You’d think after all the nonsense last year people would have learned not to misuse their position to further their support of a candidate running for office. With how much tension there is about DPS (just look at the front-paged diary about the Easley recall), I’d think the people at DPS would want to stay as far away from the mayor’s race as possible. For most of the candidates that is what’s going on. Except for Michael Hancock.
Hancock has made no secret that he thinks not only should he run the city of Denver, he thinks he should take over control of DPS. He’s already got Teresa Pena, Bruce Hoyt and Mary Sewell from the school board. Nate Easley is supporting him too but he’s working hard to keep distance publicly. If that’s not enough, a friend passed along the flyer below that was put in teachers and other staffs inboxes at Omar Blaire school. The principal there is Debbi Blair-Minter who is listed on Hancock’s website endorsing him. Isn’t there some rule against abusing your position or at least something that says you can’t be using the school to distribute flyers pushing your favorite candidate? What about the teachers who happen to think there are others who are better qualified? How are they supposed to feel about voicing their own opinion when their boss supports Hancock and their inbox at work gets a flyer for Hancock?
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KB and Hancock must be best buds! I can’t promote this because it’s unsourced, but interesting if true.
Let me get this straight: Some national real estate developer (I’m pretty sure they’re based in CA) is looking to make a buck off Denver’s teachers and so Michael Hancock decides to throw them a happy hour?
I’d understand if this was a small Denver start-up, or even a Denver based company, but it isn’t.
Either way distributing this flyer in a school is a clear violation of DPS policy — every employee received a detailed memo from the district’s chief legal council at the beginning of January. Blair-Minter should have known better.
Also, are these big-business sales-pitches — masqueraded as “appreciation events” — a permanent fixture of the Hancock campaign? If so, I’m really interested in a time-share in Maui.
How dare they!
How dare they exercise their God-given, 1st Amendment Constitutional right! The nerve of these people!
(FrontRangeRiffRaf? A name in homage to my former and wonderful campaign manager, Kaye Ferry…. Wasn’t Chris Romer the guy who wanted to put toll booths on I70 near Vail?)
They can endorse all they want. They just aren’t supposed to do it at school.
Really. Really, I do.
But that should be “Teachers and Principals.”
Always remember: Your school principal is your pal.
“Principles,” on the other hand, refer to underlying truths or governing beliefs. These inanimate things have a hard time endorsing politicians, because they’re inanimate.
Again, my bad. Sorry to be the grammar cop. I only do it when there’s an underlying lesson for all, including myself.
I’m sorry…
You’re lucky I’m so apologizable…
…to donate to Michael Hancock.
Who are you supporting?
From your best opinion, whose winning the GOP votes in Denver, considering the field is all Democrats?
I didn’t know that. Someone ought to, if only to get their name out there.
would result in very little long-term name recognition. I understand why Denver Rs don’t bother.
A huge waste of time and money. You could be Christ himself and if you had an R behind your name, it wouldn’t matter.
I’m supporting Hancock for now, but worst-case scenario, anyone but Chris Romer.
But just curious – why Hancock?
I’m supporting Hancock, as well, and I’m curious if his popularity is catching on in the GOP, as I hoped it would…
I did figure that Republicans in Denver would go out of their way to vote AGAINST Romer
He’s probably the least anti-cop candidate running.
He’s also sensible, fair, and is a good manager. He listens well, and is really bright.
In short, IMO, he’s probably the least radical leftie running.