When a candidate for Governor believes it is right and proper to select as a running mate, a woman who likens same-sex marriage to bestiality, it affirms the very worst that has become of the so-called conservative movement. Have the crude and ignorant biggots become so emboldend by their hatred of difference that it has become part of the Party Platform?
What’s next? Talk about a slippery slope argument! If this movement continues down this predictable slope, the Republican Party will be nominating the Grand Wizard of the KKK and his minions for every elective office in the land.
I cannot help but be sickened to the very depth of my being. Having lived through the Amendment 2 fiasco, I can remember with clarity holding my lesbian cousin’s hand as she cried. She was beyond the comfort of her loving family, as she was rocked to her soul by the monstrous hate movement.
The Ritter campaign calls Rowland’s remarks ”insensitive, close-minded, derogatory and crude”, but that does not even scratch the surface of how evil the thoughts are that motivate such words.
For me, this goes way beyond partisan politics.
This is so far afield from citizens merely differing about government regulations, the size of government, and the role that government should or should not play in promoting the best interests of its citizens.
This hyperbole comparing loving human relationships to bestiality is repugnant and Bob Beauprez must be called to account for placing upon a pedastal, a woman whose hatred of others is being hailed as the new “conservative” norm. Neither Bob Beauprez, nor Janet Rowland is fit for public office.
All Coloradans, regardless of party affilliation, need to rise up against this tide of excess. Demonization and dehumanization of our fellow citizens, brothers, sisters, co-workers and neighbors must be stopped cold in its tracks.
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On this – I stand with you – in shame.
How do you think it was for some children, and families in Mesa County when this woman was called on to become one of the directors of DHS? For a time, this woman held the fate of many people of this valley in her hands. She has no idea the damage she’s done. Janet Rowland is, and always has been an absolute menence. She’s as clueless as a box turtle.
We’re doing a lot of venting and ranting about Rowland here.
The Group think is comforting, but I’m waiting for the next round of polls to find out how Colorado feels about homophobia, bigotry and the denial of civil rights to gays and lesbians.
This is a gut issue, and a majority of voters are against gay marriage. It won’t be until people now in their teens, 20s and 30s are in the majority that gays will have a chance to enjoy the same marital rights as the rest of us in Colorado and nationally.
This is a case where the media will play a big role. Editors and reporters are pretty much pro gay marriage and anti-discrimination, I”m guessing. But will the papers let them offend their subscribers and readers. The Rocky’s editorial page is extremely Repulsive Republlican Radical (RRR), and I’m expecting it to support opponents of gay marriage.
So while we’re offended by BB and Rowland, it will be awhile before we see how it plays in Colorado Springs and Arapahoe County.
of the Daily Show graphic a while back…
heterosexual marriage > single woman > gay marriage (which is the same as beastiality)
It’s sick. The best cure for hate is knowledge. Hopefully once word gets out that these gay people aren’t out to convert us and for the most part just want to live their lives…maybe there will come a time when they will be accepted like anyone else.
Haven’t seen, or heard a word about her.
Not even a peep from homebase here in Junction.