Rick O’Donnell – “Social Security must be abolished”
I guess I can post a personal story.
(more below)
My step-Dad has Multiple Sclerosis and is confined to a wheel chair. He can’t brush his own teeth and I have no idea where my Mom and him would be without social security and his union pension (which is actually a great amount than what he receives from social security).
I don’t know what Republicans want him to do, go out and get a job…social security is the bedrock of a society that treats others like they would like to be treated (where have I heard that before?).
Republicans like Rick O’Donnell that think it is an ‘entitlement’ program for people that have paid into this program their entire lives are not worthy to represent us in Washington.
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You’re supposed to take that third job so that you can support your parents into their retirement. It’s “living the American Dream” to have three jobs, ’cause let’s face it, you wouldn’t have that many anywhere else!
As to the union pension, I guess they figure everyone is able to afford their own personal investment manager, what with working three jobs and all.
I’m all for that mythical American Dream – the one where I can work a decent job and support both my parents and my children. But it’s GOP die-hards who still believe that the middle class and the poor are achieving that goal who are in a dream world right now…