Democrat Ed Perlmutter has won the CD-7 primary.
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Ok, this primary battle was nasty and there are sure to be some hurt feelings, but the people have spoken. Do you suppose we might dispense with the nastiness and rally around our chosen candidate?
Peggy, Ed and Herb share a lot of common ground. Do you suppose we can focus on the many goals we have in common, and leave our one-trick ponies in the barn until November?
however, to the shills who have haunted this place, i do have to say:
double digits, double digits, double digits.
having been one who was on the end of attacks from the double digits folks, i am entitled to say, i told you so.
It is now clear that the 9News poll was the only close to accurate.
everyone is welcome at Perlmutter HQ. Let’s beat O’Donnell now.
… to congratulate Ed and his supporters.
Those of us on other sides of the fence are on your team now.
Nice work, folks.
More importantly, it’s time to go to work on Rick “I hate Social Security” O’Donnell.
With those kind of sentiments, we will take this seat in November. No doubt about it.
As a former Lamm supporter, I will now be supporting Ed. But I think Ed needs to seriously overhaul his campaign in order to win in November. This race shouldn’t have even been close: Ed had the money, the endorsements, and home field advantage in the most populas county in the district. But Ed spent most of the summer behind and stumbled through communications and money problems. Little Rickey is not the strongest candidate, but with his war chest is massive. If Ed stumbles between now and November, I don’t think he will be able to make up ground like he did in this race.
Despite all the talk here of internal polls showing this or that, in the end it really wasn’t all that close. I think the insiders here made it “feel” a lot closer than it ever really was. Just my opinion.
As a former Peggy person, I’m with Ed, now, too. And I want to see him cross that finish line in November.
I wanted to reply saying that I agree with River, which I do, but I also just want to raise the point that all the belly-aching and second-guessing of the nominee won’t help us.
If Peggy had won and all this was being said about her, as it could have been, I don’t think it would help her campaign one iota. Far from it. They’s be stuck dealing with internal party squabbles and a bunch of nay-saying bloggers. I don’t think there’s any point in saddling Ed with that.
Let’s not give the Republians any more ammo to criticize Ed–from now until November. He’s our candidate. The campaign will hopefully adjust and move forward. And I’ll be voting for him.
I think this primary could possibly make Ed a stronger candidate if he sees his weaknesses and adjusts accordingly. I just hope the Ed camp is willing to look at themselves critically.
Losing to ROD is not an option. I for one think social security is important.
Democrats getting back together for the common cause.
On that note, what are these campaign errors that people seem to be concerned with, in more specific terms?
By the look of things Ed and his team were pretty successful.
I’m with justbhape on this one. Enough is enough. Rehashing “campaign errors” just provides fodder for the other side. Let’s call it a day, get behind Perlmutter, as I know you already are, and if River has concerns and they are legitimate, perhaps he can call the Perlmutter campaign and have them addressed directly.
Disputing them point by point on a blog is not the best way to handle legitimate questions. Going to the source of concern is.
Although the “proof is in the pudding” argument applies here, I think we’re all a little concerned with how Ed spent his money. With such a definate advantage in terms of dollars, Ed should have had no problem buying everything he needed. But his loan towards the end of the race indicated that he had a problem.
Agian, this doesn’t mean a thing as long as Ed does whatever is necessary to win the general. And I think he will win as long as he addresses the problems he found in the primaries.
and your concerns sound legitimate to me. I know that both Lamm and Perlmutter supporters were worried that they would have to spend so much on the primary, there would be little left over for the general election.
The District was essentially drawn for him, and his opponents were a neophyte in way over her head (Lamm) and a kook (Rube). If 47% of Democrats voted AGAINST Perlmutter, given his overwhelming advantages, he clearly has room for improvement.
Nevertheless, I think Perlmutter can and will win (and I say that as a conservative). O’Donnell is not a great candidate and Perlmutter has a moderate enough record to appeal to enough of the middle to win here.
Of course, anything can happen. That’s why every campaign has muckrakers.
As Perlmutter supporter, I wouldn’t pose the question if I thought it was going to somehow be counter-prodcutive for his campaign. Speaking as a person who has spent some time over there and knows his staff, I have a pretty good idea of how and why they spent what they did, and I don’t feel that any egregious errors were made. My point was more that the speculation about Ed’s supposed campaign bobbles is just that – speculation. He still won by a very large margin and significantly out-raised and out-organized his opponents. I encourage anybody that is concerned with his ability to run a solid race against O’Donnell to go down to his office and get involved before you place judgement on how he conducted his campaign.