“Fervor is the weapon of choice of the impotent.”
–Frantz Fanon
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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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Two words: Dan Maes.
Did he write something new?
Having called them every crude, rude, snarky name I could think of, I find this most appropriate. Mind if I start using it?
“It does not take a majority to prevail … but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” ~Samuel Adams
It has been said that the measure of a man’s soul is the degree of tranquility exhibited in vexing times. Beware “irate” characters.
Do you consider yourself an “irate character”?
Those who know me well, often express their attraction to and love of my calm tranquility. Om Mani Padmi Hum
Hi Ray,
What do you think of this video?
without watching, that’s all we need to know.
No,you did not watch it and if you did, your brain is too small to provide an opinion.
ya got me
unless you’re advocating killing everyone who disagrees with you. In which case go back to Norway.
This from a Jan. 2009 article here:
I was attracted by the title- “Hornswoggled Absquatulation”. You word lovers have to like that!
It blows a huge hole in almost all their theories.
We’re all BIG Summers, Rubin and Geithner fans.
You busted us.
I don’t care who you’re a fan of. The issue isn’t personalities, it’s policies. In this case the Glass-Steagall Act. The deregulation of the financial industries, and the subsequent loss of trillions of dollars of value, have led to our current economic crises of credit, liquidity and lack of investment. It’s not taxes. It’s not Obama. It’s not unions.
I don’t care who you’re a fan of. The issue isn’t personalities, it’s policies. In this case the Glass-Steagall Act. The deregulation of the financial industries, and the subsequent loss of trillions of dollars of value, have led to our current economic crises of credit, liquidity and lack of investment. It’s not taxes. It’s not Obama. It’s not unions.
abortions, gays, the liberal press, teachers, or the rest of the divisive social issues that keep the voters distracted while they’re being systematically looted. Oh yeah, did I say it’s not the unions?
Fake Alien Invasion
That Twilight Zone episode was a standard “nations come together against alien threat” but a 1967 book, Report From Iron Mountain – a mock “secret gov’t report” – expressly said “let’s make up a military threat to bring America together and justify increased spending”:
and without raising taxes. Wars ain’t what they used to be as economic stimulus programs since Cheney/W decided we can do it while asking nothing of the general public besides suggesting we all go rack up more on our credit cards at the mall.
Per The Canadian Human Genome Project Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA. They’re positing that 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is possibly genetically linked to extraterrestrial life forms.
What if the invasion has already happened?
What if the invaders work for Faux News?
What if they’re Murdochs and Kochs?
There is proof — they’re exerting mind control on the ‘turds & beej-like in our world with their 24/7 pusillanimous pabulum. My god, they’re here to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids (betcha that Marcus Bachmann is one of ’em).
Maybe we should start thinking of Unintelligent Design?
Than anything Krugman has had to say for years.
You’ll find this spot on – 10 things I’ve never heard a successful startup founder say
#11- Business is down, it’s time to back off and take it easy.
What Is Intelligence, Anyway?
Meanwhile Rick Perry has announced his intention to run for President while the lame stream media reports that post Iowa it’s Romney, Bachmann and Perry in the drivers seat for the presidency in 2012. Not surprisingly Obama is heading off for a campaign inspired bus tour of Iowa, Minnestota and Illinois. I suspect there are a gaggle of GE plants there as well as some fat recipients of bailout funds.
Last we have Rasmussen reporting that Obama’s approval rating is -22.
Source http://www.rasmussenreports.com
sooner or later it will go away. 😉
and this ‘turd just won’t scrape off and troll turds are the worst kind
Or is it his leadership failures? Different cross sections of the American spectrum will have diverse reasons for not backing him.
For instance, the Hispanic unemployment is double digits and some estimate nearly double that of the general population. Over 50% of Hispanics will fail to graduate from high school, a free education here in America.
Regardless, Obama is leading in the wrong direction and on the wrong track. Below is some hopeful insight from a skilled Democratic leader on the risk facing Obama.
Source http://www.politico.com
Well, the coverage in Sunday’s Sacramento Bee about Colorado’s medical marijuana biz, that’s what:
and when did he ever meet me ?
when you were wearing that Che t-shirt. Or was that not you?
I have so many.
I suspect H-Man experiences minimal difficulty.
And that is all I shall say about that.
I’ve seen in a long time, presumably on a gay man’s car: “If Michelle Bachmann can marry a gay man, why can’t I?
Like he’s never done this before.
There is NOTHING I can say about that which would not cross lines, except, teehee!
And whatever handler she had next to her at that moment should be shot for allowing that photo to be taken.
Obviously I won’t block quote because of the Post’s assertion of IP rules that I don’t bother remembering, but here’s the link:
Thanks for the link, Ray. Incredibly well-written profile by Douglas Brown.
Showing no remorse, admitted mass murderer Andres Behring Breivik returns to Utoya.
Some creepy shit.
David Frum
Correct me if I’m wrong, but he has one specific one (let’s shift the tax burden from the richest to the poorest by reducing corporate income taxes and increasing sales taxes) and a bunch of nondescript ones (“can’t we get more health care for less by doing I don’t know I didn’t think you were going to ask me to finish this sentence crap now what?”).
Seems to me like he’s asking for Republicans to be somewhat more hardcore than the teabaggers if you analyze what he specifically said instead of just how it makes you feel.
And he talks specifically about investing on our future. That alone makes him rare among Republicans today.
and take robert Frum with him.
I’m sure this is no big deal to you propeller heads but I think its pretty cool. I just got a smartphone and am delighted at how much time we will be able to spend together now! This will make meeting much more enjoyable.
I’m of the “Facebook generation” and I still don’t have a smartphone. Somehow I survive.
I don’t like to start expensive addictions unless they’re really necessary.
I hate Facebook, FourSquare, Twitter, and all that other social media crap. To each his, or her own.
Nothing on the blog is so important that it should take away from time you could spend with people you care about.
it really diminshes your quality texting time.
Image is too big to embed here, but this is on Reddit’s front page today. Someone you know? 🙂
Cue the lame excuses from RedGreen, OldTimeDemocrat, etc. Oh, oh, poor us, changing the law is just too hard.
should be running local projects, he seemed very anti-centralization. (You should talk to him, maybe if you hashed this out you’d come to a good compromise!)
Currently counties are the ones that do local projects, especially in more rural places that are not in any town. Since they have different needs, they raise taxes differently. As soon as you want them to do things as a government entity, you basically have to let them collect their own taxes.
It sounds like you are advocating for a central tax collection system that would redistribute money to the counties, which is fine for your needs but would introduce yet another level of bureaucratic infighting and patronage to a system like New York’s that already seems to have enough of it.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just asking for a clarification of your proposed solution.
David, I challenge you to find me providing lame excuses for Colorado’s sales tax patchwork. What I’ve said is that your response to it is lame, unimaginative and hysterical. Though, OK, I’ll bite — changing the law would be incredibly disruptive compared to you figuring out a way to comply with it … I’ll grant you that.
At a minimum, have a single state server where our web store can send it a product type and address and get back a tax rate. Then when the sale completes, we again contact that server with the product type, address, sales total, and tax payment.
Key to this approach is there is a product type for anything sold. The state doesn’t get to say bundled products must be split into separate products.
What would be better is a single rate and everything is taxed(ie services also). Why should services get a free ride? You can have basics that are not taxed like say all food that you can purchase with food stamps. But everything else is taxed at the same rate.
In this case you still report to the state and you still provide the address so the state can then forward the money to the proper taxing authority.
A physical store only has to report to two taxing authorities – it’s a giant disadvantage to online that they have to report to 50+.
by Warren Buffett
I guess if you’re a tea partier, and can read, your response to this article has to be something along the lines of, “You’d have to be an idiot to trust some rich bastard to ever tell the truth”?
What if everything . . .