“What I cannot love, I overlook.”
–Anais Nin
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BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Senate Republicans Look to Save Coloradans Whole Dollars!
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Senate Republicans Look to Save Coloradans Whole Dollars!
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Senate Republicans Look to Save Coloradans Whole Dollars!
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Senate Republicans Look to Save Coloradans Whole Dollars!
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado Springs City Council Determined To Ignore Their Own Voters
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Senate Republicans Look to Save Coloradans Whole Dollars!
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IN: Gabe Evans, Jason Crow: Yin And Yang On Pete Hegseth
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IN: Lowering the Price of Eggs by Banning Transgender Athletes
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IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Gabe Evans, Jason Crow: Yin And Yang On Pete Hegseth
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small, leave me alone gov’t would look very different, leading to just one conclusion: they are lying.
And even though its not embedded and is a long video clip, I urge everyone to take the time to check it out. For those irritated by Maddow’s mistake about the pronunciation of Macinac (When I was a kid it was a big destination for Illinois folks so I cringed; it’s pronounced Macinaw) Maddow apologized quite humbly and profusely last night.
Anybody laboring under the delusion that Maddow is a lefty equivalent of the rightie spin machine types at Fox and on right wing radio is welcome to check any of her facts. And yes, they are lying big time.
They want big, intrusive, authoritarian, corporatist government, the government as an arm of the corporations. This is what they really mean when they talk about privatizing; removing as much of government as possible from the unreliable hands of those pesky people (as in of, by and for) and placing as much of it as possible firmly in the hands of the corporate elite.
and I’m seriously skipping TV these days so I just never catch her. Sirota & his new book were on the same show so I did catch this episode.
Her’s was the best summation of voters remorse over GOP Govs evah! I strongly urge y’all to watch her talk-thru on Authoritarian Conservatism vs. Libertarian Conservatism and use it when you’re forced to converse w/ TeaBaggers. She & her staff are brilliant.
Thanks for the link.
The Guv’mint has plenty of money. Taxes are still too high.There is no revenue problem. It’s just that they are so wasteful. No reason to cut services if they’d just stop being wasteful. Maybe too many smokes and lottery tickets being comped to public employees. Not reusing shopping bags for state purposes. Stuff like that.
Denver’s herd, anyway… they graze under a big sign that says “Buffalo Overlook.”
And if the R’s get their way this session, bull semen gets a tax cut…. not sure if that’s just cows.
In a platonic way. He’s gelded, so he can’t give any other kind of love. But it still was not appreciated by the buffalo, which proceeded to express that if he made any future overtures it would reject him by way of its very large, pointy head appendages.
He’s not very bright sometimes, so he kept trying to kiss the buffalo. Fortunately, good fences make good neighbors in the animal kingdom, too. Eventually he accepted the rejection and adopted a pair of ducks instead.
My horse is weird.
Sometimes ducks need a large friend. That buffalo is the weird one.
Especially because he fed them the expensive grain with expensive joint supplements I bought him! I swear, the birds and rabbits at that barn had the healthiest joints in Colorado… Mama duck would go “QUACK” at him and he’d pick up a mouthful of grain and drop it for her to take back to Papa duck, who was more shy. An elderly, graying rabbit joined the crew later on and managed to get his share of grain, too.
We changed barns and now he keeps a nest of starlings in his stall and lets them all eat out of his dish, but I think he misses his larger pets. He’s also obsessed with sheep, but he chews their wool, so he can’t have one.
those must be some happy ducks
Well, not that I know of, anyway.
“Two joints, please, and put it on my bill.”
Since he can’t afford to take a pay cut during a Gov’t shutdown, let’s help out this Kochsucker any way we can…
Kochsuckers. How about a link so we can here whining straight from the source?
Adam Brate
Adam Brate
NA, NY 00000
Phone: +1.2126757992
Email: cunctator@gmail.com
when the creature he initially spawned into life corners and kills him…
what the hell does “right” mean anymore? I think we need to stop calling the Tea Party the far right fringe because, whatever they are, right and left don’t apply. They’re just crazy, ignorant, hateful and destructive. Kind of corn pone flavor nihilism?
And that’s going to cause the GOP to self-destruct. It will suck for the country to have a shut-down, but it will be devastating for the Republican party.
howabout ‘what I cannot love, I overstep …’
Palestinian youth focus on passive resistance and social change. Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King and by recent nonviolent protesters in Tunisia, Egypt, and across the Arab world, young Palestinians are organizing a nonviolent resistance movement. They fear that they may be violently attacked if they organize mass sit-ins, but intend to continue protesting measures such as the restriction of water supplies to Palestinian villages.
(Hypothetical) Peter King/ Herman Cain version: Palestinian radical Islamists swarm roads in effort to provoke IDF and enact Sharia law.
1:30, probably not sharp. Listen here:
This place is empty!
But I’ll be listening.
Even the “anus is an exit” grandmother is there.
for something I can’t control.
“Fair hearing” my anus-is-an-exit. Minds are already made up.
I was going to go just for the solidarity, but my knee was injured during an active dream (kneed the wall, fracture not healed from the last injury). All walking was used on the puppy.
I do have to say that in the unlikely event of an unexpected yes vote, that person would be nearly Carr-like courageous. Any of these members will most likely lose their job for the vote.
I wouldn’t count on a Dem to do it, so I wouldn’t count on any of these folks. But here’s hoping for a not-so-minor miracle.
A number of legislators voted for Civil Unions assuming it meant they would lose re-election. But they figured it was important enough to be worth losing their seat over.
Not a single legislator lost their seat in the last election over this issue. Not one.
At least I find her entertaining, communist-lib’l republican ass kisser that she is.
or it would be all over the news and youTubes
or just sitting in.
I think she did promise not to though. 🙂
And no audio capability.
I am afraid the outcome is a foregone conclusion though.
I’m not much of a crier, so now I’m glad to not be embarrassing myself in public.
“…punched her in the face.” Christ.
If you hate business and love big government, vote against this bill!
Good choice of witnesses.
From a Republican who will use exactly that argument, that they are there to protect business owners from government interference.
I could be wrong and often am.
“look-alike relationships”.. I wanna punch this guy in the kidney.
And what’s the bit about how this law would be discriminatory, for a reason he can’t define, and that would be bad. Uh, but don’t do marriage either. WTF?
that you have to be in love?
Hell I know someone who got married to her baby daddy while he was in jail so he would go to a minimum security facility ( being married is one of the factors they judge you on when they decide where to send you) She did it to be nice and they weren’t in love, or “committed” and from what I saw it was as simple as signing a piece of paper. pfft. Where’s the “integrity of marriage” in that story?
And they would all be DELIGHTED to have gay unions in Colorado. As my photog friend puts it, “Photographers read the word ‘wedding’ as ‘$$$$$$.'”
If you think one man and one woman are the optimum situation to raise children, do you believe we should criminalize divorce, or penalize single mothers?
The guy now? I remember him.
My father died before I was born (drunk driver hit him about three months before I was born). I’m an abomination?
One of my good friends from high school was one of three kids born to a happy family, a set of twin girls included. Her mother died when she and her sister were one. Their INDIAN father raised them. Talked them through their first periods. Tried to help them understand why boys pulled their hair. Helped them put on their make-up for the first time.
They are healthy, happy, and productive women. Strong women. Most people would praise their father for accomplishing that feat for all three children, something not all traditional parents can do.
Abominations. All of us. Really a shame.
Once for having been raised by divorced parents and twice for wearing a poly-cotton blend. Oh the shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
that the longer I think about it and the more of this bullshit I hear, the madder I get.
There’s an argument here, but these people aren’t landing on it.
How many photographers don’t want to photograph interracial marriages? I once heard someone use the bible to compare those marriages to a cat and a dog getting married. What’s the difference? If you work for a large enough company, maybe you shouldn’t. Be racist and bigoted on your own time.
They have been killed. Beaten. Abused. Spat on. Ostricized. Maimed. Oppressed. Treated as sinners.
They are fighters for equality.
Oh and the KKK hates them too, A-hole.
Allow me to use your word, EXACTLY.
If I recall the press coverage from last week, at least four of the six Rs had already said they were going to vote against the bill.
I think the “out” for any committee member who votes for this bill today has nothing to do with business or big government. It has to do with saying it should be debated by the full House–that it’s too big an issue to be decided by the committee alone.
That’s provided the Rs on the committee haven’t already been given their marching orders.
I understand that homosexuals are not being strung up at the same rate as blacks an embarrassingly short time ago, BUT people HAVE been beaten and killed for either being publicly gay (the horror) or for SEEMING gay. It happens.
Children are being ridiculed and bullied in school, before they have sexuality, for acting gay.
I’m sorry. What’s the difference?
Get ‘im Kagan.
Jones just doesn’t get it. And probably never will.
Wasn’t looking like we would hit our reach goal. They hit it last night and are now looking to be 50% over for the month. So next month continues with work ends at 3:00 on Fridays and then it’s free beer.
There is much rejoicing among the interns here 🙂
Additional profits means we will be hiring more people. So unlike our “pro jobs” government, we’re actually doing something about unemployment. It may be a small improvement, but it’s an improvement.
If anyone knows a computer science student who is also an experienced blogger (on any subject), and they are looking for a paid internship (part-time during school, full-time over the summer) – have them contact me.
I’ve been trying for 18 months to find someone with this combination of skills.
What comp sci skills do you need? I have lots of young nerdy pals, but I’m not sure which, if any are majoring in straight comp sci. Is that the only major you’ll accept? Or are you amenable to someone in a related major if they are experienced in a particular language or languages?
So they need to have a good understanding and some experience programming in Java or C#. And they have to be a good writer.
Thanks dave
I can think of a few who might fit the bill.
At work they call this position my imaginary blogging developer – because they don’t think the person with this combo of skills exists.
is testifying.
Whoever the hell that is, he did very well.
Someone be a doll and track the silly opposition people for me. When they aren’t pissing me off, they are great comic relief.
Remain unimpressed.
The dems need to excite the youth with this issue and get thm to the booths
feels sorry for John Martin and the boys to have to hear from sick children and poisoned families and the like…
I guess I can’t post it but its all in the Glenwood paper…