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July 31, 2006 08:36 PM UTC

More on Perlmutter Warchest

  • by: Colorado Pols

We wrote this weekend that Democrat Ed Perlmutter took the curious step of writing a $60,000 check to his campaign on Thursday — an odd thing to do considering he has already raised more than $1 million. We didn’t speculate as to the reason for the big loan, other than to say that it certainly didn’t indicate good news.

Maybe Perlmutter’s campaign is truly having money problems, because he has only purchased advertising time on network television for today and Wednesday…and the primary is one week away. Perhaps the campaign is waiting for an independent expenditure to come in and go on the air in the last couple of days, but if so, they’re certainly waiting until the last minute to make themselves heard. With Peggy Lamm going on the air with a new commercial today, and Herb Rubenstein continuing to maintain a small TV presence, every day counts from here on out.


22 thoughts on “More on Perlmutter Warchest

  1. I just put this on the open thread but maybe I can get an answer here too…

    I had a volunteer knock on my door on Saturday with three
    pieces of literature for me:  A newsletter from State Sen. Betty Boyd, a flyer for Jayson Haberkorn, the Democratic House candidate in my disctirct and a brochure for Ed Perlmutter.  That struck me as odd, since Betty and Jayson don’t have primary opponents, for a lady to be distributing their literature as well as Ed’s.  I’m a Lamm supporter but I was friendly and asked her where she got this literature from.  She said the County Party called her and asked if she would like to walk a few precincts for them.  They gave her the literature.  I directly asked her: Why is the County Party getting involved in a primary?  And she said “Yes, that’s strange, but Ed is from Jeffco unlike the other candidates.”

    Is this even plausible?  I know Peggy lives in Arvada and I thought Herb lived in Jeffco too.

    1. As Secretary of the County Party, I can assure you that the Jefferson County Democratic Party does NOT have volunteers walking and dropping at the moment, though several of our campaigns do. This did not come from the County Party (though we may have provided the volunteer’s name to the House District or the campaign. Since this would be House District 22, I have asked the House District Chair, Mary Wylie, to look into this.
      However, I would note that Senator Betty Boyd has endorsed Ed. It would not be
      outside of the area of possibility for some of her volunteers to be dropping Perlmutter lit with her drop.
      (Actually, this is probably a plant post to force me to identify myself by party office.)

      1. While the Jeffco county party is not officially supporting Ed over the other two candidates, the culture of support for him  definitely there, and this anecdote does not surprise me.

        I have some good friends active in the GLBT community among Jeffco Dems who are Peggy supporters (as am I), and they have been made extremely uncomfortable because of their position — friends stopped talking to them, etc, because they were supporting Peggy.

        And I believe that officers of the county party have appeared on literature supporting Ed, which shouldn’t be the case.

        So all in all, I very much doubt this story was made up to bait Mr. Todd; it sounds exactly like the kind of thing that has been happening in the Jeffco county party, with or without official approval.

        1. I am not aware of any Perlmutter piece which carries the name of a Jefferson County Democratic Party Officer as endorsing Ed. Some of our names appeared as Co-sponsors for the fundraiser Ed did for the Jefferson County Democratic Party and officers, without party title, may have hosted events for Ed and their individual names may appear in Campaign Finance filings. I was even one of three county officers who appeared at the Rubenstein fundraiser for the Jefferson County Democratic Party.
          As for members of the Jeffco GLBT Community who feel that "friends stopped talking to them, etc, because they were supporting Peggy", I am sorry to hear that, but I doubt that it is anything which will last past the primary. For my part, it is a GLBT member who endorsed a candidate other than Ed who blew-off my last e-mail.

          If your point is that there is a "culture of support" for Ed within the Jefferson County Democratic Party, one needs to remember that Ed has been one of us for years. He has been on the ground, served on committees, helped us recruit and train candidates and rolled up his sleeves to campaign for us in the tough races. For many of us, Ed has been with us in the tough times and we know and trust him. If you think that we should do more than remain officially neutral, I think you are asking more of us that you ask of yourself.

      2. … TakeBack probably shouldn’t have posted that he was going to call you about that flyer if you were trying to be all incognito and stuff.

        But I don’t think he meant to force you to identify yourself by your party office. 

    2. The following was sent to me by Mary Wylie, Chair of House District 22:

      To the best of our knowledge, only one HD 22 Democratic volunteer, Bette Hutchinson, distributed literature for the three candidates as reported by “Jeffco Donkey”.  Bette did not knock on any doors nor claim that the Jefferson County Democratic Party was supporting any one particular CD 7 candidate.  Jayson Haberkorn, HD 22 candidate, and three volunteers did knock on doors on Saturday, but only distributed literature for Jayson and Senator Betty Boyd, running for re-election to the SD 21 seat.

      Mary Wylie
      HD 22 Chair

      I want to emphasize that, while House and Senate District Officers, as well as Committee People, are free to pursue their own agendas in contested primaries, we stress that no one should use the fact of their party office to influence any volunteer or voter in favor of one Democrat over another in a contested primary.

  2. Borrow and Spend Perlmutter is just like every other politician we have in Washington now.  Don’t we want someone new, with a different way of doing something?  Plus, who does Ed expect to pay this loan off?  The people of Colorado?  Might as well give 60K to ROD.

    Also, what are the legal questions with Ed dealing with an I.E.?

      1. I think it’s a little too negative.  What do you women out there think?  Does this ad turn you off or does it make you more favorable toward Peggy?

        I think she should have approved the message at the beginning of the ad.

        1. I’m glad that the Lamm campaign is putting this subject out there. Back in April, Ed put out a press release claiming to be an advocate for victims’ rights.

          I wasn’t aware that advocates for victims’ rights voted to allow those victims’ attackers to go unpunished.

          Maybe Ed has a different dictionary than me.

    1. Well, if Ed is coordinating with a 527 that’s illegal.  Whether he is doing this or not is unclear right now.  What’s clear is that he will have to explain his vote against eliminating the statute of limitations on sexual assault crimes to the voters.

      1. If Perlmuter is waiting on an IE media buy, it makes a pretty good case for coordination if he buys media right up to 5 days before the election and stops.  Call the FEC, looks like Perlmutter camp is coordinating with an IE.

  3. The vaunted Big Line still says “Ed has money to outspend PL but message all over the place.”

    In light of recent events, I would suggest a more accurate summary: “Ed has no money at all and message still all over the place.”

  4. I just got word that Ed has been endorsed by Mark Udall.

    I can’t wait to hear how the Lamm camp will try to spin this one. Like the teacher’s endorsement, this one points to how those who know her best feel about this primary.

    1. First Mark Udall endorsed Chris Romer over the highly qualifed Jennifer Mello, then he endorsed Ed Perlmutter over Peggy Lamm.  The whole thing smacks of members of the Good Old Boys’ Club scratching each others’ backs.  This doesn’t help the perception of Perlmutter as being a back room deal-maker.  Thank goodness EMILY’s List is helping to even things out for these strong women candidates.

      The Mello and Lamm people won’t exactly be rushing to help Udall when he runs for the Senate in ’08.

    2. And this is a surprise to anyone… how?

      Alan Salazar’s been working on this race for months.  The handwriting on this endorsement has been on the wall for a long time. 

      It doesn’t change the fact that Ed was one of only three who voted against letting cops use DNA evidence to track down rapists.

      We’ve all been waiting for hours for the Perlmutter camp to try to spin this one.

      We’re still waiting.

  5. Colorado Pols wrote: “every day counts from here on out.”

    Not true. Some of us voted 3 weeks ago. I received my mail ballot and sent it in the very next day.

    I always used to vote at my local precinct polling place. But, with the move to Voting Centers, we have decided to start voting by mail. I don’t think I am the only one. This means that you have to reach voters before the mail ballots go out and not just before Election Day.

    1. I’ve been phone banking and knocking on doors and it’s amazing how many people have already banked their votes. CoPols was quick to point out that Ed was making a “late” move with his TV buy, but this latest from Peggy will only be influencing an extremely small subset of the population. That is, those who 1) care about a Dem primary enough to vote, but 2) have not made up their minds and 3) have not already voted. So how much effect could this latest ad have anyway?

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