Election results should be available beginning at 7:00 p.m.
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Election Results by County
El Paso
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Anyone care to explain how Rayburn is doing this well?
He is secretly supported by Karl Rove. Therefore, all votes cast by electronic machine are transformed into Rayburn votes before being counted.
With 323 of 972 precincts counted, here are early results in Jeffco. Most interesting is the Jeffco treasurer primary. Hope springs eternal. Go moderates!
(Vote for ) 1
Patricia B. Holloway. . . . . . . 943 (38.18%)
Ramey Johnson . . . . . . . . . 1,527 (61.82%)
(Vote for ) 1
Mike Kopp . . . . . . . . . . 3,280 (45.11%)
Kathleen “Kiki” Traylor. . . . . . 3,396 (46.71%)
Justin Everett. . . . . . . . . 595 (8.18%)
(Vote for ) 1
Mark S. Paschall . . . . . . . . 10,501 (44.90%)
Faye Griffin . . . . . . . . . 12,884 (55.10%)
According to the Rocky. (Note the checkmark by his name.)
is going on in CD-5? Crank is the projected winner, but suddenly Lamborn jumps up from his large deficit to lead by 1500 votes. The RMN site looks funny now, with the check mark by Crank, who is nevertheless in second place. Hmm. It’s a miracle… almost God-like, one might say!
Jesus himself (sorry, Himself) has cast his vote, and it’s equal to 2,006 regular votes, one for every year of Our Lord.
Even though the Rocky has a headline on the home page reading “Crank Triumphant in 5th” their latest results show Lamborn up by 1500 votes with 411 of 424 precincts reporting.
They just pulled back their check mark and have Lamborn leading. Talk about a big oops.
There’s no headline of any kind for the CD5 race anymore either.
at http://www.rockymoun… not the front page.
I thought they would have pulled that completely offline by now. I can’t say i’m shocked they jumped the gun, I mean everyone remembers Florida.
We should just name John Anderson the winner and go home.
Just kidding
that a district went so lopsidedly for Lamborn. I wouldn’t be suprised if this thing becomes even nastier come tomorrow morning with acusations of tampering.
The absentees just came in for Lambone. How unfortunate, too many voted for Lambone before it was clear what a complete slimeball he is. I guess Congressman Lambone, oh man, what a disgrace.
The absentees in El Paso gave Lamborn a 1500 vote margin. The western counties where Crank is strongest have yet to report. I smell a recount coming.
That makes much more sense.
3 more precincts reporting, Lamborn’s lead cut to 1200. Per Rocky.
is now giving the check mark to Doug Lamborn. Not that it means much.
With all but one precinct reporting Lamborn has won the race by a little over 900 votes.
Despite Bruce Bensen and his own private little Propagand Arm running non-stop ads and countless mailings…..
Scott Renfroe took the 13th 58 to 42% over Dale….
So much for King Bruce and the Yes on C and D RINOs….
Do you think it is too late for a run-off between Crank and Lambone? If we had one, who do you think would win?
Lamborn would have a much wider lead if it weren’t for his campaign’s blunders last week. If everyone had to report to the polling place today he’d be one of the also-rans.
The RMN in a continuing display of absurdity, has updated the title and first two paragraphs of their CD5 story (now naming Lamborn the winner), but have left the picture of Crank and the caption declaring him the winner next to the article. Does the RMN have content editors?