Comcast pulled ads that were critical of Republican Rep. Matt Knoedler and paid for by Clear Peak Colorado. From the Rocky Mountain News:
Republican candidate Matt Knoedler claimed victory today after Comcast decided to stop airing an ad from a Democratic group that alleged he voted against a landmark illegal immigration reform bill.
Knoedler, a GOP state representative running for the state Senate, had voted for the final version of the bill. “I feel vindicated,” the Lakewood Republican said.
The Colorado Clear Peak, the Democratic group behind the ad, says it will go back on the air with a revised commercial.
Clear Peak spokesman John Willard said the new ad “more accurately reflects” that Knoedler is not a leader in immigration reform.
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I dunno … more and more it becomes obvious that the 527s that think they are helping a candidate (or trying to hurt an opponent) are usually doing more harm than good. I’m sure the candidates would rather not have this kind of “help.”
This has been great for Knoedler and I don’t think that’s what Knaus intended. Perhaps they can try again and actually help the Boyd campaign this time.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Someone somewhere obviously either screwed up their research or deliberately ignored the truth here. I’m sure Betty Boyd is a bit unhappy at Clear Peak right now; I know that as someone trying to get as many Democrats elected this fall as possible, I am…
I dont have a tv, and I rarely watch tv so I have yet to see the ads, but what was so bad about them? Is there anyplace online that I can view them?
Proof once again that money may buy ads, but it doesn’t buy brains.
It’s the second very bad move by Stryker’s 527. The anti-Dennis ads backfired too.
Clear Peak is the brainchild of former CDP head Tim Knaus…
I’d love to hear the justification behind the “anti-Dennis ads backfired too”. Dennis earned the scorn of both SoS candidates and her actions aren’t going to be falling out of the news anytime soon due to pending legal actions.
….Let’s talk on Nov. 8.
SOS candidates running away from it? Read: “I ain’t touching that hot-potato.” It means nothing.
527s can be such a curse. A similiar thing has happened in the Senate 11 race. A 527 put out a tv commercial about John Morse and people could not tell what it is about. Talking shoes and other such nonsense. It makes you wonder when someone is going to make a 527 that they say is *pro* candidate X when they are in fact *con*.
Then they run out and make a bunch of over the top ads in support of candidate X to try to hurt his campaign.
Clear Peak should be renamed Muddy Creek because they are muddying the debate. Now, I am not a Boyd fan. She was one to jump ship with from the Dems when Tupa voted with the Repubs in the senate to put the immigration ‘reform’ issue on the ballot. The Dem in the house, Rep. Terrance Carroll saved it from further action. But, back to Boyd, why would voters elect a Dem who says she/he is tough on immigration when they can elect a Rep? It is an ill-advised ad. Tim Gill and Pat Stryker are the primary contributors to Muddy Creek. Send them a note that K-naus is doing them and the candidates a disservice.
P.S. Why haven’t the Dems repudiated this ad? It is not only false with the Knoedler matter, but it gives the viewer the impression that somehow the HB-1123 is going to help with border security, which we all know is a Federal issue.. And Boyd is seen with only Anglo and almost all older voters in the images on the ad. What Muddy Creek is doing is appealing to the geriatric voters in the district with this ad.
You can see the ad here on the Muddy Creek web page.
Knoedler’s problem is that he voted both against and for HB 1123. Now I will grant you that the text may have changed by amendment when it went to senate, but the perception is clear that he has been on both sides of this bill.
He can try to explain the legislative process, amendments, conference committees, etc. but that’s usually difficult to do in a 30-second TV sound-bite or in Robo-Calls.
It may not be fair to him, just as it wasn’t fair to castigate John Kerry for “flip flopping” or trying to have it “both ways” on the $89 billion supplemental appropriation for Iraq.
But what’s sauce for goose is sauce for gander.
about all of the slanderous ads that have been aired by Trailhead? If there is any group in muddy water, than it has to be the Oil, Insurance & Booze industry’s slush-fund 527, that will say and do anything to get a puppet elected to office.
So, tell us all how you truly feel on the Trailhead Disinformation campaign?
I would truly like to hear, a republican candidate on record, stating that illegal immigration is just a “federal issue” as you have claimed. If you have that anywhere, you should share it with the state and educate us all on how to solve this issue.