Republican Rick O’Donnell isn’t off to a great start in his first week of the general election fight for congress in CD-7. Yesterday O’Donnell openly criticized the right wing of the Republican Party, and today he’s getting in hot water for it. Here’s what O’Donnell told the Rocky Mountain News on Wednesday:
“The left-wing, surrender-and-defeatist part of the Democratic party took control last night,” O’Donnell said. “They are maybe as out of touch with what’s going on in middle America as the right wing of the Republican party.”
Whoops! Considering that right-wing Republicans defeated most moderate Republicans in Tuesday’s primary, this might not have been the best course of action.
Check out this e-mail being sent around by angry Republicans, encouraging others to call O’Donnell’s office and complain…
SHAME ON RICK O’DONNELL!!! Call, fax, write, or email him TODAY and tell him to stop bashing his base!
From the Rocky Mountain News:
“It is absolutely shameful that he (Perlmutter) would exploit the soldiers for his own political gain,” O’Donnell said.
He predicted that the message Tuesday from Connecticut Democrats will damn the party in November.
“The left-wing, surrender-and-defeatist part of the Democratic party took control last night,” O’Donnell said. “They are maybe as out of touch with what’s going on in middle America as the right wing of the Republican party.”
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Jokers to the right, here I am – stuck in the middle…
Poor ROD. He can’t win for trying. Which is probably why he’s not on top of the CD-7 line.
I challenge anyone here, hell I challenge ROD himself, to tell me one “moderate” position he has–or one position he has that is to the left of his party’s….
… that Rick O’Donnell hated himself so much?
It’s nice that he can admit how desperately out of touch he is with ‘middle America,’ but these kind of self-loathing attacks on himself are just heart-wrenching.
Go see a shrink, Rick. Maybe that will help you sort out these identity issues you’re having.
I wonder what the Snakehead Foundation has done with the REAL Rick O’Donnell………..
The base is going to spank O’Donnell for this. He’s can’t hide himself as a moderate this campaign if he’s going to campaign with Bush and Hastert.
That image is too homoerotic……I’m picturing Jim Welker, Tom Tancredo, and James Dobson brandishing large wooden paddles while ordering ROD to drop his shorts……
The left-wing is “maybe as out of touch…”
Was that a compliment to the left? How many lefties will be voting for ROD? After those comments how many on the right will be voting for him?
Since the right seems even more out of touch then the left of the Democrat Party – I guess that he thinks he may pick up some extreme leftests to make up for the ones on the right he just left behind.
Sounds like a perfectly good strategy to me.
Sounds like a BothWaysBob comment to me. He’s isolating the base but he’s not going to pick up any moderates or dems with comments like this or his actions in the past.
Both-ways Bob and No-way ROD.
ROD wants to dismantle Social Security and the Republican base at the same time. At the very moment that the Colorado Republicans purged the moderates in the primary, ROD is going to use Cheney’s money and try to sell them out to the center.
While Ed and the other Democratic candidates are able to stand proudly together, Ricky is isolating himself and creating a mixed message problem for Musgrave and Tancredo.
The DCCC will be able to broadcast a unified message into the Denver area market, and every dollar Rick uses in his hopeless scramble towards the center will be another blow against to Marilyn and Tom as they try to placate the extremist Right.
The Dems chose a true moderate with Perlmutter, and the Republicans should have responded with either a moderate of their own or an unapoligetic wingnut who could rally people around his message. Instead, they got stuck with a weak neo-con who is embarassed of his own record and Party. I couldn’t be happier.
Shame on Rick for speaking his mind. Who cares if he’s right, the name of the game is pander pander pander…
Where can I contribute?
If you want him to win, send some common sense to that campaign.
Your $10 are nothing to him when he’s getting millions from Dick and Bush.
You think he gives a damn about your money? Be realistic.
Is there a Constitution Party candidate running in C.D. 7 by any chance? Some place for the right wing nuts to go park theirs votes. (There’s a Green Party candidate in C.D. 7 in the event Ed Perlmutter pisses off any of the left wing nuts.)
the only way to “right” this wrong is to go take a bathe in an oil geyser on the west slope. then ricky must meet with dougy and be prayed over three times. also dougy will have to talk to the big guy upstairs on ricky’s behalf. then ricky has to go to the board and write “EXTREMISTS PROVIDE LEADERSHIP” 777 times. all that could take awhile, hope hes at least already in touch with lamborn!
Whether I agree with him or not, at least he has an independent thought and doens’t just spew talking points.
This is the same thing that annoyed me about the Ritter campaign’s response to Baeuprez’s coming to his senses regarding amendment 38. Of course Rick O’Donnell isn’t being entirely forthright here; but people are smart enough to see that. Why not join him for a fun romp at the expense of the extremist slate that just won their place on republican tickets statewide? Then you can just take the press opportunity to point out Rick’s interesting ideas on social security along with the interesting company he keeps, and everyone realizes the irony that Rick brought this up. It’s not like he could credibly deny his place among the looneys.
But it isn’t real smart. I’m sure many pandering politicians of both parties think things like this about the extreme wings but pandering to them works better. You may not like them but you need them to come out and vote for you if you want to win – if Nader wasn’t around to siphon off those votes from the Democrats in 2000 he would’ve been the 43rd president. If he was too moderate, though, and had alienated those voters, they would have stayed home and handed Bush the White House anyway.
Best case scenario: this becomes Lil’ Ricky’s “Sister Souljah (sp.) Moment.” Worst case scenario: ROD succumbs to the right wing nuts’ pressure like Daddy Bush did at the ’92 GOP convention in letting Pat Buchanan write the platform.
He didn’t go after a specific person or policy. People love to hear that “all politicians are wrong.” So without alienating too many people (other than the self proclaimed “right wingers” who will vote for him anyways) He has made a good move towards the middle, and most importantly away from the “establishment”, whom everyone blames for our immigration problems. The establishment is not really anybody, a perfect straw man for ROD to go after. Statements like these are what ROD needs to win, it helped more than it hurt.
… going after ‘the establishment’ is like Big Bird suddenly announcing his opposition to Sesame Street.
When someone…
A) Gets to ride on Air Force One with Bush;
B) Has Cheney in town to raise money for him;
C) Has Hastert raise money for him;
D) Has an EPA administrator raise money from lobbyists for him;
E) Used to work for Gingrich and;
F) Used to work for Bill Owens…
… the idea of running against the establishment is just laughable.
Stupidity aside, it’s just a desperate attempt by Ricky to talk about anything other than calling Social Security “un-American.”