Cory Gardner Says Republicans Have a Health Care Plan!
by: Colorado Pols
[SPOILER ALERT: There is no Republican health care plan]
President Trump’s somewhat-anticipated interview with “60 Minutes” reporter Lesley Stahl finally aired on Sunday night. This was the interview that Trump cut short last week when he got sad that Stahl was not going to just let him sit there and pretend that a secret laptop that formerly belonged to Hunter Biden was a real thing (last week, even longtime Republican strategist/pollster Frank Luntz proclaimed, “Nobody cares about Hunter Biden … why is [Trump] spending all his time on him?”).
But there was still a surprise ending to the “60 Minutes” interview that hadn’t already leaked out beforehand.
After Trump walked out of the interview, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany emerged with a big ‘ol book-like object that she hand-delivered to Stahl:
President Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, gave us a heavy book that she described as the president’s health care plan. It was filled with executive orders and congressional initiatives, but no comprehensive healthcare plan.
The oversized book that drastically under-delivers on its promised contents is, actually, a pretty apt metaphor for the entire Trump presidency…
…But like so much with Trump, the show and the pageantry belie the emptiness of the actual vessel. A big book filled with executive orders is not a comprehensive health care plan. Because there is no plan.
Undaunted by stupid things like facts and truth, Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Yuma) picked up the baton from McEnany in an interview Monday morning on “The FOX News Rundown.” Behold this amazing baloney:
HOST: The Democrats are arguing [that] Republicans haven’t put forth a health care plan, as they’re trying to take down, effectively, Obamacare. If President Trump secures a second term, if the Affordable Care Act is struck down, whole or in part, we’ve heard discussions about a potential Republican health care plan before, but we haven’t heard a whole lot in terms of what that would look like. What can you tell us about the planning going on for that phase?
Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Yuma)
GARDNER: Well, there’s two things that Republicans and Democrats both agree on. Number one, we’re always going to provide coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. Number two, both Republicans and Democrats want to replace the Affordable Care Act with something that works. The Democrat plan is Medicare for All, a public option that turns into Medicare for All. Basically eliminating the private insurance that 136-plus million Americans enjoy today that they receive through their employer.
Republicans are focused on a patient-centered health care program that is based on decisions between patients and their doctor…the consumer and their doctor…the constituent and their doctor…not Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. And it is about risk pools and reinsurance. It is about liability reforms that delay…you know, it is said right now that unnecessary procedures account for nearly 25% of health care costs because they are driven by liability concerns. That’s part of the plan that we have to address. Things like association health plans, across state lines, telehealth. I helped the Governor of Colorado get a waiver for reinsurance through the Health and Human Services department to drive down the costs in Colorado.
You know, our plan is there. They don’t agree with our plan because it doesn’t involve a government takeover. [Pols emphasis]
What’s in the box book?
Say what, now?
This is the point in the story where we would provide a link so that you could read for yourself the Republican health care plan that Democrats disagree on because it doesn’t involve a government takeover. But, we can’t, because THERE IS NO REPUBLICAN HEALTH CARE PLAN. You can Google “Republican health care plan,” and you’ll get a lot of results about Republicans and health care — but, alas, no actual “health care plan.”
In August, Gardner introduced a 117-word bill for protecting pre-existing medical conditions that fact checkers agree would not actually protect people with pre-existing medical conditions. Much like Gardner’s political career, this bill is going nowhere in the U.S. Senate, but at least it is an actual thing that does exist.
We have absolutely no idea what Gardner is talking about when he says “our plan is there.” We’d guess Gardner doesn’t know, either. Perhaps he watched Sunday’s episode of “60 Minutes” and got excited when he saw the giant book delivered to Lesley Stahl.
Cory Gardner has seemingly come full-circle six years after winding down his first U.S. Senate campaign. Back in October 2014, Gardner was insisting that there was no such thing as a federal “personhood” bill, which wasn’t true. With just one week left until Election Day in 2020, Gardner is pounding the table in support of a Republican health care bill that isn’t real.
The plan is developing and being worked on and its done. It'll be released a few years ago and in two weeks. It's a tremendous plan because it comes in a big folder and its not Obamacare.
Are they stupid enough to think we are that stupid ?
And while they were unveiling the plan to replace Obamacare, the grounds of the Naval Academy experienced a 7.5 magnitude quake after which the grave of the late Senator John McCain opened, a hand extended upward with a thumb pointed down.
Cody Keenan's John McCain story is just about my absolute favorite:
" Met John McCain once. I was a 22 year old senate intern waiting for an elevator. The doors opened, and he and another GOP senator were inside. I apologized and said I'd wait for the next one, but McCain told me to hop on. ' Who do you work for ? ' he asked. ' Ted Kennedy sir ' ' He's a good man' McCain said ' without him, we're lost'. The other senator scoffed in disgust and got off the elevator at the next floor. While he was still in earshot, McCain raised his voice a little and said ' Don't mind him, he's an asshole !'"
Gotta admit John McCain was one hell of a cool dude.
(this time) take him at his word:
Stay the Course Senator! The voters are thanking you now.
The plan is developing and being worked on and its done. It'll be released a few years ago and in two weeks. It's a tremendous plan because it comes in a big folder and its not Obamacare.
Are they stupid enough to think we are that stupid ?
Yeah, it's a Misfits song (also covered by Metallica) called "Die Die My Darling"
Last Caress also works with this crowd.
Cool. Send me a copy.
And while they were unveiling the plan to replace Obamacare, the grounds of the Naval Academy experienced a 7.5 magnitude quake after which the grave of the late Senator John McCain opened, a hand extended upward with a thumb pointed down.
Cody Keenan's John McCain story is just about my absolute favorite:
" Met John McCain once. I was a 22 year old senate intern waiting for an elevator. The doors opened, and he and another GOP senator were inside. I apologized and said I'd wait for the next one, but McCain told me to hop on. ' Who do you work for ? ' he asked. ' Ted Kennedy sir ' ' He's a good man' McCain said ' without him, we're lost'. The other senator scoffed in disgust and got off the elevator at the next floor. While he was still in earshot, McCain raised his voice a little and said ' Don't mind him, he's an asshole !'"
Gotta admit John McCain was one hell of a cool dude.