( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
Now, if this were Bill Owens saying this about Bush, we’d have flashing neon lights and a front-pager immediately.
Just thought I’d point out that the very pragmatic and intelligent Governor Hickenlooper had this to say to Politico…
Asked whether Obama would hold Colorado if the election were held today, Hickenlooper said: “”It depends on who his opponent was. I think it’d be a very close battle. He’d have a hard time.” [Emphasis mine]
“There’s such dissatisfaction over people who have been out of work, not just for a few months but for a year and a half or two years,” said Hickenlooper, a Democrat, who spoke to POLITICO at the National Governors Association meeting in Salt Lake City.
Add to that two ads from Crossroads, and this new one from the RNC specifically targeting interior western States that President Obama won in 2008:
it begs the question:
Can Obama win the White House in 2012 without Colorado, and if not, how brutal is that going to be for any kind of television viewing at all between now and November of 2012? Ick!
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FL 27
PA 21
MI 17
NC 15
NJ 15
IN 11
and the 2008 R state he needs
MO 11
Hick claims water is important.
Hick says heat will continue.
Hick says unemployment makes it harder for the president to get reelected
Oh, yeah- Hick says Cubs have next year .
You’d better hope MoTR doesn’t log on to see that one or you’re BUSTED!
And I realize that when you’ve lost 60 games by mid July you’re looking at next year.
of Ernie Banks and Ron Santo. I remember when Sandberg was a rookie.
I recall Sandberg coming over from Philly. Almost enough to make me forget Ernie Broglio.
I remember Banks hitting #500.
I was there when Milt Pappas got his no-no- the beginning of my hatred of the Padres (they retired Nate Colbert’s number. Nate who?)
I remember the Cubs seasons of ’72 (A’s) , ’84 (Tigers), ’89 (A’s) and 2003 (Marlins) easier than I remember my kids birthdays.
No one, and I mean no one can believe the Cubs won their division 07 & 08 (Red Sox, Phillies).
I can wait. And, despite all the hostility in the Cubs lovin’ world, it appears I’m looking ahead to 2012.
I cherish his memory.
Of course, I’m a lifelong Cards fan.
You know, ever since the Americans with Disabilities Act public accommodations are required to install wheelchair ramps and stuff. ONly for lack of imagination and understanding did the legislators forget to include brining up that painful past without drinks.
I got nothing but love and respect for several Cards – Tony LaRussa, A. Pujols, Red, Gibson, Stan the Man, Curt Flood, Pags, Ozzie, and others.
Doesn’t mean I like remembering that guy.
Just checked in for the first time today and found this post on the front page with a neon sign so….
Screw it, I resign my post.
…pitched to Pujols with 1B open in extra innings (two days in a row!!);
…overpaid for underperforming talent;
…decided to never steal another base, bunt a runner over or otherwise play smart baseball;
… lost 60 games by mid- July.
I love the Cubs. I anxiously await their return to winning ways. I take no joy from their weak performance this year to date.
But I also know it takes 88 or 90 wins to even be in the playoff picture, which means 72-74 maximum losses.
But, sure, vent on me. We didn’t get a public option either.
Exactly. It’s time for you to man up and start taking responsibility for some of this stuff.
I wear the hat. Cause summer’s here and the time is right for fighting in the street, boy. But what can a poor boy do?
…sing for a rock and roll band.
Just a suggestion.
I can bang percussion, and once upon a time in the future even if it’s got 6 strings.
Really, how can I not love you? It’s impossible.
The list of how not.
So figure Hick is going to get yelled at big-time.
I think everything Hick said is spot on and speaks to the giant problem Obama faces. It’s the combination of the poor economy & job market as well as Obama is not viewed as fighting for the unemployed.
ps – Obama can win re-election without Colorado’s 9 votes. However, if he loses Colorado that would most likely be part of a trend that meant he would lose re-election.
Clearly a generic republican being 6 pts up on Obama is a tough nut to crack. Can you fault Hick for confirming Rassmussen’s poll numbers? With Obama carrying a -17 approval rating he’ll need some big wins to overcome all his failed outcomes to date.
I like your analysis David, as it pertains to Colorado, it’s fair and balanced. And reasonable based on what we know at this point and time.
Let us all know.
In the meantime, Obama beats all the real ones.
July 21, 2011 TEATOWN- Today all things to all GOP and independent voters, Eugene Generic threw his hat into the ring. It was, by all indications, a hard hat/cowboy hat/NASCAR cap.
Mr. Generic supports state’s rights, and the ability of the federal government to ban state’s from making their own decisions, such as regarding marriage, or enforcement of drug laws.
Mr. Generic understands that deficits don’t matter and are suddenly the most important issue facing the nation. Mr. Generic supports aggressive American exceptionalism and projecting our power across the globe, while simultaneously hating interventionism, nation-building, and foreign entanglements.
Mr. Generic believes strongly in enforcing the War Powers Act and that the CiC is certainly able to commit troops.
Mr. Generic pledges to balance the budget, continuing funding wars and tax breaks for the wealthy, and increasing defense spending. Mr. Generic loves the elderly, children and education and understands that such freeloaders are burdening our nation.
Mr. Generic believes strongly in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and would ban the construction of Mosques where people don’t like such.
Vote Eugene Generic–GOP candidate for president, all things to all GOPers and the coveted independent.
Too bad about the name though, Eugene sounds way to sciencey . . . any chance that his very well-to-do family called him “Buck,” or “EW,” or something really cool?
Reveals Mr. Generic to be both ‘hip’ and ‘with it’ and ‘button down’ and serious. It is neither a pompeador, nor a buzz cut, nor too long, nor too short. Like the JFM ‘Touch of Grey’ ads, Mr. Generic’s hair is neither too youthful nor too grey. It says both ‘experience’ and ‘energy.’ Did I mention that Mr. Generic loves immigrants, as the back bone of our nation and for providing needed labor for the ‘job creators’ to which he will genuflect. Of course, Mr. Generic cannot believe we we have not yet finished that ‘dang fence,’ wants to seal the borders and prosecute to the fullest extent any business that relies on immigrant labor; he also supports allowing Congress to associational reinterpret various sections, clauses and amendments to the US Constitution that no longer serve his political ends, while swearling fealty and undying loyalty to the US Constitution as the Supreme Law of the land.
It looked good then, it looks good now.
But “manly”
But I probably won’t
well done.
That is just TOO funny.
Where is the bashing of my writting? Where are the claims of arrogance and elitism? Where are the “basement” or “home school” comments?
I do point out the incoherence of your posts, which I theorize are caused by the toxic amounts of Mountain Dew you drink while playing World Of Warcraft.
You can play that either in the basement or upstairs on the kitchen table. I would never disparage your choice of gaming locations….
Obama has not brought the public along with the plan he had to 1) stop the economic crisis and 2) remedy the consequences of the economic crisis.
In a democracy, public opinion counts. Obama has left the messaging to talk radio, FOX, and their child, the Tea Party.
Obama lectures, he does not educate. Also, the dems live with their heads in the sand and the lack of oxygen is causing brain damage. There is no “bench” there…Hick and Perlmutter are the only working dem politicians with brains and direction.
Bennet surprises me, better than I thought it would be..but he won by default….he is not talking to his public…
Meantime, “You’re doing a heck of a job, brownie” dominates KOA at night, indoctrinating 38 states w/o any answer from the dems.
OFA is operative in Colorado and I think they were a major reason the repubs won so big nationwide….and their tactics haven’t changed.
(staffer blood boiling)
you just don’t listen very well.
Perhaps s/he has internalized some of its messaging.
then things turn out poorly in the election. It’s not sufficient to do a good job, you also have to convince people you’re doing a good job.
The record has been updated.
You could beat Obama. I could too. Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. (but not GHW) Bush could beat Obama. Given the poor economic recovery will continue on its current trajectory, all that’s needed is a few hundred million bucks and the ability to convince people in their guts of this simple message: “I care about you. Obama doesn’t.”
The problem for Repubs is none of their current candidates can make that connection. The far righters are too caught up in ideology and Romney is too obviously a tool of the rich. Without a change in the dynamic I think it will come down to a very tight and tactics-driven race. Unexpected events between now and then will be crucial.
Think the more people are aware that this isn’t going to be a cakewalk no matter how lame the GOP candidate turns out to be the better. I consider it a timely warning.
If the president isn’t strong enough to carry Colorado, then he won’t be strong enough to carry bigger, more important battle ground states like Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, et al.
“It depends on who his opponent is.”
Nobody will (or should) argue that Obama’s numbers are not great right now. But he’s not doing so poorly that the 2012 election will just be about “anybody but Obama.” Republicans can’t throw just anyone out there and feel like they’re going to beat Obama.
Obama is definitely vulnerable, but somebody has to beat him. The concern over Obama’s re-election is all theoretical. In reality, where will that trouble come from?
Obama is raising more money than all the GOP candidates combined, and the entire Republican field is flawed at best. With incredible fundraising and the likelihood of a relatively weak opponent, the question for us is not “can Obama win,” but “how can Obama lose?” We’ve got a long way to go until November 2012, but we don’t see the answer to that second question.
That they’ll be duking it out in a primary and spending most of that money.
But incumbency could carry the day for him. However, that is way down the road; meanwhile we painfully watch our President twisting and contorting as he makes mis-step after mis-step.
It’s really quite painful to watch a man, who’s pissed himself, turn daily into the mirror of the national TV camera with a pained self reflective grinfuck look pasted on his face.
This is not the administration he had planned; it has all gone so horribly wrong. He spent trillions of dollars, promised to bring home the peace keepers, etc…. Yet 9.2% of the citizens (officially) remain jobless with a real unemployment figure of -17% buzzing just under the froth of his polluted government centric cesspool.
You’re freaking hilarious. Thanks.
Now what? Will a pot-of-gold-pooping unicorn be delivered to my door? If so, can I get it today? We’re going out of town for the weekend so I won’t be able to accept delivery tomorrow.
MADCO guaranteed the Cubs winning next year, so anything’s possible.
Oops! Did I just say that out loud?
Between the Cubbies going to the World Series and the notion that cutting taxes raises revenues, I’d bet on the Cubs.
An honest assessment of Obama’s chances. From a Democrat.
who gave us such an honest assessment of Tiptons chances yesterday.
Than the liberals. Republicans aren’t worried about him. When I see a poll that says I should worry, I’ll worry. Do you have a poll?
Give me your E-mail and I will show you the napkin.
not to worry. This ones in the bag.
Your odds are better…
“”It depends on who his opponent was. I think it’d be a very close battle. He’d have a hard time.”
“I sure hope OFA is still planning to spend millions on TV, and maybe a few hundred K on organizers in Colorado. We could use the cash.”
End of story.
Either the GOP picks the asylum guards, leading to tea party disillusionment, or they nominate the inmates, losing most Americans.
None of the polls matter. Once the GOP has a candidate, and that man is compared to Obama, Colorado stands a good chance of staying blue.
Plus, one silly ad won’t matter once Obama puts his millions into Colorado.
Since the 60s it and before Obama, only went D the year of Perot. Went right back to R for Clinton’s second election. So Dems who win the presidency have almost always done it without Colorado. Which is not to say it wouldn’t be nice to keep a state Obama won by 9 points. No doubt Hick wants to raise awareness of that. And money. And attention to Colorado.
Any politician offering to hurt or kill Social Security and/or Medicare is vulnerable. I am not sure when Obama became convinced that he is invulnerable, but we know it has been awhile; he did put together his personal cat food commission and now he wants to implement it. Along with two senators from Colorado.
Third rail – don’t touch it without repercussions.
You go get ’em Pam!
Mitt Romney
I said chance, and only because he speaks comfortably in moderate tones and his “I’ve created jobs” (even though he has laid more people people off than he has ever hired) may work. and specific to Colorado, being Mormon is a net positive (no real majority prejudice and an energized minority).
However, I don’t think he is the nominee. My money has been, and still is, on Bachman. You just have to look at the calendar and it keeps coming up Bachman. But the Fembot is too crazy for anyone out FotF or the Springs.
If Perry jumps in he might take the nomination, but he loses against Obama easy, in Colorado and nationally.
Now if the GOP keeps up their efforts to destroy America maybe voters will flee towards fascism–it has happened before.
considering the fact that he’s not stone cold crazy, and he’s not Romney.
We don’t know where “stone cold” falls on the crazy scale, but Perry can’t be that far off.
“about as sane a Republican you can find these days, who still has any plausible chance of winning the wingnut’s party nomination.”
You have to be stone cold crazy to run with these lunatics.
He wanted to secede from the union because poor people were getting health care.
who gave Gores VP presidential introduction.
Wait till that gets circulated.
That’s great, helps his story like Cory Gardner.
We embrace wayward liberals who find the truth, maybe you’ll see one day!
We should increase the cost of being poor- then more people would choose something else.
(back before the fringe decided that the problem was that he was Muslim), imagine the field day the media will have with not one but a whole handful of crazy pastors, all on video saying things so crazy you wouldn’t believe them if it wasn’t all recorded for posterity. Of course you’re only welcome to attend the governor’s prayer event and hear them in person if you accept Jesus as your savior. Americans of other faiths need not apply.
But let’s hope this doesn’t get big play when he announces. Let’s hope he wins the nomination first. No wonder he’d like to secede. Then he could make up his own crazy constitution.
like Bachmann. If Perry is crazy Bachmann is crazy plus a cup of coffee, a ham sandwich, and Papas’ Moustache in the third.
in favor of Bachmann being rational. I think Perry has simply not received as much media attention and so has managed to not appear so blatantly crazy. I bet all the bizzaro world stuff coming out of Perry’s favorite pastors’ mouths sounds just as reasonable to Bachmann as it does to him.
Outside of T-Paw, Huntsman and Romney the vetting of each of these individuals is quite fun, and rather entertaining to boot.
So I agree that the genie is indeed out of the bottle on Perry.
Obama’s poll numbers aren’t pretty a year and a half before the actual election.
Time to throw in the towel and concede that he is going to take a thumping.
On the other hand, Republicans have been known to nominate totally unfit candidates like Dan Maes and if Republicans destroy the economy by not raising the debt ceiling then Mr. Generic is going to morph into Mr. More Hated.
More important than Obama’s poll numbers is what are the rich doing with their tax breaks to create jobs. I would love to see some reporting on naming those brave job creators and how they are using all that wealth to create jobs. Democrats need to pound home the message that wealthy welfare isn’t working for the average American and hasn’t for the last decade. Why blame Obama for the recovery when he extended the tax breaks that Republicans claim are critical to job creation. Where are the jobs job creators?
and the right wing slanted Denver Post is that it was a page one story. If Obama had a poll advantage or Hickenlooper said that Obama had shown great patience and perservence and would run a competitive race, the story would be buried on page 650.
The Denver Post is as biased against Obama as Mike Rosen.
It’s not a bias against Obama, it’s a bias in favor of something unexpected, even if all Hickenlooper did was state the obvious.
The obvious is unexpected? Is that like when the headline reads “Unemployment surges unexpectedly”?
is that Hickenlooper has done so little in office that pretty much any evidence of life is newsworthy. It would be like the Frozen Dead Guy from Nederland saying, “It’s hot today.” Yes, of course it’s hot, but who knew he could talk?
P.S. Yes I know that’s not what RG was saying.
He just unveiled his Blueprint Colorado economic model and canned the casino commission. He also stepped in at the end of the last session and got the final legislation passed. Being low key and ineffective aren’t the same.
I did appreciate the Frozen Dead Guy reference. Bredo would be just as amazed as the rest of us if cyro works and he gives a press conference in the near future.
….. who all depend on the government for funding.
Yes, excellent planning
on all the community meetings in all the counties to offer input on how that particular county could create sustainable jobs. Those public meetings were well publicized in my county and in the evening so everyone could attend.
No jobs but lots of tax breaks for the rich.
That’s a story that will never make it to the front page. Everyone knows trickle down economics is a joke so why put it out there for everyone to read?
would cause unemployment to go up?
I guess Mittens is not ‘generic’ enough.
But, rejoice! Buddy Roemer is in.
Romney’s not “generic” in yesterday’s PPP poll: “An extremely wide electability gap has developed between Romney and all the rest of the Republican candidates.”
I believed he had a really good shot in 2008 and lost only because of the weird winner-take-all Republican primary system that greatly amplified McCain’s small-margin wins in a few big states.
But the Republican party has changed drastically since then. Health care will kill him. It’s like a one-man death panel. Pawlenty may be too timid to criticize Romney in debates, but the other candidates will go after him hard for occasionally not being crazy in the past.
that Polsters are remarkably similar to mosquitoes in their fatal attraction to flashing neon.
Do any of you dems remember that there was a republican tide last November???
If I mention that there is a very successful 50 state strategy being implemented by the republicans, then I become the target of derision by progressives blogging here. There is no democratic plan.
What happened to last week’s diary “the repubs are in retreat” or some such crap…???
Let me be serious for a moment. The crisis over raising the debt limit and the capitulation of the President has caused real pain and fear in the over 65 circles in which I live….regardless of what finally happens.. It is the dems who are using us as pawns. The stress has had physical consequences.
The ryan plan was not going to touch those of us already on fixed incomes and medicare. As of the news tonight, the president is rumored to have thrown us into the mix under the guise of appeasing the Independents.
I am ready to vote for someone other that Obama for the democratic ticket…..Where is Howard Dean? Hillary….we might well have been better off with her in the White House and Obama at State.
You’ll recall the history of social security….
but he’ll need Hickenlooper to campaign for him. A non issue really.
is the disenchantment of Democrats with Obama.
The Republicans have never supported the guy.
The independents are generally a mix with little movement.
It is the Democrats who are deciding that Obama’s appeasement of Republicans is not working and is repulsive. They have concluded that our country can no longer find the will to work together and Obama’s efforts to mollify the Republicans and his continued attempts to work out bi-partisan solutions are nothing more than a surrender to an hateful ideology.
Republicans pretty much destroyed this country when they invaded Iraq for the mythical WMD (“As you sow so shall you reap”) so what’s the point of prolonging our inevitable destruction. Would it be better in the long run to default and show that Republicans will never make an effort to work for what’s best for the entire country including Independents and Democrats? Since Republicans have already destroyed our nation with their drunken spending, tax cuts for the rich and refusal to pay the bill for Halliburton and the mercenaries it would only be fitting that they destroy our economy by refusing to work with Obama on raising the deficit that Cheney said wasn’t a big deal.
Obama doesn’t get it that Republicans will never cooperate with him on healing our nation but a lot of other Democrats do that’s one possibility why his numbers continue to decline.
Republicans’ approval is declining even more. So far special elections haven’t been their friends. The most union busting R governors all have approval ratings in the basement. The first Wisconsin recall election was to recall one of the Dems and he won by a landslide. In Ohio they just turned in four times as many signatures as needed to get a repeal of the Guv’s union rights stripping bill on the ballot, passed while thousands demonstrated against it, and polls have repeal beating retention by a wide margin.
For many of the voters so energized for Obama in 2008, the thrill is gone. 2012 won’t look like 2008 but it won’t look like 2010 either. Neither will state and local elections.
2010 was a throw the bums out election with the Dems, in power as the majority in both houses, as the bums. 2012 will be a who do we think sucks less election. GOP making it easier every day for anyone else to suck less.
I put more time, effort, and money into Obama’s election than I ever did for any political issue or candidate in my life. But I won’t lift a finger for his reelection. For whatever it’s worth.
Still …. squirrel !!
It seems some of the other dems on here are saying that Hick should be saying Obama will walk away with Colorado — politics 101: no matter what, you always say it’s going to be a tough race and that you need a lot of help to get the job done — otherwise people won’t volunteer/donate.
The comment above about wanting the national party to spend lots of money here is very accurate as well