We’ve made some minor adjustments to The Big Line, most notably changing the fractional odds to percentages to make it easier to read for those of you who aren’t degenerate gamblers.
Tell us what you think of the change after the jump.
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but it’s a well known culinary fact that bacon makes everything better. Apologies to to Bubbie.
Believe me; I’ve tried it.
Famous Dave’s chocolate-covered bacon at their stand on the concourse at Coors Field is amazing.
We’re going to the game, so I’ll find it and put it to the test. You better be right….
… and chicken fat makes the matzoh balls!
There’s nothing tomatoes, sausages, and nice crispy bacon
to attract the attention of the Ringwraiths.I’d say changing odds to percentage chance is a MAJOR change.
Percentages are easier to understand (take it from this non-gambler), but it wasn’t too hard to suss out that, say, 7-2 odds were long. I generally interpreted longer odds to mean a bigger margin of predicted victory.
The percentages just make it too obvious that it’s guesswork (they’re all ending in 0 or 5) but the odds are confusing. I guess that means this is the second Jewish girl in the thread voting for bacon.
because they are easier for all to grasp (I recall seeing a post wondering why the odds didn’t add up to 100), and this is similar to what 538 states and others use.
But, because I am feeling like Romney and Kerry today (voted for it before against etc – is this a Masschusetts thing?), I kind of like the odds because it sets this site apart from others, and it speaks to degenerates like myself.
or one of our other home-skool grads.
So I voted for bacon.
are much good if the basis is faulty. Pols often has a good grasp of things except in cases where echo-chamber wishful thinking trips it up.
I like the betting odds, it’s just that they were often unrealistic – like if I put one dollar on every candidate I was certain to come out way ahead. also agree with ProCowGirl
Then why not use a measurement that is as nonsensical as the Big Line itself? Maybe aromas: Tipton = horseshit; Pace = I don’t know, salsa? Maybe colors: Lamborn = puce. Maybe sounds: Mike Coffman = air horn, Joe Miklosi = cymbal crash. It’s just silly bunk anyway, so make it amusing silly bunk.
We’re just testing things out since we’re in the quiet days of politicking.
That said, we do kind of like the idea of assigning colors. It would be like the old Homeland Security alert system, only…well, it would be equally confusing.
some color-coded pie charts instead?
That’d be as tasty as bacon and more diversity-friendly.
Why just this morning I was thinking to myself, “17,” and I giggled.
For instance, it would be a very easy conversion for most folks to determine that 3’7″ is actually 70% for Mike Coffman.
Let’s say you have a competitive district with a sitting congressperson. Coin flip chance of winning reelection — (s)he would have 50% right? But if there is a primary on the other side, and they are also even, would you just give both of them 25%? I mean technically it’s accurate (50% odd twice), but I think some people may not get that, and would think you are implying either candidate in that primary has almost no chance against the incumbent.
of all kinds
Just thought I’d brighten your day.
except at 11:11
Either is fine with me
we should all agree to try chocolate covered bacon, religious customs allowing, of course, and vote on whether its great or disgusting.
For sure.
With bacon.
What happened to Lamborn’s other 5% ?
I suppose in CD5 they could just list “Sacrificial Lamb the Dems put up” with 5% after it. Not like the name will matter much anyway. Same goes for the Repubs in CD1
ACP candidtate waaaaaaay too much credit (even though it is early on).
All DeGette and Lamborn need to do to be re-elected is keep breathing.