“A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason.”
–J. P. Morgan
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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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like a real news organization?
This is the tripe that gets splashed on the Yahoo! front page this morning:
“Correcting the ‘fairy tail’ A SEAL’s account of how Osama bin Laden really died”
The “report” is an attempt to discredit the Obama administration for their biggest military accomplishment. I’m sure that our friendly neighborhood right-wing spinmeister(s?) will be chomping at the bit at this, but I’m more interested in discussing why Yahoo! is putting Daily Caller stories like this on their front page and treating them like real news.
From the Wikipedia entry:
Gee, what possible motive would an adviser to the man whose administration utterly failed to capture or kill Bin Laden for 7 years have for discrediting Obama.
Yahoo! often puts excerpts or interviews with authors of upcoming books that have gotten big buzz on the front page. It’s not a political bias. There were several FP links to interviews with the Steve Jobs biographer, too.
And if that’s what they were trying to do, then they sure did a crappy job portraying it as anything other than news.
And Yahoo! puts Daily Caller stories on the FP constantly. These guys aren’t a conservative HuffPo, they’re an attempted legitimization of Andrew Breitbart and Matt Drudge.
What people read. Trust me. I can explain more one on one if you want, but I can assure you there’s no bias here.
I’m saying that they’re doing a shitty job of disseminating news.
Their commenters are about 80% racist nutjobs who make Libertad look like William F. Buckley.
but that would lend credence to PCG’s contention that they’re just giving their readership what they want.
Please. They do actually go to a human reviewer who will pull them if they are out of line.
On any recent popular story involving black people (from the President on down), the racist comments on Yahoo scroll faster than you can report them.
Which sucks because demographically the Y! audience is basically “all of middle America.”
The swift boating begins.
Finally the truth comes out, courtesy of the brave Tucker Carlson.
banks and credit unions.
made the move before the end of Oct. Was anyone else so brave?
couldn’t be happier.
When I saw what my then bank WAMU had done, my first question to myself was, “Why would I keep my money in a bank that does somethig so stupid?”
Now I have to move my money from one local bank to another as the one where I have my money is closing its branch in my part of town.
If they don’t want to do business here, I’ll find someone who does.
We’ve had accounts in both — now we’re all credit union. It’s not much money, but it feels good to be a part of something bigger.
But I am going to change again most likely — I picked Bellco and they made a political donation in 2010 that makes me uncomfortable, as it was to run an attack ad against a state house candidate. But as far as bank vs. CU, definitely happier with the CU!
but my mortgage was bought by one of the giant banks. Is there anything worth doing about that? Refinancing seems like a huge pain in the ass for a house I will probably not stay in for many more years.
would be for you to talk to the rep at your credit union (I’m guessing that’s where you bank) about rates and terms. If you can get a better rate and the fees don’t wipe out the savings, go for it. Otherwise, you really might as well stay with whoever has it now.
I wouldn’t worry much about how long you think you might live in your house unless you’re really quite sure you’ll be moving away soon.
As with doctors…get more than one opinion. Just DON’T use it as an ATM. If your goal is to lower payments or shorten a term, run the numbers. Don’t take out cash…seriously.
in the twenty years we’ve been married. All our accounts are in a community bank (17 yrs. I think) or our credit union.
We still have a business Visa w/ a TBTF. We are having a hard time giving it up because the bank operates at a net loss, we think. We make business purchases but have never carried a balance on that card. They get $0.00 in interest and a fifty dollar annual fee. In return, we save hundreds, sometimes thousands) of dollars annually on airfare.
We have, for years expected them to just drop us, but…not yet.
Anoka-Hennepin teachers write their own online textbook, save district $175,000
Board approves Idaho online class requirement
One friend (a retired teacher) I sent this to responded that it was a union busting measure and she would fight it along with others in the upcoming legislative session in Idaho.
The Tweaker
The entire article is really good (and is on a different topic than the above quote).
Women, on the other hand, can often be found doing things for a good reason. 🙂
Well outside the statutory due date, Gessler’s office sent me a response and their apologies for a clerical error that caused it initially to be returned undeliverable.
Rather than the expected rejection, their reply consists of noting that my request includes a large amount of documentation and would require a great deal of staff time. The office requests a deposit of $300 to proceed, toward charges of $25/hr for staff research time, as well as the charges for the actual documents.
I’m going to send scans of the full response to a couple of people and get some advice, but I’m leaning toward proceeding. Might be the most fun I’ve ever had with $300, depending on what his evidence is.
It’s a deposit toward staff time, the likely result of which is more staff time and/or a response they they can’t share what they have with you.
It’s just an attempt to make you back off.
How would you proceed?
I can send you the full text if you are interested in seeing the wording.
If she shows up here, ask her.
She’s “out”
Send his so-called response to my e-mail at gjohansen97@gmail.com.
For some reason this website has a bunch of gunk in front of the e-mail on my profile, which I admit I’ve never looked at since I registered here. I’m pretty tied up for a few days but ship it along and I’ll get to it as soon as I can.
It’s obvious Gessler is stalling and trying to scare you off with the money quote. But send his letter along and we’ll go from there.
It has been awhile since I have been involved in this kind of stuff, but I think you can ask for them for free, under certain circumstances.
it’s still worth trying. I’d be happy to kick in a few bucks to help.
Something that poses an even bigger problem than his audacity that the media would report alleged things he did, or dare to talk about anything other than how he thinks Obama sucks.
From Red State (via TPM):
If you have time, read some of the comments on Red State. It’s getting pretty testy–contrary to AGOP’s insistence that Republican solidarity is rock solid.
There is now a Republican woman with impeccable credentials, who told her pediatrician boyfriend back when it happened, that Cain groped her.
Of course Gloria Allred has to make some stupid “stimulus” crack, but the truth is that this is a Republican accuser, seeking no money whatsoever, who is essentially giving a voice and face to the other accusers.
Goodbye, Herman Cain.
has something to do with the journalist code of ethics or something . . .
Perhaps as soon as tomorrow he’ll see it differently.
And just to be clear, woman #4 described a sexual assault, not sexual harassment.
His serious can best be measured by the quantity of staff and volunteers in Iowa and New Hampshire (ground game) .
None = none serious.
Someone floated the idea that Cain was always only in the campaign to be the spoiler making sure Perry/Bachman/and the rest of the far right never got any mo’ against Flopney.
Statistics is much more interesting.
it’s a horrible question. For someone who claims to be really interested in quality education, every actual bit of educational lore I’ve ever seen David post has been less “Hey, let’s learn something cool!” than “Ha ha I tricked you!” A little of that is fun in class, but I’ve never seen students who like having class regularly taught like a “Lucy and the football” comic.
an answer to this question?
the simple answer is one in four…25%. But , one answer is repeated. So if the simple math is one in four and two of the answers are the same, that might affect the answer. And , of course, the wording is , no doubt, significant.
I realize this is a trick question, David, and I am quite certain I am not smart enough to figure it out. 🙂
That’s what I like about it – it engenders a lot of discussion. Some of the comments under it are great.
It is, however, paradoxical.
WW1 ended on 11/11 at 11:11 p.m.
What else is ennaresting about this date?
Remember the awesome celebration we had last Reciprocal Day 09/09/09? Since the reciprocal of 9 is 0.111111… we’re going to party like we did that day, only slightly less enthusiastically.
Do nine of something this Friday.
Hey, Where’s BC? I miss her.
And that’s only in the Gregorian calendar.
The only Friday in November that falls on the 11th day of the month.
Yup. Seriously. The only one.
There’s a link in the article to a PDF study by the USGS.