, Mr. Chinyama?
    A.  Bill Ritter.

    Q. Who paid a fine, did jail time, did manual labor or paid any restitution to the family of the deceased Mr. Chinyama?
    A. Not Bill Ritter.

    Q. Who still harbors resentment toward Bill Ritter for killing Mr. Chinyama?
    A. Mr. Chinyama’s family.

    Q.  Is it any wonder that Bill Ritter is soft on crime?
    A.  No.  He is easing his conscience.

    Many people on this site can’t get enough criticism of Bob Beauprez for getting sued for golf balls through windows and wearing a flight-suit in an airplane (not in any campaign material of course).  Wow.

    Meanwhile, Bill Ritter got away with, at best, negligence that led to a man’s death.  He literally killed a guy and then left the country/continent!

    You people need some perspective.  WHERE’S THE JUSTICE FOR MR. CHINYAMA?

    1.   I see the right wingers and Trailhead are wheeling out the big gun:  the fatal motor vehicle accident which Ritter was in.  They must be saving the story about him eating monkey meat for their “October surprise.”  (They need to give the plea bargain stats a break since they present a bigger problem for John Suthers than for Bill Ritter.)

      1. Queer Dude.  “…motor vehicle accident which Ritter was in.”  Yeah, Ritter happened to be there.  He happened to have his hands on the wheel and his foot on the gas when his vehicle and Mr. Chinyama collided.  One left alive and left the country shortly thereafter.  At least we agree on the facts…

        Monkey meat?  Bill Ritter ate monkey meat?  That’s disgusting (and probably illegal too).  Is October Surprise some sort of dish?

        1.   The car accident and the eating monkey meat were supposed to be the Beauprez’ campaign silver bullets which would finish Ritter off after the assault with the plea bargain statistics. 
            The rumor is that Ritter ate monkey meat while in Africa.  I don’t know whether it’s true or not.  If true, I don’t know whether it was intention or inadvertent.  I agree with you that it is disgusting.  It may very well be illegal, and if not, it should be. 
            That said, I’m still voting for Ritter although if invited to dine with him, I might think twice before accepting. 
            Finally, the monkey meat story shouldn’t be a big problem with religious conservatives.  Since they don’t believe in evolution to start, there isn’t that hint of cannibalism.

          1. Monkey was once considred a delicacy in many African/Arabian/South Asia counties (in the 19th-early 20th centuries). I have no idea of its legality at this point. I expect the legal issue would relate to if it is an endangered species or not.

            As for the grossness issue, monkeys would be pretty high up there, but in my step-mother’s home country, the Philippines, they eat all kinds of things that gross me out!

    2. Just the thing I needed to vote with good conscience for a guy who couldn’t lead ants to a picnic, Both Ways Bob. (Like anyone in the Beauprez campaign gives a shit for a poor African.)

      1. Make sure the Beauprez campaign reports that last entry of yours as an in-kind contribution.  Doesn’t get any more useful than bringing up Ritter and race relations in the same post.

        Which candidate has actually killed an African?  Which candidate fled the country and did shit for Mr. Chinyama’s family?  Which canididate looks the other way as cops killed dozens of minorities?

        Are you serious about who gives a shit about “a poor African?”  Bill Ritter killed him!

        1. … you show me that you or Both Ways care. I’m not the one posting this like it’s some kind of scandal. I read the Denver Post article, I’m satisfied it was an unfortunate accident. BTW I’m not the one who can’t post a reason to vote FOR Both Ways (as opposed to voting AGAINST Ritter which is all you’re doing).

          Let’s see if you can do better.

          1. You guys brought up the race factor.  I just brought up the man who was alive until he met Bill Ritter.

            I can give you a lot of reasons to vote for Bob Beauprez:


            1. If accidents should be held against a man all his life, then that’s ONE reason to vote for him. But wait, I can actually judge this for myself. I don’t hold accidents against people forever, being a forgive-and-forget kind of guy. (Remember when that was held to be a Christian virtue?) So you have given me NO reason to vote for Beauprez. Try again.

              1. I’ve heard a lot recently about Coors’ infraction while driving.  Now that’s been adjudicated very publicly and a lot of people still had a lot to say.

                With Ritter we have something that, if I read these posts right, may have not been adjudicated at all.  It could still be pending.  That’s a serious thing.

                I’m really not prepared to believe it until I see it covered more than just here.

                1. “The day of the accident, Ritter and Fuller say, they contacted the police and church members. The police, after interviewing witnesses, cleared Ritter of wrongdoing, according to church officials. The U.S. State Department does not track such incidents.”


                  Has this been “adjudicated?” If Ritter is truthful, it was. If there’s more to it than this, someone had better come up with the evidence. Until then, file this under “character assassination.”

              2. Just more misinformation.

                From my understanding from what I have read, including Ritter’s own words on the incident in question, he was helping bring a dying man to the hospital while doing missionary work in Africa.  There were no charges brought, after police inquiry, because it was an accident.  Period.

                Personally, I think it is extremely low brow to try and spin Ritter’s missionary work and say he murdered someone.

                Personal challenge to all future posters who repeat this accusation, go to Africa yourself, hell – go anywhere outside your town, and try to help influence change.  Then you can come back here with some iota of credibility.

                1. If we were conducting an investigation of this incident we would certainly want more than Mr. Ritter’s say so and a newspaper story.  Someone should at least contact the local police, witnesses, the family.

                  I agree it is all speculation and we should place no worth in it until more information is forthcoming.  Until then the benefit of the doubt should rest with Bill Ritter.

                  That doesn’t mean we should close our eyes to whatever is real, no matter what the pain.  Like cheating at solitaire.  You only cheat yourself.

            2. Because all I did was cast doubt that you have one iota of sympathy for Mr. Chinyama or his family. Since when is talking about Africans “race relations?”

            3. you can make a very good argument that lots of people have died due to the legislation in Congress that did (in some cases) and did not (in other cases) pass. For example, the people who die because of e coli and other germs in meat, because of particlulates(?) in the air, etc.

              So BWB has killed people too – it’s just indirectly.

              1. It’s just plain silly.  If someone rapes and murders your daughter, it is NOT the same as someone who gives her a fatal dose of food poisoning because of a poor food handling regime. 

                Ask any member of law enforcement or Bill Ritter for that matter.  One is a clear, violent crime.  The other would have to be closely investigated and would POSSIBLY lead to criminal charges.

                  1. I was making as ridiculous a comparison as you did a moment before in order to show you how ridiculous it was.

                    No harm, no shame, no offense meant young man.

            4. Laura Bush accidentally hit and killed someone in a motor vehicle accident. Dick Cheney accidentally shot a hunting partner in the face while hunting. These are accidents, not good reasons not to vote for someone.

              If you are going to post on this site, even if they are partisan comments, please make them relevent to actual political issues. If I wanted soundbites, I’d watch fox news.

              1. I didn’t suggest that you vote or not vote for someone.

                Yes, they are accidents.  They are accidents that have been adjudicated in a very open way.  You could go to a court house and obtain the case files and read the primary source documents yourself.

                I was simply suggesting that someone should be able to produce similar documents in the Ritter case.  Maybe he can produce them and so clear this up before it starts.  That would be my suggestion.

                Why would you want to close your eyes to whatever the truth is?  What ever the truth is can be dealt with.  Think.

                By-the-way, what is “dear shill” if not a sound bite?

                1. Actually I was addressing moonraker.

                  BUT: I don’t think it matters what happened in this Ritter accident. If he wants to open records, that’s his decision. Obviously, this was a painful event and he may not want to revisit it. I believe the personal lives of politicians are a non-issue. Anyone who bases their vote on a candidates past experiences–adultery (Hart), alcoholism (Bush), chronic falling down (Ford)– is trying to avoid real political issues. In short, the argument that “REASON #1 TO VOTE FOR BOB BEAUPREZ:  HE HAS NEVER KILLED ANYONE,” is a giant waste of time and a real red herring.

                  And the term “shill” is not a sound bite, it’s a term (albeit a derogatory one) for someone who works on a campaign. And I would be shocked to find out that moonraker isn’t sitting in BWB’s campaign headquarters as he writes this dribble.

                2. From a political standpoint, it would make sense for Ritter to directly deal with this issue. I can tell from BWB’s little monkey (moonraker) spreading this crap all over Coloradopols that they’re going to make an issue of this, and Ritter doesn’t want to pull a Kerry Swiftboat on this one. But ethicaly, there is no reason he has to even mention this incident.

                  1. that the private should stay that way and it troubled me when so many had so much to say about Pete Coors’ driving problem recently.  I still recall with horror the way the Republicans in Congress ran that tape of President Clinton.  The embarrassment must have been unbearable for the man.

                    But these are the lives they choose.  No one asks them to run for office and public life has always been tough.  From James Fennimore Cooper’s old man boxing his political opponents through the allegations about President Jefferson to the difficulties faced by President Cleveland.

                    It’s always been a tough world and the best way a public figure can deal with it is by being honest and open.

                    Sorry about being disagreeable over the “shill” word.  It’s just that I shy away from labels like that.  It makes it too easy to ignore what someone is saying.

                  2. By putting themselves in the public spotlight, politicians should know that their private lives will be inspected with a fine tooth comb. That is part of the job. But what irks me is when people like moonraker use their personal lives as a ballot issue in an election. If he wanted to point out the accident and leave it at that, that his right (God bless America). But by saying one shouldn’t vote for Ritter because of this accident, that’s crossing the line,

          2. Name one out of control Denver “pig” (that’s police officer, for those deceived into believing that cops do no wrong) that did jail time during Ritter’s tenure??? Or any other Colorado DA for that matter???? Don’t you think it’s about time to strap one on a gurney and drop the dose given the  disregard for the laws of our state and country shown by the law enforcement community????? Long past due!!!!

            1. Those comments about cops go too far. 

              Aristotle, when I said you guys, I was talking more about Queer Dude than you.

              That being said, Bill Ritter is the “forgive and forget type of guy.”  He’s so Christian that he forgave himself and forgot all about killing Mr. Chinyama.

              My favorite post, however, is probably the guy who said that legislation has probably killed people….  Not with blunt force trauma, it hasn’t.

              It’s unbelievable that you all criticize Bob Beauprez for fairly petty things.  Meanwhile your own candidate actually killed a grandfather and unceremoniously left the continent.  I guess because it wasn’t as recent it doesn’t matter.

              With that logic, if Bill Ritter ran over ANOTHER person and killed them at 16th street tomorrow, you’d be ok with it.  That says a lot.

              1. read the above posts.

                claiming Ritter murdered someone and intentionally left the country to avoid prosecution (which is what your words insinuate) is WRONG.

                Stop it, you’re digging a dirty hole for yourself.

              2. of Both Ways is that he has no demostrable leadership qualities. That, plus he’s a flip-flopper.

                Unless you know that Ritter’s accident was anything more, than your posts are nothing but hot air.

    3. The Colorado Sprinmgs Gazette printed an article yesterday (as part of a 3 part series) looking at the courts.  It also inckludes the plea bargain process and how plea agreements are negotiated between defense and prosecustion and the judge.

      Gives an enlightening overview of the plea agreement process and why they occur in the first place.  Much more balanced than one would think.

    1. Still not as good (may by just as true, I don’t know) as:

      Ritter killed a guy and fled the country – Vote Beauprez!

      Did Ritter really eat monkey meat?  Is that a ‘delicacy’ or something?  That cannot be good for you.  Did he eat muscle, organ, brains? 

  4. Where do BTB and BR stand on:

    Ref C;


    State services to taxpayers (DMV – I want shorter lines);

    Funding for in state college tuition;


    and Minimum Wage –

    There is my list, until someone posts the police reports on the fatality I will treat pro and con as bloviation and ignore it. Was there proven drinking involved, was it dark, was it rainy – I don’t get any of that from either side and have no real desire to go there. I treat this like Clinton’s Monica (proven and bluntly irrelevant) and Bush’s alledged concaine (unproven and bluntly irrelevant). Give me issues positions or please just go away.

    1. “bloviation” – great word!


      Since Labor Day is the unofficial beginning to the final countdown to elections, does that also mean it is the unofficial day of the opening of “The Return of the Shills”?

  5. Only one candidate, if asked in a debate, have you ever killed someone? – can say yes.

    Meanwhile, Mr. Chinyama’s family is left with the body of their grandfather.  According to Bill Ritter, he did them a favor by taking the body to the hospital instead of driving away.  Gee.  Thanks.

    In Zambia, at the time, laws were on the books that said Bill Ritter should be prosecuted.  Perhaps through the legal process he would have plead down to something minor (ironically).  But he didn’t wait around to find out.  He left.

    But I’m sure you all gave George W a pass when his DUI from the late 70’s came out too…

    1. … that this is more than a mean-spirited attack on a man’s character.

      Just one source that shows it was anything more than a tragic accident.

      Just one.

    2. Moonraker is just upset Ritter brought in over $600,000 last month. Tensions are high at the campaign headquarters and Moonraker is just lashing out.

      Moonraker, why don’t you loosen up, smoke a joint, and chill out?

    3. that moonie is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.  He was the one who tried to tell us that there was no such thing as Janet Rowland’s bestiality rant.  I hope we’ve educated him on that by now.  And his lame spew about monkey meat is getting old.  Over and over he has to use that childish attack.  And what is this Republican facination with animals all about?
      And speaking of J”B”R, she was on our local news tonight whining about Barbara O’Brien’s attack on Owens for spending tax dollars on pet projects.  J”B”R said Barbara owed Owens an apology…LMAO.  The next shot had Barbara saying that Owens owes all of us an apology and that J”B”R knows a lot about apologies. Guess BWB had J”B”R under wraps for so long that he thought he needed to send her out so people still knows she exists.  But it backfired on BWB once again.

      1. Please Review – I wasn’t the one to bring up monkey meat – Queer Dude was.  I had never heard that before – but it’s disgusting nonetheless.  It seems like it should be immoral or something – sure doesn’t sound good.

        Did he eat it raw or did he smoke the monkey meat?  Gross.

        1. from his Aug 14 posting:  “Ritter ate monkey meat (and killed someone) while in Zambia but you never talk about that…”  So tell us again Moonie how “I had never heard that before”  And yes, I am questioning your veracity!

    4. if the question, as suggested by Moonraker, was asked in a debate, I’m sure Ritter would be able to respond to the question in a heartfelt way that would make it impossible for Beauprez to respond in any way other than with compassion. If the Beauprez campaign tried to make a campaign issue of it, I think you would see potential Beauprez supporters run away even faster than they already are. I believe a majority of voters would be very uncomfortable with Beauprez if he made this a campaign issue. As somebody mentioned earlier, assuming it is true that it was an unfortunate accident, who among us — aside from Moonraker — is callous enough to have that be a reason to not vote for someone?

  6. The real point here is that Ritter makes a moral committment and does CHRISTIAN missionary work in Africa (Evangelicals call this ‘witnessing for Christ”) but BWB dodges the draft so he can stay home and ‘get on with his life’ making money.  What would you call that?

    1. “Political Expediency.”  What else is new???  Just remember, before you stating how stupid Michael Dukakis looked in 1988 with his tank ride, at least the guy served in the Armed Forces and served willingly.

      If we are going to treat people equally, it weould be much better to compare BWB with Bil Clinto.  At least you are comparing apples to apples.  Not apples to oranges.

      1. Billie Clinto, Billie Ray Bob Clinton, Billie “I never had sex with THAT” woman Monica Lewinski.  Did you ever wonder why he said, what he said, the way that he said it?

        I never had sex with “THAT” woman?  Which woman Billie?  That woman, Billie, or were there others that we don’t know about?

        Any way, I digress.  Lets stop saying Dukakis looked funny playing dress up, unless the topic is Dress Up and we are comparing BWB to Dukakis.  Then, one might have the ability to say that we are somehow comparing apples to apples, MAYBE.  Very weak at best.

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