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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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COLORADO – CONGRESS – CD-4: Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave (R) – 46%, State Representative Angie Paccione (D) – 42%, former Reagan Administration EPA official Eric Eidsness (Reform) – 8%. (KUSA-TV/SurveyUSA).
Margin of error=5%
Statistically even in August is *NOT* a good sign for an incumbent.
Though the last poll that Paccione put out had Musgrave up by one, meaning she has gained 3 points since then. I live in the fourth CD and Musgrave is gaining momentum, she is much better than Paccione or Eidsness on the ground and has better ads on the radio. I dont even understand one of Angie’s ads, and Eidsness is no where to be found. If Musgrave keeps it up she will win by double digits come November.
Musgrave is even more vulnerable now than her squeaker two years ago. Most people underestimate Paccione, she has a real chance to beat Musgrave. There is strong feelings against Musgrave in both parties and it is growing.
It seems that we dems are overlooking this race and I think, next to the 7th, this is our best shot at stealing a seat from the Republicans in Colorado.
Any one who is a member of a progressive national organization, please contact your organization’s leadership to encourage them to endorse Angie Paccione. She needs all of the national attention she can get.
Today, the Secretary of State is certifying the last of the statewide questions to the November ballot.
There will be the 7 referenda given to us by the legislature. They will be labeled Ref.F thru Ref.K
There will also be 8 citizen-initiated amendments labeled Amendment 38 thru Amendment 45.
According to 9News, this ties the record for most statewide questions set back in 1912. (Haven’t done the research myself, so am taking their word for it.)
Each county and city will likely have its own local questions as well. It is not formalized yet, but Denver is looking at a likely 4 additional city questions labeled 1A thru 1D.
For additional information about the ballot questions in general see my ballot question web page
The Refenda are labeled E thru K
I’ll bet she does. But where is she, and where is the president, the Republican led Congress? Right, on vacation. How fitting.
The number of roadside bombs planted in Iraq rose in July to the highest monthly total of the war, offering more evidence that the anti-American insurgency has continued to strengthen despite the killing of the terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Along with a sharp increase in sectarian attacks, the number of daily strikes against American and Iraqi security forces has doubled since January. The deadliest means of attack, roadside bombs, made up much of that increase. In July, of 2,625 explosive devices, 1,666 exploded and 959 were discovered before they went off. In January, 1,454 bombs exploded or were found. …
Complete and unmitigated disaster and no plan to get out of this mess from the people who got us into it.
Our soldiers deserve better, and so does this country.
Musgrave has to go.
So says MSNBC, and more importantly, the Chief Justice of the Eastern Michigan Federal District Court.
The government came up with an ingenious defense: the “we can’t tell you why it’s legal, because we’d be revealing state secrets” defense. “We’re from the government, and we’re here to help” has long been the punchline of conservatives, so I’m interested in hearing responses from conservatives about the government’s approach…
“It was never the intent of the Framers to give the president such unfettered control, particularly where his actions blatantly disregard the parameters clearly enumerated in the Bill of Rights.”
“We must first note that the Office of the Chief Executive has itself
been created, with its powers, by the Constitution. There are no
hereditary Kings in America and no power not created by the
…and I’m not convinced Musgrave’s doing as well as the numbers indicate. I’m only going on anecdotal evidence, but it seems that friends and neighbors are more inclined to think our Congress needs repair! It’ll be a squeaker, to be sure, but the constiuency at large seems more concerned with Iraq, the local economy, etc. Definately not “snowflake babies”!
Angie’s my candidate. Eric Eidsness is the better Republican of the two. Musgrave’s gotta go.
Who’s behind that group funding the anti-Musgrave radio ads? I ran a whois on their website, but it’s been anonymized.
I ran a who is on their website, too, but they’ve taken extraordinary measures to remain anonymous.
Just out of curiosity, how does one “run a who”?
WHOIS is an Internet function; it is part of the DNS (Domain Name System) – the system that translates ‘’ into the Internet address ‘’, which your computer uses to access this site…
WHOIS allows you to access the registration information for an Internet domain. In many cases, the information you find tells you who to contact for administrative, technical and/or billing questions about the domain. However, some people and groups want to keep their information private, and Domain registrars (the companies who register and publish domain information to the Internet) began to offer privatization services in response. For example:
Now, obviously Colorado Pols isn’t based in Virginia, but Network Solutions – the original Domain registrar – has kindly anonymized the Colorado Pols registration. It’s easy to do – just check a box when you sign up for or renew your domain (and pay an extra fee…), and voila! No extraordinary lengths required.
WHOIS can also give you information about which ISP is registered to hand out specific IP addresses, which domains a particular organization owns (formerly useful for shutting down spammers en mass :), or which contacts have the same addresses as one you know. It’s a powerful and flexible tool – if the information you wan’t hasn’t been anonymized.
John Suthers owes Lou Smit a public apology in the Ramsey case. He said Lou was just a “retired cop who missed the obvious”. He won’t get my vote unless he apologizes. And Owens’ press statement about the Ramseys was laughable. How come these jerks were so fast to comment before but now when they can be proved wrong, the won’t comment or hid behind empty words. Jerks.
How come those jerks in Congress and the President were so fast to comment about Terry Schaivo??? They really want to be involved in your private life. Doesn’t it make you feel all warm and fuzzy?
Terri’s parents had rights that surely meant more than the rights of some guy who starved his wife of water in order to kill her. Marilyn Musgrave stood up for LIFE for Terri, showing that she has real compassion.
Marilyn Musgrave stood up for the PR that she thought she could get out of a grandstanding issue that the Congress had no real standing to get involved with. That’s why we have judges – to rule on complex cases where existing law already applies.
does anyone out there know when the most recent fundraising numbers for Beauprez and Ritter will be out? any predictions?
The man who single-handedly oversaw America’s greatest foreign policy defeat since Vietnam, has nothing left to say so he’s repeating himself.
President Bush said critics of his Iraq policies are advocating a “cut and run” strategy that would draw terrorists to American soil.
“Leaving before we complete our mission would create a terrorist state in the heart of the Middle East, a country with huge oil reserves that the terrorist network would be willing to use to extract economic pain from those of us who believe in freedom,” Bush said Wednesday.
“If we leave before the mission is complete, if we withdraw, the enemy will follow us home,” he said.
Unfortunately, George Bush is describing what very well may happen in Iraq because of his own incompetence.
Iraq is lost. It’s over. Bush fought a war that was unnecessary and based on a lie and with no plan for victory and then he lost. So now he’s going to have to withdraw, either sooner or later. It’s only a question of when (Bush and the Republicans hope they can keep our troops there until the next president gets elected, so they won’t get blamed – putting aside the fact that this war is costing us $100 billion a year and thousands of lives of US troops). And when he does withdraw from Iraq in shame Bush will have created the very terror state he’s warning us about.
Bush has no policy to avoid cutting and running. And cutting and running is exactly what he will have to do because the Iraq war is over, Bush lost. Have you noticed how he constantly tells us how bad things are going to be if we lose, but he never actually tells us how he plans to win. (h/t
Fire all Republicans! Let’s start with Musgrave!
“Musgo’s” numbers would be much better if she hadn’t declared war on half of her own party.
Marilyn Musgrave is a hero who is standing against the tide of RINOism that the liberals are using to try and take over the Party.
Those “RINO’s” should leave the Republican party and become Democrats!
Problem is that they don’t really fit into the Democratic Party either. Remember, RINO’s and DINO’s are WHIGS that have no place to go.
Maybe the Green Party can find a place for them.
What they need to do is devise a strategy where Scott Gessler, Steve Durham, John Zakhem, Mike Norton, and the Colorado Republican Party can sue any and every opposing candidate off the ballot.
If that fails, they can count on our ever so incompetent Secretary of State Gigi Dennis to rule them out. Maybe she can lose their papers like she did with those voter files.
Hey, they did and it kept that Holtzman character off the ballot. Why don’t they take up a notch and just litigate everyone they don’t like.
Wait to go Colorado GOP!!!