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February 19, 2021 06:44 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“I learned a long time ago that reality was much weirder than anyone’s imagination.”

–Hunter S. Thompson


25 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. I have thought about Duke's assertions (lies?) that it was the Democratic Party DC elites and fossil fuel CEO's who hand picked John Hickenlooper to be our next senator and that nobody knew about his unethical past.

    The reality is that the voters of Colorado overwhelmingly picked Hickenlooper over his opponents both in the primary and the general election and his past sins were dissected and discussed ad-naseum during both elections.  Both Romanoff and Gardner made Hickenlooper's character the main focus of their campaigns and you couldn't watch any local channels or surf the Internet without their commercials outlining his misdeeds.  The voters had ample opportunity to learn about Hickenlooper and he bested his rivals in both elections by double digits.

    I get that he is unpopular with some folks (looking at you Duke) but at least be honest about who elected him (spoiler: it wasn't the Oily Boyz).

    As far as the 2020 Senatorial Democratic field goes, let's just say that Lorena Garcia and Trish Zornio are nice people but wouldn't be considered the cream of the crop.  Andrew Romanoff is also a nice person but it is doubtful that he could have beaten Gardner in 2020 after Republicans were done smearing him with the communist/socialist label.  The 2020 Senatorial list wasn't the deepest Democratic bench in history and Hickenlooper was the one person who could and did defeat Gardner.

    Hickenlooper's real and commanding lead in the polls also allowed the Dems to focus time and money on other races which helped the Senate change hands.  The guy was thoroughly vetted and the voters were well informed of the mans short comings and accomplishments before they voted.

    1. GG.

      I am aware of the level of support Hick has and from whence it comes. 

      You may certainly single me out as a vocal critic of the man I call Gov. Frackenlooper. But, I am not alone. The fact that Hickenlooper beat Gardner says much more about Gardners’ weakness than Hickenloopers’ strength. 

      I certainly can touch nerves when I remind John and his friends about his past. I get it. But the reasons why I have little confidence in Senator Hickenlooper have not changed.


      1. I recognize your concerns Duke and appreciate your contributions to this writers forum.  I do enjoy reading your perspective.  I just wanted to make sure that our conversations are about facts and not memes or conspiracy theories.  Fingers crossed that the country and the state can move on from Gardner and his putrid philosophies in a constructive way.

        1. On that, of course, we occupy the same ground. Every claim I make is well documented. I don't make shit up.

          I speak from personal experience only. And, from what I learn on Get More Smarter.😉

    2. Some folks want to count all those votes "against" Gardner, as votes "for" Hicken…

      I think there's a difference there, regardless of the outcome.

      1. Biden got 1,804,352 votes while Hickenlooper got 1,731,114.  It was a difference of about 75,000 votes.  My point was that the Democratic Party elites didn’t elect Hickenlooper.  The voters of Colorado did.  Regardless of their motivations, they choose our senator not some shadowy figures in a back room smoking cigars.

        My wife Zoom attended the 1st Colorado Wildfire Summit yesterday which was sponsored by everyone’s fav Joe Neguse and she said she was impressed with Hickenlooper’s grasp of Colorado issues and his thoughtful contributions to the Summit.

        1. Point noted.

          The rest is apples and oil wells.

          But, I would also point out that there’s a difference between what Hicken… says and understands, and what Hicken… does.

  2. Ron DeSantis is so upset over allegations that he’s steering coronavirus vaccine toward populations most likely to vote for him that he’s actively threatening to divert the vaccine away from counties where leaders are critical of him and toward counties where people are appropriately grateful. You can’t make this shit up.

      1. And here's the quote Dems can use to thrash Republicans up and down the ticket next year, Castro should copyright it: “Whether it’s Abbott’s failed response or Cruz’s abandoning of our state, we shouldn’t put people in charge of government who don’t believe in government. They fail us every time,” said former federal Housing Secretary Julián Castro, a Democrat who’s considering a bid against Abbott or Cruz.


    1. It's kind of basic logic that Colorado would have to approve a county in our state becoming part of another state. They're just figuring this out now ?  

    2. They should all just move to Wyoming. Can be done without collecting a single petition signature (although, if it helps them, I would be glad to help collect signatures on a petition encouraging them to move). Win-win-win.

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