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IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Thursday Open Thread
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: QuBase
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
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Is anyone else out there wishing for a new style candidate. There are several qualities/positions that seem to be impossible to find together that I don’t find to be incompatible. For example:
Where is the fiscally value oriented person who is judicious with money while knowing that good government and services are necessarily expensive. Like a value investor in the market, some spending on things like higher education and infrastructure are desirable. Who would say DIA was a waste or that our universities are not creators of economic value along with everyting else they do. Are we in a race to become an economic “powerhouse” like Mississippi? It is no wonder that business types are abandoning Beauprez. As much as Republicans like me fear an orgy of wasteful spending by Democrats we can’t justify the refusal to fund value oriented spending.
The same kind of difficulty arises with immigration. We cannot afford to do what we need to do for our real citizens and residents when the resources are going to illegals over whom we have no say. Our environment is suffering terribly as a result. I want a candidate who takes care of Coloradans but makes sure that we aren’t so adversely impacted by illegals. I am will to be generous with legal people not illegals.
I could cite other examples but I have made my point about the candidatew contradictions that unfortunately exist in our state today.
“As much as Republicans like me fear an orgy of wasteful spending by Democrats we can’t justify the refusal to fund value oriented spending.”
An Orgy of Wasteful Spending?
That’s the best characterization of the Iraq War I’ve seen.
As for ‘illegals’ – I’d like to see some real accountability from Republican businessmen. Who HIRES these illegals? Should be pretty simple to do an audit and make a PILE of money in fines.
The Dems may not always spend money they way Republicans want, but to characterize it that way is ignoring decades of military madness and rampant corruption.
I’d LOVE to see a return to real fiscal responsibility, not just rhetoric.
He lied! No, She lied! No, I’m the only one with a plan! There. Glad to get it off our chests for the morning…
A new NPR poll conducted by one Democratic pollster and a Republican pollster has some bad news for Republicans. The poll restricted its survey to the 50 House seats considered most likely to be competitive this year. 40 of those seats are Republican-held, and 10 are Democratic; one of those seats is CO-7. In 2004, the average vote in these districts favored Republicans by 12%, and the sample districts still give President Bush a better approval rating than the nation in general (45%). Then the bad news really starts to set in…
The NPR poll shows these districts leaning towards Democrats 48-41% in 2006; when specific candidates are mentioned, the results change only slightly: 49-43%. In Democratic districts, the margin is 60-29% for the Democratic candidate; in the most vulnerable Republican districts, it’s 52-42%, and in the least vulnerable of the 40 “competitive” GOP districts, it still leans 47-44% in favor of Democrats.
Democratic Party voters are also more enthusiastic about voting in the election according to the survey.
Some other early polling is beginning to show the depth of the weakness of GOP chances in November. In the very red OH-2 (the district Paul Hackett ran for), Rep. “Mean Jean” Schmidt is tied with her supposedly no-name Democratic opponent, 41-41. In Idaho – one of only two states that still have a positive impression of Bush – the GOP is pulling out all the stops to protect a supposedly safe seat. In California, rabid anti-environmentalist Rep. Pombo just received some bad news yesterday when his primary opponent, former Rep. McCloskey (author of many Nixon-era environmental laws) endorsed the Democrat in the race; McCloskey drew more than 1/3 of the Republican primary vote in a district that leans only 5% Republican.
Overall, the GOP is having to defend a wide range of seats in a year where they can’t seem to keep up – at the Federal level at least – in funding. Races not in the “top 50” are competitive, and the top 50 races are not polling well for Republicans.
It’s too early to make solid predictions, but the GOP is already stressing out about the election results. Bush is reportedly lawyering up Presidential Counsel’s office in anticipation that at least one chamber of Congress will change hands in November. Recess-appointed UN Ambassador John Bolton may be placed up for formal nomination before the election in anticipation that his best chance for approval is now, not in 2007.
It’s almost enough to make a Democrat smile.
More information about the poll is available at Greenberg Quinlan Rosner – the Democratic pollster in the poll.
Colorado-4 (Musgrave’s seat, until January) was included in the poll! I’m assuming CO-4 fit in the “lower tier” GOP races that still swung Democratic by 3%; the results aren’t broken out by district (only 200 per district is too few for a good poll sample anyway), so we don’t know how well Angie vs. Marilyn is doing specifically.
The Ritter campaign has learned what observant republicans have known for a year: Bob and his campaign can’t think for themselves and have a tendancy to, um – shall I say it, copy-cat.
Ritter CM called it today in the DP.
Is it just me, or is the stubborn retreat of the CD-4 Line over the past weeks just too funny for words?
#Angie’s campaign is on the ropes. Angie can’t raise money. Okay, she’s raising money, but she needs outside groups. Okay, there are outside groups, but she needs national. Okay . . . .#
Marilyn’s got a couple trolls in a basement who can’t spellcheck their YouTubes, while anti-Marilyn bloggers are all over the place, and Marilyn has taken huge hits on the Net because of the Marines and the KKK. Meanwhile, Marilyn’s too busy trying to get her psycho pets to win primaries against solid Republicans while she drops almost fifty grand on fundraisers who can’t bring in a quarter million.
Can’t wait to hear more about “the buzz.”
I have long ago quick looking at the lines on this site as they seem to be utterly meaning less. But you are right the tide is turning in CD4. More and more national attention is being paid to this race because there is real hope to be rid of Musgrave this time.
There’s real momentum and you can feel it. The average person living in CD4 is just plain sick of the extremist crap that MM engages in. I can’t tell you how many Republicans have stated their disgust at her recent radio ads and the websites that have gone up. I really don’t think she gets it–people would actually like to hear about the issues in a debate (like she’d ever have the guts to engage in one.)
And…MM’s earned no friends by stabbing members of her own party in the back to further her agenda.
is profitable, isn’t it? Certainly the oil companies and Halliburton have profited obscenely.
Hold on to your seats, because this Republican controlled administration is going to take us to war in Iran and Syria, and have manipulated the Israeli response to two kidnapped soldiers.
I suggest calling your representatives and voicing your desire for peace, or next it will be your family members who will be sent to die for obscene profits.