We’re going to start a new round of voting for a Friday: the Colorado Polster of the Week.
Every Friday we’ll list a few of you who seem to have been the most active in commenting on Colorado Pols, and we’ll put it to a vote to see who was the Colorado Polster of the Week.
What’s the award, you ask? Nothing, except for pride, fame and glory.
Cast your vote below, based on whatever your reasoning is for the Polster of the Week.
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
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…one vote for each person listed!
Somehow this seems like the ultimate self-induced ego trip; I don’t suppose you can set the poll up to exclude the logged-in user…
Not only is this politics, this is ColoradoPols.com, the entire concept that we can post some pithy dig on a website and think people will care is a self induced ego trip. That’s why this is the best idea I’ve heard in a while. 🙂
I for one DID NOT vote for myself. I took one for the team and voted for the guy that made me laugh the most this last week: Lamborn Has Godlike Qualities.
And considering the quote the real Lamborn had in the papers on Wednesday, about how he was out praying when he found out he won the race, well, that was just poignant.
I too voted for the polster who should be elected by acclamation, L.H.G.Q.
it was a no-brainer.
He’s the only reason I’m glad Lamborn’s still around.
I don’t recall LHGQ because I didn’t pay much attention to the CD-5 threads. But, I like to go with the majority when it doesn’t matter. I’ll vote for him/her, too. 🙂
I would have voted for Zappatero or Wonderm0nkey if I could have.
I just hope my numbers don’t hurt me when they put the bloggers on the ‘big line’.
… but LHGQ is already pollster of the decade as far as I’m concerned.
I couldn’t really bring myself to vote for anyone but him.
LHGQ was godlike in his ability to make Lamborn’s victory palatable. He/she got my vote.
I say next Friday we have a contest to figure out the true identity of Lamborn Has God-like Qualities.
my money’s on his mom.
lol………I think it’s Jeff Crank. And if it is, I have new and profound respect for him. Even as a right wing Republican, with that kind of sarcastic, irreverent sense of humor, he can’t be all that bad. My second suspect: it’s Lynn Hefley.
its lamborn himself, duh! if not him its his son…
Not possible. I cannot imagine him having such a self-deprecating sense of humor. If it is Lamborn doing the posting, it’s not satirical but deadly serious.
As for his son, I suspect that junior isn’t allowed to go to the bathroom without getting the ok from dad first.
Or has everyone else noticed the near total drop off in bloggers since the Holtzman/Beauprez, CD5 and CD7 primaries ended?
Afterall, a whopping total of 29 people voted!!!We now know who the dedicated people truly are. The rest were merely one-night stands seeking self-fulfillment and pleasure.
Then again, maybe they were just venting their frustrations. If so, maybe they went back to their meds and therapy sessions.
I think most of them were using the blog to float false rumors (like Colorado Conservative) and bash fellow workers anonymously (like Captain America).
Thinking back, I’ll say the BB/Holtzman threads were funny and dripping in sarcasm and often enlightening.
The CD-5 posters were just plain mean.
CD-7 folks were clearly ideologically driven.
I’ll agree that some of the CD-7 people were just here to tout their candidates and we’ll probably never see them again. I know there are others of us recovering from a post-primary blog hangover before we jump back into other discussions.
everyone has to change gears after ridiculing members of the same party. personally, i am revving up my feelings of total disgust at the incompetentency of both gubernatorial candidates.
enjoy the “calm” while it lasts, because by november i am sure you will want a little break.
Part II
opening in theaters this October…
i couldve sworn it opens in september, maybe the preview i saw was wrong.
and maybe we could think of a new word for them, shill is getting kind of old. how about… “serfs”, “tools” or “nincompoops”. im really open to anything.
Come Halloween they’ll be back, tanned, rested and ready. Their warm-up act will be on line right after Labor Day.
Where has LHGLQ’s been anyway since the election? I have been out of town, since Wed. but it does not appear he has been back since then.
My bet is that he lost his computer once they shut down the campaign office.
Anyone want an instant list of his comments?
Last one was from Thursday. I imagine he/she will be quiet until either there’s more Lamborn news, or as the inspiration hits.
I say LHGLQ needs to be present to win. So unless he gets his cute butt back on this blog, he gets no perverbial prize.
I hope he comes back online. Every time that guy posts I get a good laugh. I am hoping that Coloradopols hires him to write a column or something to keep things a little lighter out there. He has plenty of material to work with in Colorado.
Apparently he (or she) is specializing on material from C.D. 5 alone. And plenty of material there is to be found there…..
On an indirectly related matter, did anyone else see where Dr. James Dobson has weighed in on Mel Gibson’s troubles?
As the winner, I will be implementing some changes in the way both this contest works as well as the site in general. Pride, fame and glory simply are not enough.
1) First of all, the term of the designation will change. Since the vote is based on the superiority of Doug Lamborn, the “Polster of the Week,” will remain so until the “reign” of Lamborn is over. Of course, Nate Lamborn will presumably step into Doug Lamborn’s seat once Lamborn has risen…er, retired. As a compromise, I will remain “Polster of the Week” as long as Doug Lamborn, his children, or his children’s children are in power.
2) There are currently 435 members of the US House of representatives, each allowed one vote on various issues. In the future, Doug Lamborn’s votes will count as 436 “normal” votes. This will eliminate the possibility of radical liberal agendas taking over the legislative process.
3) The earth’s sun, formerly known as “the sun,” will now be known as “Lamborn.” This change is appropriate because it is Doug Lamborn who is the light of the world and provides life to its inhabitants.
4) The insects formerly known as “cockroaches” will now be known as “Fawcetts.” This change is self-explanatory.
5) The terms of use of coloradopols.com will be amended to include the following language:
“Any posters using derogatory or even neutral language related to Doug Lamborn hereby allow permission to have their personal whereabouts tracked through Internet Protocol verification. These posters will then be relocated to Guantanamo Bay to complete a re-education process. At the conclusion of the re-education, each poster will be required to sign an affidavit indicating they are not ‘Born Again believers,’ but ‘LAMborn again believers.'”
I don’t anticipate any questions.
are these loud exultations of praise…glorious, simply glorious.
Lamborn looks bisexual to me.
… that ballot placement is key.