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September 02, 2006 03:52 PM UTC

Labor Day Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols


45 thoughts on “Labor Day Weekend Open Thread

    1. I’m not sure what’s more impressive: the fact that Olbermann did such a great job setting the record straight on what Rumsfeld has been trying to do, or the fact that our networks are actually willing to devote six minutes to insightful commentary rather than gossip. Thank you!

    2. Not only due to the good night and good luck at the end, but his willingness, as the so-called liberal media has been unwilling to do, to say “enough, this is ridiculous and I am donating a significant portion of my show to calling BS.” I have always been a fan of olberman. Apparently there are some decent news people out there after all.

  1. Looks like Both Ways is spending the traditional Labor Day start of the fall political season by taking some down time to rest up.  That might help him avoid any more slip up with bogus stats on abortion rates and awkward poses for the Durango Herald.  It also gives Marshall and Phipps (separately and uncoordinated, of course) some time to retool their respective campaigns.

    1. This really shouldn’t be too surprising.  Very clearly he needed time alone to re-group.  I hate to say “I told you so,” but I did.

      Most embarrassing should be the fact that R’s will be relying on Janet Rowland as a surrogate for Beauprez during much of September.  I doubt she’ll be able to substantially help fund-raise, and I know she can’t speak policy well enough to bring up the ‘U’ vote.  So I guess she’ll be a cheerleader for the ticket. 

      1. It’s really insulting that Bob is going to be spending weeks and weeks in Washington DC while a FIRST TERM MESA COUNTY COMMISSIONER will be spearheading the Republicans’ efforts to keep the governorship of Colorado.

        Janet Rowland: “no one more obscurer” (to quote “The Producers”) could possibly have been chosen by Beauprez. What a pathetic joke.

  2. Don’t you think this down time for Both Ways Bob was a mandatory requirement made to him by the Trailhead Group?

    My guess is they want him out of the media for a few days, after the horrible week his campaign had with his foot-in-mouth disease outbreak.

    It was either spend a weekend resting Both Ways — or they were going for the duct tape!

    1. This down time is when Alan Phipps downloads the new implant into Both Ways’ head in that laboratory/operating theater connected to Beauprez’ hotel suite. Opps, I’m confusing Beauprez and Trailhead with Raymond Pentice Shaw and Manchurian Global.  Whatever……

  3. I find it quite ironic and very sad that Beauprez is highly critical and very vocal when it comes to distorting Ritter’s plea bargaining record.  Yet, Beauprez is as quiet as a mouse when his buddy Pete Coors, the major donor behind the Trailhead Group, accepts a plea bargain for drinking and driving.

    Chalk up another one on the ever-growing list of Both Ways Bobs flipflops!

    1.   I seriously doubt there’s any truth to it, but let’s run with the fantasy for a few minutes….Where do the GOP and Snakehead Group go with this? 
        I presume that the GOP state exec. committee would designate a new candidate (subject of course, to ratification by the Snakehead board) …..but who? 
        The Little Fella is tanned, rested and ready, but would they be ready to put him in the big game in this, the 7th inning? 
        Janet Rowland just aint quite ready for prime time.  They could go with a serious replacement candidate (Scott McGinnis or Ben Nighthorse Campbell), but I doubt either of those two guys would want to get in the game on Labor Day weekend. 
        Mike Coffman would be a smart choice, and he’d probably jump at the chance. 

      1. Why would BB withdraw?  Do you really think that the Republicans are just going to give the Dems this race?  Outside of Denver, I’m seeing that this race is much closer than any of you can imagine.  And don’t come back with a line saying, “well, I live in Ridgeway, and everyone I know is going to vote for Ritter”.  I’m talking about most of the common people of this state, who do they have more in common with, Ritter or BB?  I’m just guessing that most people of this state agree with BB on many of the real issues.  Sorry to burst your bubble.

        Back to the game……..

        1. Do most own a bank, like to play military dress up, throw around ridiculous statistics, or are most religious, gun owning, pro-lifers? Me thinks that the people you talk to will vote BWB purely for the parenthetic consonant next to his name, because if they were to do an issue, by issue, comparison and hear the things that he has said, my money would be that they feel closer to Ritter than BWB.

          1. I never said that either had to be “common”, cause it is apparent that neither is that.  If you think that owning a bank is a worse profession than being a lawyer, then you and I should just leave this conversation and go do something more productive.  If you are trully a Democrat in the modern sense (read: the party of Clinton, Reid, Schumer,)then you really shouldn’t have anything in common with Ritter, should you?  If he is trully a centrist on all matters, then why call your self a Democrat?  I don’t beleive that the majority of Coloradoans agree with the majority of the Democratic party’s stances on a national basis.  Ritter has done a great job painting himself as a centrist, as has Salazar.  But on the stump, and out in the small towns of Colorado, I still think that most voters feel aligned with Beauprez’s story, not Ritters.  Good guy, but not whom I would want taxing me.  Now, back to the game, ND 7, G Tech 10.

            1. and a life-long Republican, I must disagree with your assessment of what’s going on “outside of Denver”.  I for one will be voting for a Democratic governor for the first time in my life — as will scores of my Republican friends — all of us who live in very rural parts of Colorado.  I (and large blocks of the Republican party) am sick and tired of what Republican politics have become in this state and we’re ready for a change.  I have every confidence Bill Ritter will be a great governor and represent us well. Anyone who has spent any time around Bill Ritter and his great family knows they reflect some very genuine “Colorado values”. 

              1. I’m a fourth gen native, Vietnam vet, fiscal very conservative, Business school grad, etc., but not been faithful in my relationship with the (R)’s.  This time will not be different.  Couldn’t vote for Benson, didn’t vote for Owens in round 1, won’t vote for BWB.  And I know a whole bunch more that won’t as well.  When the topic came up in an extended family gathering in ‘rural Colo’ this summer, with farmers and ranchers and lawyers and teachers and engineers, and students and the whole insane bunch that are my relatives NO ONE planned on voting (R) this election.  And no one in that crowd has ever been shy about expressing a dissenting opinion.

                I want the party to lose big.  I want people to go to prison.  I want a major purge, including a whole bunch of people who are really ignorant of science and religion and especially Christianity.  It’s time to throw the bums out.  And that includes Bush/Cheney.

            2. First of all, I am in Law School so I have a high regard for the legal profession. Yes, you could say that I think it is a postive career than banking, especially being a DA, which I think is a very noble calling. You dont make much and everybody rags on you when crime is up, convictions are down, and you cant get a lead on a solid suspect in a big case.
              And second of all the modern democratic party, at least the one that i subscribe to, is not a party that pigeonholes its candidates nor its voting members. We have no DINOs. If he is a centrist than that is emphatically democratic. ten years ago he would have been a republican on his stances alone, but since there has been such a strong push to the right he is a centrist democrat, a place where a lot of moderates find themselves these days. Who cares what the state feels about dems on a national basis? The country, as a whole cant stand Bush. I digress, people in colorado are concerned with what is happening in colorado, they want someone that can lead them at home. Look at the last election, were people here concerned about what was going on nationally when they elected the salazar brothers or the legislature went dem for the first time in 40 years? No, they wanted strong, moral, ethical leaders which Ritter is and clearly Beauprez is not.

        2. What planet are you on? Out here in the real world (outside of Johnny Marshall’s office) everyone tries to avoid Both Ways Bob like the plague. You’re a drag on every race in the state. Bob’s comments about Rick O’Donnell (“He’s not running against me anymore, har har har”) are in danger of screwing us out of the 7th. All the down-ballot campaigns have to stay away or they’ll get dragged down too.

          Wake up! The Beauprez campaign is the political equivalent of the Titanic. The golden boy who was supposed to be a top-tier unstoppable candidate is sunk!

        3. newspapers from the western slope before making the claim that BWB and JBR (Janet “Bestiality” Rowland)are doing good outside of Denver.  From Thom Carnevale, Telluride Daily Planet, 25 Aug 06.


          “The first act of a Colorado gubernatorial candidate is to select a running mate. The decision is vital and one of the early indicators of how the candidate, if elected, will perform in office.[]
          Recently the Republican candidate for governor Bob Beauprez made his selection of a running mate.[]
          Janet Rowland is a little known Mesa County Commissioner who has served in that office for less than 2 years, a woman with no experience at the state government level and a woman known for ascerbic right wing demagoguery, demagoguery far to the right of fairplay Colorado.[]
          In his introduction of Rowland to the press Beauprez called her a “real world” person. A person who understands the values of Coloradoans and will represent the citizens of Colorado by honoring their beliefs.
          If Janet Rowland is real world the majority of citizens in our state must be living on Pluto. Coloradoans have always embraced the old west adage “live and let live” — “stay out of my bedroom and I’ll stay out of yours.”{}
          When asked in 2004 by The Testimony a far-right Christian publication about the separation of church and state Rowland replied: “It’s not in the Constitution. We should have the freedom OF religion, not the freedom FROM religion.”

          So the state of Colorado should have a state religion, Janet?

          Do we really want this woman a heart’s beat from the governor’s office demagoguing across the state for far right causes? What if the governor became incapacitated, died or resigned? A homophobic bigot who supports no separation between church and state would hold the highest office in Colorado. Coloradoans would be reviled across the nation as a “hate” state.

          No – the citizens of Colorado are not about to allow that to happen.

          It’s little wonder Rowland has received no respite from the Democrats or the press.

          There is no doubt that Janet Rowland should pull her name from the Republican ticket, but many of us are secretly hoping she won’t. There isn’t a snow balls chance in hell the people of Colorado will elect Janet Rowland to the second highest office in Colorado. Colorado voters have shown a propensity to avoid extremist politicians tending to support civil libertarian officials who preserve and protect the right to remain free.”

          1. Hear, hear my good man, I told you in the original post, don’t give me quotes from an area such as telluride/ridgeway.  That would be like me going to the Salt Lake City Tribune web site and getting a pro-Bush editorial and posting it as “proof” that everyone in Utah supports him.

            1. count? Or is Grand Junction, that hotbed of radical liberalism out of touch? Because they just got quoted over here throwing BWB and Penry under the bus. Does that work? Personally, I have little view on the Governor race except what I read on blogs and the MSM so I don’t know. But this piece doesn’t make it look like BWB is getting much of a hand up on the Western Slope.

              1. EPRR you are right, The Daily Sentinel has been telling us about the Republican mess for a while now.  And the R’s at the Mesa County RP Web site have been whining like toddlers with loose fitting diapers.  They know they made a boo-boo have BWB and J”B”R running down their leg but get angry at messenger mom when the Daily Sentinel tells them that it stinks and they need changed. 

    2. Whoever told you this is either overly optimistic or Bob Beauprez and if it was him he has yet to tell anyone else, otherwise it would be all over the news. As much as I would love this to be true I doubt the republican party would let this happen for two reasons: (1) I dont know colorado election laws, but if they are anything like those in Texas any other candidate would have to write in to be elected, and (2) not putting someone up for the highest post in the state would disenfranchise a lot of voters on the right meaning no, albeit short, coattails.

      Next time you want to throw out a ridiculous rumor that is completely unsubstantiated, dont.

        1. and at least for Dems, the executive committee of the state central committee serves as the vacancy committee.  My guess is there’s a similar process for the GOP to fill a vacancy. There is a deadline for the S.O.S. to certify the ballot which is in Sept.  If he were going to drop out, this would be prety much his last chance without really screwing up the Republicans.

          1. The New Jersey Dems successfully pulled off dumping a troubled candidate (Bob Toricelli) in the ’02 U.S. Senate race in Oct. of that year, and replaced him with Frank Lautenberg who went on to win the general election.

      1. in this “rumor”. But I think it is a real sign of the state of BWBs campaign that there is a response to attack – rather than dismiss – the obvious shot in the dark. Reminds me of the old “flee home, you have been discovered” trick.

    3. I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I want you all to know that it’s actually a GOOD thing I am trailing in the polls. See, that’s how I win, I stay behind and then I pounce like a tiger or a Mexican or something. 60% of the time it works all of the time.

      But it’s also like football, and like football, that means there is a ball on the field, and that ball is in play and always switching hands, and unless John Madden is narrating and has one of those nifty markers that writes on the screen it can get confusing. And that’s how I’m going to win.

      1. Because, and I think I speak for all Democrats here, we want you to stay in the race and to campaign constantly. Talk to as many people as you can. We need this help to try and get every Democrat running elected.


  4. The Rocky Mtn. News reported yesterday that Beauprez will be attending the Louisville Labor Day Parade tomorrow.

    I thought Beauprez was scheduled to discuss immigration issues on Colorado Matters (Colorado Public Radio) on
    Monday, September 4, 2006, at 10:00AM-10:30AM.

    Can Both Ways be in Both Places? 

  5. Dan Willis,

    The Louisville Web site shows the parade starting at 10am– the same time as the radio show.

    Any bets on which one Beauprez would rather attend?  One where he waves to the crowd (in both directions) or the one where he actually opens his mouth again?

    1.   He can really demonstrate his skills as a contortionist by being interview while walking in the parade and putting a foot in his mouth simultaneously. 
        What skill and talent, compared to Gerald Ford who couldn’t chew gum and walk at the same time, or Shrub who couldn’t chew a pretzel and ride a bicycle at the same time. 

  6. As the traditional kickoff of campaign season begins today,
    local, state-wide, and national candidates will be having a “raise the minimum wage barbeque.”

    Everyone who hasn’t gotten the chance to see Angie Paccione should come on out to Roosevelt Park (700 Longs Peak Ave., Longmont) from 4-6 pm.

    Check out what our next Representative from the 4th CD has to say about Ref. 42 … and grab a free hotdog while you’re at it.

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