( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
“A politician thinks of the next election – a statesman, of the next generation.”
–James Freeman Clarke
Best wishes today to everyone who has put their heart and soul into various political campaigns. May the virtue of each campaign, and each candidate, be rewarded with commensurate success.
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BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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I call Dibs on a seat at the first presidential debate which will be held at DU on October 13, 2012.
The Secret Service honors Dibs, right?
That’s October 3, 2012. Dibs still counts.
Following Corzine’s declaration of bankruptcy for his wall street firm due to miss guided trades in European financial instruments, regulators have been forced to take a deeper look into the possibility of missing client monies and a potentially massive gap in basic accounting controls governing MFs custodial services.
Corzine’s latest news profiles included his loss of the NJ Governors house to Republican Chris Christie and a near death 100 mph+ driving accident. Corzine’s news cycle is agin not headed in a positive direction for this former Glodman Sachs chairman.
Just why the massive Dodd-Frank financial regulatory statutes didn’t stop this before it happened remains a mystery.
Because the financial “reform” bill actually did very little. So it’s still the same system as before. And that is due to a bi-partisan agreement in Congress to not bite the hand that feeds them.
Had already broken the rules of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which require that company funds and client funds be kept in separate accounts.
When you’re out to screw people, do rules or laws really matter?
Libby: I don’t think you’re going to find anyone, here or in New Jersey, who is going to defend Corzine. He’s a dick, and that’s why New Jersey is stuck with Governor Christie.
From Corzine’s Wikipedia page:
Hell, even I would have voted against him.
the government didn’t stop him, and now look at the sad mess he’s in . . . whatcha’ say, Tad, let’s give him some tax cuts to cheer him up?
less regulation might help.
Obama, the G20, and the 99 Percent
I also think Obama will give Wall St what it wants, leaving the financial system volatile and the tax revenues low. After all, we dare not make Wall St pay part of their fair share.
And you guys call me a closet Republican…
I was a RHINO for years. Finally, I said what the heck and went unaffiliated. It really suits that independent streak in me that leans Democrat.
I hope your wrong about Obama at the G20 but I fear your right.
They got on air and had an ad running through ballots being returned, which is more than I can say for the opponents.
R turnout numbers leave me despondent after looking at them…. Hope that voters make a smart decision when they are voting on school board candidates.
I know a lot of non-R’s who are against 103 too.
I really do not see 103 passing.
The opposition is/was most definitely running ads against Prop 103 in Westminster. They are directly attacking my state senator for supporting it and using Hickenlooper’s “no appetite for tax increases” words to support their position.
The same commercial has been running on nearly every channel I watch and during most commercial breaks for probably 3 weeks now. They must have dropped a decent amount of cash for such an exhaustive ad buy. I really only saw the pro-103 ad maybe 2 or 3 times over the past couple weeks.
I never saw any “pro” ads. I’m in Westminster, too.
I had the opposite experience. I saw the pro 103 one all the time and never saw the opposing one. I do think it helps that they got it on air pretty damn late, like way after ballots had dropped.
Pro 103 had the airwaves to themselves for a while there. But I just can’t see it making it in this year, with this turnout and with the campaign they have.
Not once. Wherever those have been running, they haven’t been running here at all.
Just the pro ads and they’ve been running regularly up here in Larimer County.
Just to add to the weirdness, I only saw negative ads.
Seriously. It makes me wonder how each side decided where to market their message and why they chose where they did.
But I usually do watch is on Channel 7 and I only saw pro-103 and anti-300 ads. Thy were during Jeopary, Wheel of Fortune, the 6am news and the 5-6pm news hour
I wonder if there was a difference in what ads aired based on if you have cable or satellite? (I have cable)
I have cable, too. I wonder if you are onto something with the cable/satellite thing.
I only have basic tv and didn’t see it at all
Can you imagine if the OWS or Occupy Denver folks took the next one to heart at the same time?
to the Atlanta protest, which was the mayor’s stated reason for breaking it up. Apparently the guy wasn’t even a supporter, he was just hanging around.
Anyone else remember when carrying guns to town halls to threaten politicians was considered awesome?
for every gun-toter Tea Party activist, I’d buy all of you lunch.
Its fine if nutbag libertarians bring guns to, uh, say, health care rallies, but not ok when a lefty brings one.
Because it beats the snot out of trying to start a business in a low tax location
from Paul Begala in Newsweek.
The Texan Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight
A little bird reminded me that it’s National Novel Writing Month. Silly? Yes, but “Water for Elephants” started as a NaNoWriMo project, and I’m pretty sure the author is glad she decided to do the silly writing project… Write 50,000 words in one month and you win, that’s it.
I doubt I’ll finish 50K between work, school, politics, and the two horses, but I’m going to try just for the helluvit.
But now, I would put up with his for a week or so if I could make him spend a week as a 20something woman in the tech industry… the vast majority of colleagues I’ve ever had are actively feminist and in favor of equality, work well under female managers, respect female executives, the whole bit. But there are always those few, and I can think of a handful I’d happily sic on Rush-in-female-body. Let’s see him call it a political tool when it’s the actively Republican, right-wing executive pinching his butt.
That don’t require me to describe Rush’s ass in prose.
Clearly a leftist invention you are
to counter the righty programming.
Can’t believe Libertad Part Deux forgot to acknowledge that.
if Twitty would just dress sexier. Then maybe they’d get that promotion.
Good thing we are here to guide him through the process.
Classy slutty.
Now, that’s classy slutty.
Dress code?
We’re looking for slutty here. You’re new to this, aren’t you?
the guy in front of me came in to pick up a ballot- “my wife got hers, but mine never came in the mail”
this inactive voter thing isn’t entirely inconsequential