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July 10, 2011 03:45 AM UTC

Rep Kagan's Keynote Address at the 2011 Healthcare for All Colorado Annual Conference

  • by: MesaStateMav

(…and if you don’t care about great speeches on health care, there’s always the accent. – promoted by ProgressiveCowgirl)

If there ever was a great speech on healthcare amidst the shouting and the demagoguery going on in Washington, this is it. Representative Daniel Kagan, over the course of 28 minutes or so in two parts, delivers an impassioned, nuanced, and comprehensive policy statement on what healthcare reform and policy ought to look like in Colorado and the United States. I encourage everyone to watch the entire video (especially the fantastic ending) and pass it on to everyone you know. Rep. Kagan is a Democrat that is refreshing in his brilliant and honest take on healthcare reform. It is a must watch!


20 thoughts on “Rep Kagan’s Keynote Address at the 2011 Healthcare for All Colorado Annual Conference

  1. We knew he would be a rock star from the day we heard he was running for this office almost three years ago. There are few people I admire as much as Daniel.

    I talked to Daniel a few days ago about the reapportionment process. I don’t think he would mind if I shared this with you. He was sad and worried about the redistricting aspect of it. I asked him to tell me more. He said this (I’m paraphrasing):

    I love my constituents. I’ve talked to thousands of them since I took office, and to each one, I’ve made a promise to represent them to the best of my ability. If I get new constituents, I will still be thinking of those wonderful people within my own boundaries. I will really miss them. You really develop a bond, and you feel responsible to them, do you know what I mean?

    He continued (again paraphrasing):

    And if I get a more conservative district, I will listen to their needs, and I will represent those people, too… but I can never compromise on my principles. There are things I can’t compromise — caring about people — all of them. I hope I am never asked to compromise on those things. I just couldn’t.

    I left that conversation with Daniel feeling more proud than ever of this great man whom I am honored to call “friend”. For that day, and maybe the next, I was a little less cynical, and a little more hopeful, about the future of our state. Daniel’s sincerity, compassion, and belief in serving others makes me believe in the possibility of truly “good government”.

    Thank you, Representative Kagan.  

    1. It great to know there are representatives like Representative Kagan.

      Health care is under assault. We need a lot more advocates like Mr. Kagan.

      Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the Older Americans Act, all need our loud support.  

        1. Before Daniel ran to fill Anne McGihon’s vacated seat, he used to attend our evening out for Progressive Outreach (formerly a Drinking Liberally group). He was passionate about helping people, and very concerned about the problems of government. The first time he attended, he had us all enthralled with his ideas. When he ran, he ran against 7 or 8 amazing candidates from HD3 — one of whom, T.R. Reid, literally “wrote the book” on reforming health care. There was something different about Daniel — his sense of humor, his ability to relate well to people from everywhere on the political spectrum, and his ability to listen, really listen; it made a huge impact on all of us.

          There was a blog diary on S2 (I think it was S2) where someone called him a “limosene liberal”. It hurt him, and it angered those who knew him. If you know Daniel, it’s as untrue as anything could ever be. Daniel has deeply held beliefs about caring for the most vulnerable in our society, and he fights for those things when he is at work, and everywhere else in his life. I remember one time when he was talking about how people treat people with developmental disabilities and learning issues. He was furious. I never saw such passion since I saw Ted Kennedy in person a few minutes after he argued to raise the minimum wage (Kennedy’s face was red and his vein’s were bulging — we thought his tie was too tight and he might explode).

          Here’s another great Daniel story. On election eve 2010, we were watching the results with him at the Bennet room downtown. Every now and then, Daniel’s preliminary numbers would be flashed on the screen, along with other state races, and national results. Daniel was watching closely and sharing his analysis of who was winning where, and what that would mean to the particular district/state in question, from a policy perspective. His head was in the realm of “How will this effect people?” The rest of us were all just cheering for our candidates. When Daniel’s race was called, he barely noticed. We were all yelling, “Daniel, you won! You won!” He seemed more concerned about the loss of Cary Kennedy and other good public servants than about his own winning.

          Tease me all you want. 🙂  Daniel has big fans and supporters in Arapahoe County. I will unabashedly be his cheerleader every time you give me an opportunity!

          1. You know I have my favorites, too. And Kagan is on the list, though I haven’t had much chance to get to know him. Progressive, intelligent, an orator of a class rarely seen today, and charming–what’s not to love?

          2. However, I have three thoughts/questions. To the questions you may not have answers.

            Regarding persons with “disabilities”, do ask him his thoughts on Obama’s bowling a 129 like the Special Olympics or something. I was sad as an American that my President would make that statement, but really pissed at him personally.

            In Bennet’s Hyatt reception room, don’t you think Kagan already had been briefed months in advance by CADA sources that his polling numbers had him winning easily? Of course he wasn’t interested in his numbers, he knew Denver would carry him. He was there to possibly celebrate with Bennet and pray for Kennedy.

            1. Or do you have a stack of flash cards of “times Democrats do something stupid” and you’re just selecting a card at random and demanding all people in the same political party give you an explanation for whatever is on that card?

              Here, I’ll try it. Why don’t you ask (draws card) Jim Kerr why (draws card) Newt Gingrich cheated on his wife?

      1. We have Laura Bradford and Ray Scott.  It makes me groan just thinking about it.  Rep. Kagan’s speech gives me hope that 1st class legislators do exist.

        Thanks MesaStateMav for the diary, you must know of what I speak.  

  2. Daniel Kagan should be in the leadership.

    Can anyone name a better choice to be Speaker should the Democrats take the Majority next year?

    1. First the Dems won’t win it back in 2012 with the current environment.

      Second, don’t you think there are plenty of other better Democrat leaders? I’m mean Kagan brings nothing to the table and he’s from Cherry Hills. Sure make him the senior member of the healthcare committee, but that’s about it.

      The smart play would be to replace Pace ASAP, I do agree with that move. Trust me your caucus will be much better off vs being bitter

    2. debate was enough to put me on team Kagan. He’s very thoughtful and just has this deep, pensive, sensibility about him that you realize he truly thinks about what he says and doesn’t just speak off the cuff or spout off talking points. there is a lot of careful consideration in his tone and pupose behind his words. He’s not one of those who speak just to hear the sound of their own voice.

      Not to mention, certain people’s aversion to Rep. Kagan and attacking him on nonsense just show how intimidated the right wing idgits are by him.  

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