Update: According to the Gazette, Joel Hefley is NOT running, but has this to say about the Doug Lamborn campaign:
“I feel that he ran the most sleazy, dishonest campaign I’ve seen in a long, long time, and I can not support it,” Hefley said in a telephone interview. He is in Oklahoma for a cousin’s funeral.
Though he will not endorse Lamborn, Hefley said it would be “very difficult” as well to support Democrat Jay Fawcett because he wants Republicans to keep control of the House. But he added: “I don’t know what I’m going to do at this point about that.”
Original post follows.
A shocking development in this morning’s Colorado Springs Gazette:
Rep. Joel Hefley is seriously considering running as a writein candidate to retain his seat rather than risk handing it over to Republican nominee Doug Lamborn.
In meetings with national political consultants, Hefley and his supporters have come up with yard-sign designs and the key messages of a possible campaign, Republican Party activist Peggy Littleton said.
Hefley, who has represented the 5th Congressional District for 20 years, has been the subject of a three-week push by high-level Republicans to take this nearly unheard-of step, Littleton said Monday.
To be a write-in candidate, Hefley must file an affidavit of intention with the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office by 5 p.m. today.
Since Lamborn edged former Hefley aide Jeff Crank in a six-way primary on Aug. 8, a number of party leaders, including elected officials, have begged Hefley to run again because of concerns about how Lamborn conducted his primary campaign, said Littleton and another party activist, who asked to remain anonymous.
We’ll know more by this evening, but even if Hefley decides not to do this the damage to Lamborn will already have been done.
It is possible that such a run by Hefley would be successful, the very long odds of a write-in bid notwithstanding. The other possibility is that a Hefley run against Lamborn will split the GOP vote and hand Democrat Jay Fawcett an unbelievable gift.
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or do we have to wait until tomorrow morning. I can’t believe this article is published if Hefley ISN’T going to file today.
against Lamborn at 2 to 1?
Now that’s going to leave a mark! I don’t know how well a write-in candidacy will play, especially given the difficulty of writing in candidates on some of the new electronic voting machines, but it will probably be enough to give Lamborn a serious headache.
Hefley’s job could be worse should he decide to go that route – the GOP write-in in Tom Delay’s old district is ‘Shelley Sekula-Gibbs’. Try writing that in on an electronic machine with no ‘-‘ character.
Is GOP discontent with Lamborn really that high in the 5th CD?
…Democratic performance in CD-5? How many votes does Hefley need to steal from Lamborn (or other way around) to split the republicans, leaving Fawcett with a chance nobody thought he had for this seat?
Lamborn believes that children are our future. We should teach them well (in private schools), and let THEM lead the way. Lamborn believes we should show the children all the beauty they possess–INSIDE. We should give them a sense…of pride–to make it easier. Lamborn lets the children’s laughter remind him how he used to be.
Everybody in CD-5 is searching for a hero. People need someone to look up to. I have found a man who fulfills my needs. It’s a wonderful place, kind of like a hug.
I’ve learned to depend on Doug.
Lamborn believes in the same things as does Hezbollah leader Sheik Hasan Nasrallah. His sheep think he has “godlike qualities” also.
Has anyone not figured out that “Lamborn has godlike qualities” is humor? Apparently there are still a few people…
His post about children is a bit creepy, though. I’m not sure I get the humor.
the Whitney Houston song? “I believe the children are our future, blah, blah, blah…”
That is a bit much when you consider those being questioned, particularly with parent-of-the-year Lamborn.
Marilyn Musgrave supports Doug Lamborn, and her priorities are in the right place. So I’m tired of these RINO whiners. I know that some of her most dedicated staff helped Lamborn’s victory, and she should be proud that her efforts are going to put that district in the hands of a REAL Republican!!!
Marilyn Musgrave is a winner, and she’s teaching people in Colorado Springs how to win the Right Way!!! So Hefley better think twice!!!
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (“CREW”) has named Musgrave as one of the 13 most corrupt members of Congress. http://www.beyonddel…
Just like Joel Hefley didn’t support Delay’s lack of ethics, he would have not supported Musgrave’s deficiencies either. IF Hefley, instead of Musgrave, were endorsing Lamborn as a man of character, a man of high ethics, THAT would be meaningful.
By the way, CREW is also the same organization that successfully filed complaint with the FEC regarding Tom Delay’s illegal use of ARMPAC, his 527 PAC, that resulted in a fine of over $100,000 and that resulted in ARMPAC’s terminating its existence this July.
And, Musgrave received $30,000 from DeLay’s ARMPAC which, as noted, was shut down by the FEC in July 2006 for violations. Read this about how DeLay fell on his sword to raise money for Musgrave and get her key committee positions…
There’s a Musgrave/Delay/Club for Growth axis of evil here that prefers the “Vito Corleone of the House’s” methods and ethics in politics. And, of course, the reference to Vito Corleone is the name by which the Club for Growth’s then president and founder referred to Delay–with admiration. That, to me, would be a condemnation. But, to him, it was a commendation. Similarly, the more I have found out about Marily Musgrave, to have her endorsement is condemnation, in my book.
Marilyn Musgrave is one of the few people in Congress who had the courage to stand up for Tom DeLay when the sellouts and the rabid Left attacked him for his strong leadership that is based on solid conservative principles. Marilyn Musgrave is a conservative Republican who is leading the Republican Party towards the kind of revival it needs if it will stay true to its foundation.
We need real Judeo-Christian Values Leadership!!! Marilyn Musgrave and Doug Lamborn are the future!
Marilyn Musgrave and Doug Lamborn = real Judeo-Christian Values.
p.s. to What, sorry about borrowing your handle.
Marilyn IS the American Taliban, you yutz.
I don’t know about the rest of you but Musgrave and Lamborn’s behavior don’t reflect the Christian values I learned and do my best to live my life by.
It it very possible also that Musgrave won’t be there for the 110th, sounds like she has a lot of fenses to mend with her own base, espescially in Ft. Collins and Loveland. Maybe her, her staff and campaign staff should spend a little more time dealing with her own race instead of mettling in the 5th.
That Rizzo is from the same school of posting as LHGQ and is being sarcastic with this post. I mean, seriously.
Rizzo is the real deal, such as it is.
rizzo is serious, although i cant figure out how its possible to be so brainwashed.
LHGQ RULES! The image of Doug “Pruneface” Lamborn reminiscing wistfully about children’s laughter is WONDERFUL!
A sweet bit of respite from this “sleazy, dishonest” world.
Please if you are going to write how your candidate is championing education don’t make elementary grammatical mistakes by using both the past and present tense in the same sentence, “I’ve learned to depend on Doug.”
After a post like that, I guess I see why Mr. Lamborn values education so much. With supporters like that I would champion education too!
What a dishonorable way to end a somewhat honorable career. Hefley just looks likes a spoiled politico here; voters didn’t elect his former chief of staff as his replacement, so he wants the seat back — at least until voters get their heads straight, right?
Furthermore, is looks like Crank’s aids and consultants are just looking for another paycheck.
I want to know everyone who is involved in this. Littleton and who else? Because they are so clearly by-passing the party system….. it’s akin to Hefley deciding to run as an Independent. Spoiled. Little. Brats. Entitled. Establishment. Incestuous. Bottom-feeders. Sucking on the teet of taxpayers.
Now you know how I really feel.
… you were writing about Joe Lieberman I’d be inclined to agree. But Joel Hefley – the man who had the temerity to actually use his chairmanship of the Ethics Committee to look into Tom DeLay’s dealings, and paid for it – strikes me as nothing but ethical. (Sorry for the redundancy in that sentence.) I really doubt his motivation is that cynical. I’m sure he’s disappointed that his boy lost, but if Lamborn hadn’t relied on the dirty tricks of others to win, this wouldn’t be happening.
How will this affect the RRR vs RINO debate? Hey, CD5 Republicans, please chime in. Assuming this goes forward, who would you vote for? And how do you feel about it?
This was probably either at the Benson level, or above that at the NRCC level. At least that’s what I get from the “high-level Republicans” bit…
If it’s the Benson level, well, the GOP should be getting used to that infighting by now. If it’s up at the NRCC level, then Lamborn must have done something pretty atrocious.
I don’t understand what makes everyone so upset about this. I didn’t understand it with Joe Lieberman, and I don’t understand it with Joel Hefley (assuming anything happens). No one is trying to subvert the democratic process here. The caucus, assembly, primary, etc. is there to determine who gets listed as the candidate of the Democratic or Republican (or, theoretically, other) parties. Neither Joel Hefley nor Joe Lieberman are trying to claim to be their party’s nominee. If they were, then that would be unethical. If not, though, then why shouldn’t they run for office if they like? Are other independent candidates not allowed to run either?
I can see a stark differences between Lieberman’s run and Hefley’s. Lieberman’s tantrum happened because he LOST in a primary, but Hefley was retiring. I don’t think anyone (besides Lamborn Has Godlike Qualities) believes Lamborn would have beaten Hefley in a primary.
There is nothing wrong with Hefley running as an independant in this case. But I think he has to consider how much this will hurt the Republicans in CD-5.
You’re right River,
Lieberman’s tantrum happened because he lost. Hefley’s tantrum happened because his annointed successor (Jeff Crank) lost.
It seems to me that the real losers are the state-wide Republicans who could use strong El Paso support in their races. I guess Hefley wasn’t really thinking about them when he decided to try and splinter the party for his progeny’s sake.
i was under the impression that it was doug’s nasty tactics. seriously people, do you think hefley would have even mentioned running again if lamborn hadn’t resorted to such tactics?
lamborn might (MIGHT) get a couple years, but the guy is done for in the long run. there is nothing he can do as a freshmen congressman that will help him erase his negatives and win another republican primary.
blaHotaling, Lamborn wasn’t thinking when he split the party with his sleazy campaign. Republicans in El Paso County have been turned off by Lamborn. Beauprez isn’t turning them on. If Hefley would have run, it would have energized the Republicans with a candidate of high ethics to vote for in the 5th CD, instead of, Lamborn. So, the real losers are the state-wide Republicans and precisely because Hefley chose not to run.
Thats right Doug. Your nasty, sleaze encrusted campaign is coming back to bite you in your pimply behind. Hefley does not look here as you so desperatley want him to. He looks concerned about ethics. And your Rovian tactics are now going to be more in the public eye, not just the Republican party primary voters that you disgraced with your spew.
I must give Doug credit for one thing, however. Thanks for showing your true colors BEFORE you got into office.
I do have a question: What do you think about Lieberman running even though HE is “so clearly by-passing the party system”?
Just how loud Congressman Hefley creid in 1988 wupon hearing that the previous Congressman (Ken Kramer) wanted to run against Hefley for his seat. And here Hefley is trying the same stunt.
Hefley’s memory must be going to mush.
Yeah, the fix was in with Jeff Crank, Peggy Littleton and it all started with that surprise meeting with John Burnett (5th CD (Board of Education). Seems that little stunt cost them a plenty. What’s next folks???
Some conservative Christians you folks turn out to be…I’m beginning to think Satan is a much more trustwotrhy character.
Regardless whether its Hefley or someone else…Lamborn is in and get used to it.
Besides Hefley is just trying to save face from a failed legacy. His reign ended about 10 years ago, he just didn’t know it. The polling data, and election results all said the same thing. Just the establishment never wanted to have a credible candidate take him in a primary.
For that, John Anderson gets the award.
Don’t worry. Conservative Christians are having as hard a time as you are on telling which one is which. But, they don’t want to vote for either of them.
Colorado politics has for some time seemed like a Fellini movie. This just adds to that perception.
Beginning with Ben Campbell’s decision not to run for reelection, the poltical happenings in this state have just gotten stranger and stranger. All predicability about politics here is just out the window. Just when you thought you knew what was happening another bombshell drops.
There’s no question but that Doug Lamborn has turned off the Republican electorate in the 5th CD. Beauprez isn’t turning them on. The Republicans don’t have a chance for Beauprez being elected governor without a strong Republican turnout in the 5th CD. Hefley would assure a large turnout in the 5th CD and give Beauprez a chance. I personally doubt Hefley’s going to run. The fire’s not in his belly.
As for Jay, the blood letting that Lamborn started in the 5th continues and it’s for Jay to make the best of it–if he can BUT HE NEEDS IT TO BE A 2 MAN RACE AGAINST LAMBORN ONLY. Lamborn needed to go hat in hand and make amends with those he sliced and diced but doesn’t appear to have made that effort. There’s no healing the wounds now. The Republicans that would vote for Fawcett in a 2 man race with Lamborn would vote for Hefley in a 3 man race. The Republicans that would abstain from voting if only a 2 man race would vote for Hefley if a 3 man race. The Republicans that would hold their noses voting for Lamborn in a 2 man race would vote for Hefley in a 3 man race but on balance, Hefley will hurt Fawcett more than Lamborn. Jay Fawcett had better hope that Hefley not run as a write-in. Jay NEEDS this to be a 2 man race. Doug Lamborn did indeed deliver the perfect storm. Hefley would be a refuge in the midst of the storm. Fawcett’s interests are best served if there is no refuge. He needs a 2 man race against Lamborn only.
The Gazette has posted an update to the morning article quoting Hefley that he won’t run as a write-in but he blasts Lamborn as well. C’mon Joel….endorse Fawcett!! Then you boy Crank can run again in two years and run against a dem. This long-time republican is going to vote for Fawcett for that reason alone. A lot can happen in two years time. As for Lamborn Has Godlike Qualities, your dribble was sometimes amusing during the primary but has gone stale.
Hefley essentially is gicing the okay for Republicans to back Fawcett. I agree with Peggy Littleton, either sit this one out or vote for Fawcett. I, for one, as a Republican will vote for Fawcett because of the disgust with the Lamborn campaign.
If Lamborn had only came out to oppose the mailings, I would have supported him. But, because he didn’t my vote is for Fawcett.
My rational is: what a way to slam it to Lamborn by having him go down in history as the Republican who lost the 5th CD to a Democrat! Now that will be funny…
The Colorado Republican Party Bylaws call for any Republican who holds a party position to resign from that position or be removed by the Executive Committee for supporting a Democrat in the General Election.
If Peggy Littleton were to vote for Fawcett and or campaign for him and it became public knowledge she could gently bend over, grab her cheeks, and kiss her political career goodbye.
She is only in office because she did not have an opponent. She never really had to work. If she had a tough opponenet she might be about two to three dress sizes smaller than she is.
Knocking those doors makes a difference.
but not for voting. Her vote’s private – or at least it had better be.
Amen to Handy Dandy! God (and Hefley) told me it was ok to vote for a democrat in the CD5. Go Fawcett!!
i thought that cd 5 was a district that couldn’t be screwed up by any candidate, no matter how extreme he was. here’s proof that the voters of the fifth do not appreciate lamborn’s extremism and his unethical tactics that he and his crew believe is doing. especially since they claim they are doing the work of the lord.
hefley won’t run, but had this story broken and public comment received a few days earlier, when he was actually considering it, who knows what would have happened.
as far as lamborn goes, a lot of people would have voted for hefley. hefley’s volunteers would have been invigorated to win, and the people who were going to turn their backs to the polls this november would have instead shown up to vote for hefley.
and phoenix rising-
yes, many people are absolutely disgusted by lamborn. it is amazing how his (and his sons, and marilyn’s volunteers) actions have snowballed. please note that lamborn tanked, the absentee ballots were sent in before people got a chance to see lamborn at his god-like finest.
In the end, this whole ordeal will only help fawcett. and if hefley were to endorse fawcett, think of all the material this would give lamborn in a couple years. he could kick and scream about the liberal RINOs forever. that, and itd just be silly for hefley to endorse fawcett because their political views are so different.
Seriously folks…supporting a Hefley candidacy is like getting fired up over Strom Thurmond or Robert Byrd. NOT!!!
now look at how excited republicans are for your boy lamborn. i think the last “excite-o-meter” i saw was in the “ice cold” realm. and yes, the “excite-o-meter” results are scientific. you cant argue with science.
This could go a number of different ways.
1. Hefley runs as a write in. Manages to get some financial backing (because he is the current incumbant) and hence takes some of that money away from Lamborn (satanic bastard that he is). The Republican votes splits and gives Jay the win.
2. Hefley ends up endorsing Fawcett giving Jay much needed Republican votes and Lamborn either barely wins or gets beat.
3. Hefley runs and wins.
I do think that this is good for the Fawcett campaign. obviously Crabk was Joel’s boy, and I must agree that lamborn ran a sleazy, nasty, disgusting campaign.
imagine what this is going to do to lamborn’s “legacy.” he won a seat that republican salivate over, and now the incumbent congressman calls you out and ponders running a write-in campaign.
lamborn “might” (and i emphasize might) make it through this election. fawcett might just beat him now. my prediction if hefley doesn’t run, lamborn squeaks through in an embarassing showing and is primaried next cycle, and he loses.
Of course, Lamborn doesn’t want to be painted as having low ethics by Hefley, who, as the original Gazette article today said of him, “Hefley . . . gained a reputation in his later years as a champion of ethics in politics. He led the House ethics committee when it chastised Majority Leader Tom DeLay — a member of his own party — and later lost that seat and was ostracized by DeLay and his allies.” Joel Hefley isn’t one to tolerate people like Doug Lamborn or Tom Delay or the Club for Growth. The then president and founder of the Club for Growth, Stephen Moore, once admiringly said of Tom Delay, “He’s the Vito Corleone of the House.” That’s not much of a commendation and no wonder Joel Hefley takes a stand against people like Lamborn and Delay. [That may be the two peas in the pod that no one discussed in this campaign–Delay and Lamborn.} And, out of curiosity, a little research reveals that Tom Delay donated $50,000 from his ARMPAC 527 committee to the Club for Growth, that his former communications director, Jonathan Baron, handles the polling and advertising for the Club for Growth under Baron’s Red Sea LLC, which was paid over $3.3M in the last election cycle by the Club for Growth. The “Club” and the “Hammer” have their guy in Doug Lamborn. A politician in Joel Hefley’s mode, i.e., someone like Jeff Crank, is a threat to the “Vito Corleones” of the House. It’s no wonder many Republicans are voting for Fawcett and no wonder that Hefley has effectively blessed it.
and has not just thrown Lambirn under the bus but stopped and backed up over him again, what are the odds on CD-5? Also, who gives money to Lamborn from CS now that Hefely has called him out?
Why do I have the image in my mind of the Trailhead offices resembling nothing more than the Tower of Sauron right at the moment the ring is put on in the Tower of Doom – bring back all that media money we committed – it’s needed in CS. Oh my goodness, this sure has screwed up a whole bunch of planned budgets this morning.
The other thing is, what does this say about the state and local party that Lamborn essentially got blind sided by this. My read from down here is that this has been in deep discussions for well over a month and nobody on Lamborn’s staff caught wind. If the heavy hitters are lined up for Joel, what does that say about Lamborn’s lack of connection to the El Paso R machinery? If so, what does that say about Lamborn’s chances?
I forget whether it was $300,000 or $400,000 that the Club for Growth, through its PAC and through calls on its members, gave to Lamborn; however, that’s why Doug is so weak. Their money was used, along with the Christian Coalition’s, to slander and attack candidates–not just Jeff Crank–who overall had the lion’s share of the LOCAL money and local support. In other words, Doug won the battle with out of state mercenaries who’ve gone home after raping and pillaging the Republcians’ standard bearers, whether for Crank or Rivera or others. They take that personally. If Doug had won in an honorable manner, all would be forgiven. So, El Paso Rockefeller Republican, unless Delay’s mercenaries at the Club for Growth come up again with some big money to rape and pillage Fawcett, Jay is in a very good position. He has been all along. The smart money in the Springs area has realized this. It’s only now coming to light the problems that Lamborn has.
According to the club for growth website, they gave $100,000 to Lamborn’s campaign. Which is almost as much as the $150,000 given to Crank by CUNA. So I’m not really sure what point you’re trying to make about outside interests. Even taking away CUNA, Crank had more PAC donations than all other candidates (see fec.gov). Lamborn won because of his grassroots support. Crank had the establishment (see Helfey, Joel) backing. So for you to say Lamborn’s ties are out of state makes you sound like the uninformed Denver Dem you are.
As for “smart money in the Springs”. What the hell are you talking about?
Need anyone say more???
Please, don’t make me correct you again! 🙂 You perhaps read my post as saying that the CFG itself supported him to the tune of $300,000 through its PAC.
Club for growth gave $100,000. I can read it too.
I’d like to take this moment to chastise all of you who are accusing those of us not supporting Lamborn of being RINOs. I am about as conservative as anyone, but I hold integrity and ethics up above politics. This is what I despise about Lamborn’s campaign and why I hope he is punished at the polls for his tactics. What all you extremists don’t get is that political ideology devoid of character and integrity is dangerous in all circumstances. We attacked Bill Clinton for lying under oath, we attacked George Soros for his campaign tactics in the last election, we must stand up against someone who purports to have our own ideology but not our integrity. If we do not, we will lose the moral high ground and we will be punished at the polls as a party.
Doug Lamborn is a disgrace to the Republican party because he is devoid of integrity in the political arena. I hope that another write in candidate comes up and that Hefley and the other defeated candidates join ranks behind that person. I do not want conservative ideology represented by someone who does not have conservative character.
…you’re going to get punished at the polls, because of your party’s lack of leadership and results. Not to mention your party’s level of integrity hasn’t been all that high over the past couple of years.
I too prefer a candidate with integrity that I don’t agree with to one without that I do agree with. Of course, I’m happiest when I get both.
What about the Crank Family??? This guy was just a guilty as anyone else. Some of the crap that was pulled and his association with the REpublican Party Establishment Clowns in Denver is just one example. He would sell his sould for the office if he thought that is what it would take.
As for Lamborn, the man outsmarted, outplayed, and outmaneuvered his opponents. Pure and simple. Give credit where credit is due. Mainly because he found financial resources outside the “Good Ole” boys in el Paso County. He went to Washington and crapped in Hefley’s own backyard. Now Hefley, with all of his endorsements for Jeffie Crank wasn’t able to pull an upset off.
My My MY…how quick the worm turns. What ever happend with the Beauprez people harping about the Holtzman folks not supporting Beauprez. Are you saying that it is okay to work for Bob Beauprez and not Doug Lamborn???
Idiots…Idiots…Idiots. Stay at home, just don’t vote for Beauprez and see what happens. Vote for Beauprez and don’t support Lamborn and see what happens. Either way. Beauprez is canon fodder for the Dems.
blaHotaling, or, Mr.Handy2001, let me repeat for you what was said before. Honesty is not subject to criticism in any campaign. Shades of dishonesty simply invite demoralizing and reprehensible judgments. The very reason Lamborn is in the mess he’s in is precisely because of his sleazy campaign. Your use of “out” so often is misplaced. When Lamborn threw out the window a high standard of ethics in his campaign, he proved what Senator McElhany said, that he would do anything, say anything, to get elected. So, here we now have 3 wise men: Doug Lamborn, John Hotaling, and Mark Hotaling who in their wisdom have divided the Republican party in El Paso County and have assured a low Republican voter turn”out” as a result.
This has to improve things for Fawcett.
…oh wait, he’s done worse. Apparently CD-6 is not as picky
The line isn’t always updated per-story.
And as to Tancredo, well – he’s so reviled by the GOP leadership that he has a built-in buffer against being tarred as a follower. It’s not a valid perception, but it’s at least part of what keeps Mr. “Bomb Mecca” afloat.
Now at 9 to 1.
Maybe they’ll change him back to 8 to 1 in a fit of integrity.
Given the state of his campaign, Lamborn is now living up to the name he is commonly known by at the capitol:
The movie poster promoting the film can be found here:
That’s a good one. I hadn’t heard that one before. Not quite as good of a moniker as “Both Ways” or “the Potted Plant,” but a good nickname for Lamborn just the same….
Lamborn needs to remember it was those who went to the polls that he should take notice; not the absentees. Remember his stunts happened after the absentee ballots were mailed. The polls on Prim Tuesday showed how the county and districts really felt about Lamborn. Has he once acknowledged this and tried to befriend those prim tuiesday voters? Not that I’ve seen.
For this and other reasons…I hope my fellow Conservative voters will follow me to the polls and place a vote not for Fawcett but against Lamborn.
On election day, Lamborn won El Paso, and Crank won the outlying counties. Since that time, Lamborn’s been out about the countryside meeting with those parties. He didn’t campaign there before the primary, since it was pretty firm in Crank’s hands. Now he’s reaching out. Get over yourself Handy.
Your about as conservative as a worm in water. Big “C” conservatives have spines.
You gotta feel bad for the man. All he wanted to do was handpick his successor for the district. And when that didn’t go through, you knew the man would have to pout, if only just a little.
On the bright side, this post seems to have pulled all the Crank-ophiles out of hiding following the primary. Druid, Robert, cctiger, handydandy. Good to see you guys again. How’s Jeff holding up these days?
This is funny, because in the week after the primary Peggy Littleton started floating rumors that Crank was going to run as an independent. Now she wants to float rumors that Helfey’s running as a write in. Wonderful.
So here’s how it works. Helfey endorsed someone other than Lamborn in the primary, and who won? So now he thinks Lamborn won’t still win in the general without his endorsement? Note to Joel. Your embarassing your party and your legacy.
blaHotaling, I realize it may be hard for you to understand this, but, honesty is not subject to criticism in any campaign. Shades of dishonesty simply invite demoralizing and reprehensible judgments. Unlike Doug Lamborn, Joel Hefley has a well-founded reputation for scrupulous dealing, which is a priceless political asset. The reason that Lamborn has now acquired nicknames such as , “Lyin’ Lambo,” “Dirty Doug,” and several others is precisely because he has a bankrupt political reputation. Joel Hefley’s legacy is intact. Lamborn’s reputation is destroyed. He may win the 5th CD, but, he will not ever win back his honor.
But the fallout over Lamborn’s campaign and the Gazette’s report on attempts by certain national political leaders and local party activists, such as Littleton, to get Hefley to run as a write-in candidate goes to more, I believe, than what you seem to think. Jeff Crank, Lionel Rivera, Bentley Rayburn, and the rest of the candidates are not on the general election ballot, to be sure. It appears to me that Littleton and others were wanting to purge the corruption from the political apparatus, a moral corruption that is going to be rewarded if Lamborn is elected. When a politician campaigns in a sleazy fashion as did Lamborn, it gives the signal to the political organization of his party that ethics can be ignored when inconvenient. That only results in corruption and demoralization of the entire political party. And that eventually results, over a period of time, in the general electorate turning them out of power as a party, of reducing the Republicans in El Paso County and the 5th CD to the current position Democrats hold. The best prospect Republicans had to enforce a high standard of ethics in the party was for Joel Hefley to run. They are now left with Lamborn.
Having seen what Lamborn would do to win the primary, what he will do if he wins the general election to remain in power for 20 years as a Congressman is unimaginable. I think many Republicans are viewing Jay Fawcett as an acceptable STAND-IN for 2 years to hold the seat for whomever may run as a Republican for the seat 2 years from now.
“Unlike Lamborn, Hefley has a well-founded repuation for scrupulous dealing”. Really, when has Lamborn been the subject of a 60 Minutes investigation for finance fraud?
I like how you just made up two nicknames and try to pass off that they’ve been around for a while.
If Littleton wants to get corruption out of the Party, she should start with herself. You and the rest of the Crank campaign must think the rest of us have no memories.
1) The first anti-candidate mailers were sent out on behalf of Jeff Crank (coloradans against trial abuse) against Lamborn (mid-April)
2) The first anti-candidate radio spots were put out on behalf of Jeff Crank against Lionel Rivera, saying he was pro-tax (mid-June)
3) The Crank campaign was the first campaign to air anti-candidate radio and TV spots when they intoned that since Lamborn took money from Club for Growth, that he must be anti-military (Mid-July)
Who’s the sleazy campaign? It seems to me like that campaign that started every phase of negative campaigning, from the 527’s to the candidate endorsed ads, which is also the campaign that does nothing but say that the candidate beating that campaign is starting it is the one that is the sleazy campaign.
Crank or his friends began every bit of negativity in this campaign, and they threw it all on Lamborn, because they knew he was ahead of them. Now that they’ve lost, they can’t accept it.
Also, you give me much too much credit by calling me Hotaling. As of November, he will have gotten 2 of the 3-4 R Reps in this state elected.
According to the Crank people…they did no wrong. Problem was that they were caught early one, exposed, and failed in their endeavors. Two people learned a valuable lesson a long-time ago.
Douglas Bruice and Doug Lamborn both were successful in spite of El Paso County REpublican Party elites. They found financial support outside of El Paso County and so money wasn’t a problem. This left them with time to devote to working for individual support.
The Good Ole Boys could not account for this. Besides, reliance upon the Good Ole Boys will not always succeed. Many of the most vigilant Good Ole Boys are taking Dirt Naps in Evergreen Cemetary. Others are too old to be effective. They don’t walk precincts any more. Licking stamps makes their tongues swell and their eyes get puffy.
Those that were able to get their support found that it wasn’t enough, Crank, Rivera, etc. Top line means nothing if you don’t have the workers.
Bruce and Lamborn both knew this and worked it to their advantage. Not to mention the absentee votes.
but he has a LOT of influence in the Broadmoor area – not as much in the Briargate area. I think the split will be interesting in the election – I think Joel will have a greater impact than many blah seems to think. I don’t think Joel is worried about his “legacy” – I believe he is torn between being a staunch Republican and what he sees. I think his personal ethics shine through on this one.
Coming from one of the former Blond Babes for Bush, problem is believeing that Crank or Hefley would run coming from Peggy Littleton is like saying that she has dropped two dress sizes. NOT!!!
Why is it that some women don’t think that people will take notice of their addiction to Bon, Bons?
Blonde Babes, What a laugh. Would’ve loved to seen the looks on Sean Hannity’s face when he found the Blond Babes for Bush from El Paso County were a bunch of middle-aged, bleached blondes. Bunch of retired cheerleaders.!!!
That’s what it sound like to me a bunch of …CHEERLEADING. Problem is, she’s the only one in the room. Hefley, Crank and the other cronies have left the room when they figured out that this bird wouldn’t fly.
Them in a bikini??? Scary thought. I’ll stick with the gals in my auto mechanics magazines. Thank you very much.
but id guess hes doing better than lamborn. i cant help that ever since lamborn became a sleaze ive hoped itd come back to haunt him as it should with any politician who chooses that route. and now it has, making november not look like the sure thing lamborn believes it is.
i wonder how many of those absentee voters wish they could change their vote? i dont know how long you can fool yourself into thinking a large amount of the voters are not disgusted with your little man lamborn.
1. Some Crank’sters were expecting jobs in the new congressional office and are seriously worried about their paychecks after January (as they should be).
2. With the exception of the Newsome/May race, CD-5 has not had a serious, widespread, campaign in decades. You all are used to squabbling in House and Senate campaigns, but never like this. This was something new. And competitive. And yes, probably more bitter then anyone expected.
3. A lot of you lost the respect of your fellow republicans during this process. You sent scathing emails. You wrote hateful letters. You endorsed the guy who lost and you did it with full contempt of the electoral process. And all of that is on record.
But this is the major leagues.
Buck up and get with the program. Fine – don’t vote for Lamborn if you aren’t inclined. But at least stop whining. I can handle disenfranchisement and protest voting, but the incessant complaining on this blog is just down right tiring. The Schaffer’ites were at least DISCREAT in their protests of Coors. And May supporters PRETENDED to support Newsome. But these constant cry-baby temper tantrums are draining to everyone.
This is politics and politics does make strange bed-fellows. Don’t take it personally!!! It’s all a game and the spoils goes to the winners, not the WHINERS.
This is my government – not a “mine is bigger than yours” game. That is why I cannot support the national Republican Party at this time – Your attitude is a simple description of why thieves like DeLay get reelected. If you are an example of a Doug Lamborn supporter, I can see why Hefley is trashing him.
The reason why congress is screwed up, in my opinion, is the lack of independence from the executive, massive lobbying by special interests, and the need to continually deliver the pork. People enjoy competition and backstabbing, they revel in it. On the surface they may say we need partisanship, but really they want to be served. And whether that demanded service is by Evangelicals at the expense of pro-choicers, libertarians at the expense of greens, or republicans at the expense of dems they want winners. it is truly the american way, and DeLay was able to deliver it.
Politics is treated by many to be a spectator sport much like football. They seem to think the only point is to win the election; after that, who cares what happens. If you’re team wins the Super Bowl, what’s in it for you? Bragging rights, that’s all. I think that’s how some people view politics.
“Yeah! My team won! Yeah!”
High fives all around, a quick wave through the stadium and then they go back to not paying attention. The only thing that matters is that MY TEAM WON and even more importantly YOUR TEAM LOST!
Sore loser Hefley is just flapping his lips. Talk, talk and more talk. He probably took lessons from Norma Anderson.
That’s my chosen successor, oh wait, you mean your aren’t a lemming?
by her position is on the El Paso County Republican Executive committee. The bylaws state that they will support the Republican nominee. She doesn’t have to support Fawcett to break the bylaws, LAMBORN is the Republican Nominee. Remember the 13 that endorse Null?
Hefley had no intention of running. This must have been a figment of imagination by Littleton and the onet that didn’t want to be named ( Cindy Murphy). What is Cindy doing in El Paso County politics when she doesn’t live here?
How naive it is to think anyone would believe the idea on yard signs.
As with anyone, Lamborn makes mistakes, but to call him sleazy is going too far. I don’t believe Lamborn had any control over the 527’s and if he did, why isn’t he being charged with breaking the law.
Some people just can’t face up that he won and are still crying. If you consider yourself a Republican get behind him. If you can’t do that then you should probably change parties.
sorely lacking in El Paso County. What is leadership??? Leadership is upholding the bylaws and disciplining those that violate them. Remember Ella Mae Bransom folks??? She was summarily ousted by the Republican Party for supporting a Democrat. Didn’t openly endorse or anything. And who orchestrated that coup, Mr. Ed Jones, Carley Johnson, Bob Gardner, etc. So much for working to keep the African American votes.
What is effective leadership??? When a person comes into Republican Headquarters and decides thaey want to play favorites over another Republican opponent, an effective leader not only says not, but kicks their ass out the door!!!
That is what should be happening…the cronyism needs to stop. The favoritism needs to stop. These little games need to stop.
The 13 that supported Null over Doug Bruce should have been sumarily removed from their positions (if they were members of the Central or Executive Committees). Funny, how this stuff all seems to have strated back with Larry Liston, campaigning in an open primary while serving at party Vice-Chair. It seeeems to all be a matter of what one can get away with. Same people still support him, and they also supported Crank.
Sometimes its just about knowing when to say NO and HELL NO.
Now, the same people who suipport Mr. Lipton and think that waht he doid was okay, are crying crockadile tears over what happened to Mr. Crank. Guess you could say Lamborn out CRANKED the CRABNKSTERS!!!
I am in left field about the meeting you mentioned about a meeting with John Burnett. John has been supporting Lamborn all along.
Can you please elaborate?
Not talking about Burnett not supporting Lamborn. Talking about how the Hefley and Crank people went to Burnett (after Burnett had stated that we was going to seek re-election and after Crank was elected to 5th CD Chair) and basically convinced him to resign. Burnett then was instructed to give his not to Peggy Littleton so that Littleton would run as an incumbent and not in an open primary.
Crank called a hastily convened meeting that was reported in several newspapers. People in outlying areas were upset that this game was in play. Especially chairmen from other counties. Bet this had a little to do with helping Lamborn. Crank used the excuse that the meeting had to be held within 10 days. Not entirely true since both Crank and Littleton were fully aware of Burnett’s intentions. they just didn’t wan Ms. Peggy to have any opposition.
My, Oh how convenient.
Many of those ardent Hefley workers will officially be heading for the unemployment lines. Color this GRAVY TRAIN
over. As for the Owens people, better get movin.
If Beauprez loses, they too, will be heading for the unemployment lines come January. If this happens, you will hear Weeping, Whaling, and Whining like never before.
For the rest of us…Buy Some Earplugs.
mrhandy, you need to talk (or write, since he’ll have his earplugs in) to your little man lamborn. He is absolutely terrible at bringing people together. you all pretty much baffle me, and i am not even one who was tied to lamborn or any other 5th CD candidate (except i was an imrie shill for a brief period, but how could i resist?).
as i sit back and watch lamborn call people who are vehemently upset with his campaign tactics “sore losers” instead of reaching out to them it makes me question his ability to get elected. it seems the better tactic would be to quit pointing fingers at crank (saying he started the negative campaigning) and make an apology for “anything that appeared to be dishonest that seemed to come from the lamborn campaign even though we have no direct control over the 527s.” get over yourselves and quit slapping the “sore loser” label on everyone else lest you become one yourself.
get off the computer and go talk to people in the 5th CD. take lamborn with you. if you dont want to listen to them (whether theyre whining or not) then sounds like you aren’t fit for politics. i just dont understand your tactic of further alienating people instead of giving them reasons to join your campaign (other than “you’re a republican and ive got an R after my name”).