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BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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This is the email I received last week. It is now posted on Perlmutter’s website.
I am so sick of the Perlmutter campaign attacking Peggy Lamm on non-issues. First she isn’t a real Lamm. Then she isn’t a real Democrat. Next Ed is going to put out a mail piece that accuses Peggy of being a space alien.
Of course, that attack won’t be true either. But at least it will be consistent with the crap Ed’s been spewing.
Grow up, Ed.
When is the 527 (upon which Jordan Perlmutter allegedly bestowed his large endowment) going to start trashing Peggy?
I realize that Ed and his shills aren’t supposed to know anything about its independent operations but someone out there in blog land must know. I assume Tim Knaus didn’t abscond to Argentina with all of the loot.
I trust they aren’t waiting to spring an Aug. 7th surprise.
It’s interesting that you don’t think that lying about one’s own record is a relevant consideration in choosing a Congressman to represent you in Washington.
But then, the integrity, or lack thereof, in the Lamm campaign is shown by the proliferation Lamm of signs illegally posted on the public right of way. If we were further past the delivery date for her yard signs it might be overeager volunteers; but hundreds of them popped up illegally posted on public property right after they were delivered.
You would think, with as many announcements as I have seen from the campaign saying that she is the frontrunner, that they would have enough supporter’s properties to post yard signs on that they would not break the law by illegally posting on public rights of way.
You think the placement of yard signs shows the character of a campaign? You’re kidding right? What about he misleading attack ad Ed is running. What about his wife lobbying with Owens’ top political guy on a land deal for “undisclosed clients”. I think that shows a lot more than some signs being put up.
I thought Ed pledged not to go negative in this campaign?
“I pledge to campaign with a specific agenda on real issues”
In my eyes Ed has lost all credibility with his last ditch effort to deceive voters. It’s clear Ed knows he’s running from behind in this race or he would not have gone on television attacking Peggy with a bunch of lies. Not to mention his ridiculous mail piece he just sent out attacking Peggy on her married name. Is that one of the “real issues” that Ed was talking about on his website?
It is very surprising, though, to see Ed stoop to a level of attacking Peggy’s married name, unless of course we saw his internals.
It wasn’t long ago that Ed and his wife were having problems. According to the Rocky, they got to the point of actually filing divorce papers before deciding to give it another try. I’m glad it appears to be working out for them.
But if they had gotten divorced, it seems pretty likely that his wife would have continued to use her married name of Perlmutter. It’s simply what many women do following a divorce – particularly in cases when a couple had been married for as long as the Perlmutters have been, and the Lamms had been.
As a result, I’m very disappointed that Ed would attack Peggy for the apparent crime of keeping the last name she’s had for over 20 years.
By doing so, Ed is showing a side that most of us never knew existed: A lack of class.
According to the Rocky this morning, Ed and his wife are going thru a seperation. How can he use a divorce in a political race, especially while having problems at home himself!?
Are you desperate, Republican, or stupid?
When do you start attacking the kids?
Attacks on name recognition issues may or may not be a relevant issue to this race. I can see a debate about that.
But attacks on the guy’s personal life? You really think that is appropriate, or even wise?
Most of the attacks tossed around in this race have been ones that won’t actually hurt the Dem in the General. Who is closer to oil? Who is to the right on guns? Whose stance is too pro-war? It is not like any of those charges are going to be used to hurt the nominee in a couple of weeks.
But do you really want to invite reckless and irrelevant speculation on candidate’s personal lives? You really just want as ugly a primary as possible, don’t you? I am thinking more and more that you are an O’Donnell fan trying to smear Ed and provoke Ed’s supporters into smearing Peggy.
Fifteen days, and we will know. Your clock keeps ticking.
Peggy’s campaign has offered little or no substance this entire race. Her campaign with Jim Merlino can’t tell us why we should be voting for Peggy so instead they have drug this race deep into the mud a long time ago and there is no reason for them to change now, its all they know.
How can you accuse Peggy’s campaign of dragging this race “deep into the mud” when Ed has launched attack ads on television and sent out one of the most despicable mail piece’s I’ve ever seen?
I’m not attacking anybody’s personal life. I was just pointing out that in today’s Rocky it said that Ed is seperated. I hope every thing works out. It shocks me that even while Ed is going thru some personal trouble, he would attack what last name Peggy uses, and has used for more than 20 years. So why don’t you ask your same questions to your best buddy Ed. Ask him why he’s smearing her last name, and running misleading attack ads. Ask him why his wife is lobbying with Owens’ top political guy.
Before you start going off on your little rants, why don’t you do a little research. The Rocky reported the seperation, not me.
Tick, tick, tick…the clock is ticking…tick, tick, tick, uh oh Peggy’s getting on TV…tick, tick, tick, what will Ed attack next?
They were actually considering a divorce? YIKES! But nothing like a congressional campaign to reconcile a lawyer and lobbyist back to marital bliss…….
The funny thing is that Ed’s campaign has been convinced that voters are too stupid to tell the difference between Dottie Lamm and Peggy Lamm.
But as soon as Ed decided he couldn’t win without attacking Peggy’s married name, the Lamm campaign wasn’t bashful about having Dottie respond.
And Dottie was right. It is really despicable to attack a woman’s married name, and based on such attacks, it’s pretty hard to take anything Ed says seriously.
I don’t follow these CD7 blogs too closely since I don’t live there, but that caught my attention – Ed attacked Peggy for keeping her married name? Would he also attack Tina Turner for keeping Ike’s last name after they got divorced? That’s really dumb. Many women do keep their husbands’ last names after divorce for a variety of reasons. In Tina Turner’s case it was because she had become a famous entertainer while married to Ike. For similar reasons, women who make a name for themselves BEFORE they get married (think actresses, for example) will NOT take on their husband’s name.
I’m going to assume that Peggy Lamm either made a name for herself while being Richard’s sister-in-law, or she developed political ambitions and knew that the Lamm name is a good one in this state. Maybe that latter example would show slightly-less-than-pure intentions, but is that so rare in politicians?
…married to Tom Lamm for over 20 years. You really think it was a 20 year conspiracy so she could have her name when she ran for office. This is mudsligging at its worst, plain and simple.
If that’s the best Ed’s got he’s in trouble…
The Lamm name is truly a two-edged sword, especially in a Democratic primary. For every Dem who likes and admires Dottie, there are at least three who cringe at the thought of Dick. It is amusing to see the Perlmutter people get all bent out of shape over Peggy’s last name.
… if you think that was my point. Re-read my post.
In other news, Terrence Carroll (D-Denver) at DLC convention in town got some recent press from the AP saying that Dems need to discuss faith in politics. From, linked to Yahoo AP:
DENVER – Rather than being bashful, Democrats should openly talk about their religious beliefs and moral values, say moderates urging the party to court voters beyond the traditional Democratic base to win control of the GOP-run Congress this fall and the presidency in 2008.
“If we continue to have this perception in the Democratic Party that faith can’t be discussed, we’ll continue to lose elections based on wedge issues,” said Terrance Carroll, a Colorado state representative.
I’ve seen Herb’s ad on CNN and the local news this morning.
One ad is powerful and persuasive. The other is funny and also persuasive. Both are dead on point.
This is going to be a three way race. Herb’s ads are not slick. In fact they are the opposite of slick but they work
1% of primary voters will watch the morning CNN news.
Herb has announced that he will be on TV every day to primary day. The ads are so effective that this could turn into a three way race.
You continue to say that as if saying it will make it so. You are a GREAT shill for poor old Herb. This is sooooo not a 3 way race and no matter how many times you post that here, it’s not going to turn into a 3 way race. You poor desperate soul, sit down, take a deep breath, maybe a slug of somthing strong, and wake up to reality. Herb won’t get 15% of the vote.
This from the AP
Snow apologizes for stem cell comment
7/24/2006, 2:06 p.m. ET
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) – White House press secretary Tony Snow apologized Monday for suggesting that President Bush believed stem-cell research amounted to “murder.” “I overstated the president’s position,” Snow told reporters. “He would not use that term.”
What gets me about Bush claiming the moral high ground in vetoing the bill because he doesn’t believe in destroying life to perhaps save a life, is that those embryos will be destroyed anyway.
The use of the so-called ‘snowflake’ babies does not change the fact that any embryo not used to produce a human being, will be destroyed. Stem cell research would not prevent one ‘snowflake’ baby from being produced.
This backtracking from Snow is no surprise. You should have seen Tim Russert beating the crap out of Josh Boltenon this yesterday.
to incite serious back-tracking. Bush hangs Snow out to dry, hoping we’ll all forget he used his first and only veto to screw hundreds of thousands out of hope for their medical future. He must be so proud.
subject but where did all my buddies go?
Voyageur, Iron Mike, Go Raiders, The Plumber, etc. (I know I’m forgetting some)
Seems most of the conversations for the past few months are mostly one sided, falling towards the left…………..
Where did the balance go?
Give me a break! Your “friends” can’t find a nail to hand their hats on….or perhaps can’t find a brain to hang their hats on. They’ve been proven wrong…disgraced, and ashamed….I can only hope.
The Republican, neo-con, stone age, pray God, will soon be left in the dustbin of history and we can become an enlightened society. By that, I mean one where peace is preferred over war, equality preferred over greed, rights preferred over oppression, eeucation preferred over the dumbing down of society. Where we can get on with building a world that works together instead of destroying each other.
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one”…J. Lennon
Dude, Get over yourself, you already have been left in the dustbin of history. Sober up!
I have seen ‘ol Voyageur run you into the ground…..swallow you whole…..and spit you out many times. You aren’t even in the same league as he is.
You can keep your Socialist vision. I do believe there are not enough lunatics around to support you. You call equality over greed? You really mean you want to take from those that earned their money and give it away.
What happens when they come for all of your assets? Will you blindly give it away? Why don’t you do that now? If you think the government needs more money to give to the poor, give them all of yours.
I have never asked for a plug nickle and never will. That is what makes men, men. Charity is an option, not a freakin mandatory government social program as you feel it should be.
There is that “feel” word. Liberals “feel” while conservatives “think”.
Oh and Lennon is dead. How about quoting Ted Nugent instead.
Now don’t dump on me because you think I am a worthless liberal.
I am a liberal but don’t subscribe to the theory that all liberals are worthless, just as I don’t think all conservatives are worthless.
My past ‘conversations with IM, Voyaguer, etc. have been stimulating and interesting.
I come from the old school that says you can disagree politically but still be civil and have a drink together afterwards.
I particularly miss Voyageur, since he (she?) and I have apparently spent something in excess of 30 years in Colorado politics and have many similar memories and associations.
It is what has always been best about Colorado politics until it became so mean and nasty.
It ain’t personal.
But those who make it personal make it mean and nasty.
Good post. Perhaps my sense of history is over sensitive. Time will tell. If I could tell the furure I’d be on Oprah! What I do know is that we live in dangerous times. I look at the leadership in this country…..dangerous. I look at the spin…..orwellian and dangerous. I look at the middle east….dangerous. I look at the ignorance of the near majority of the voters of the most powerful nation in the histor of humanking….dangerous.
I feel, quite confidantly, that we’re in a very important battle. Ideas are in the front line.
Lastly, I am all in favor of a civil discourse. But over the last 18 months, I have not been treated civily, and will give what I get.
It does seem like most of our friends from the GOP have quit activley posting. That’s a shame – it ain’t politics if we don’t have contrasting opinions.
When ColoradoPols went to logging in under one name, did ya notice how much less posting there was on the right? I’m sure it wasn’t because they were posting under multiple blogger names, now was it…?
Well said!
… many people just couldn’t figure out how to log in. (Lefties like Patriot haven’t posted since then either.) I know I had to have my password emailed to me a couple of times. Largely my own fault, I later realized, because the process was spelled out somewhere. Bet a lot of people gave up before they figured it out.
I’m sure some had multiple names. Socrates/Quixote was one.
I’m with Roger D on the missing smart cons. I enjoy having a real debate / discussion about these things, and the twerps who come on just to piss people off can go jump in the lake. (That goes for lefties, too.)
I particularly miss Voyaguer–he had great insight, good sense of humor, and generally saw both sides of an issue. Wouldn’t mind seeing Iron Mike back, too. Preaching to the choir gets kinda boring, you know?
I’m pretty new to the site, having only found it a couple of months ago, so I think those guys must have dropped out before I arrived.
Is it democracy we’ve been seeing?
And have been here for a while…
If I was Iron Mike, BMR, Go Raiders…I wouldn’t be posting anything either. Even you Gecko, the stalwart salamandar,omnipresent amphibian of the right, seems like you are hard pressed to find something to comment on these days.
I understand that CD-7 and CD-5 are huge national races. Glad, great to see it. Also, know that this is a haven for people who are involved in campaigns, great. I am very aware that there are people on here that know much more than me about campaigns since I deal with the candidates after they get elected.
Looking back over the last weeks, however, there has been no interesting back and forth except those who post, IMO, crap about CD-7 and CD-5.
Now, if I may, CD-5 observers, in my observation, have not attacked each other nearly as viciously, cynically and in such a petty manner, as those who have dominated the open threads bitching and moaning about one of the candidates in CD-5. Personally, if I was an R, I’d have bailed on this site too and taken a vacation until the damn primary is over.
I don’t agree that CD5 is that big a race. Nothing against CD5 – I say this because I’m sure it will remain a Republican seat, whereas CD7 is going to be a real battleground. My opionion of the CD5 race is based on the fact that the Republican candidates there are really trying to out-rightwing each other – no movement toward the center. If Fawcett were a true threat you wouldn’t have a group of R’s unanimously opposed to minimum wage increases. That speaks volumes about how conservative the folks are down there.
CD-5 isn’t national attention; I just smoked a doobie and feel like I need to clarify my last post.
I get pissed this time of year up through elections with the behavior of political campaigns. Campaigns are like saying “I love you” to a girl you want to sleep with. Like doing something distasteful in order to make a difference.
Open threads used to have 70 or 80 posts, sometimes hundreds. Lately there’s around 40 and the majority of them are about CD-7. COPolls is a great site especialy when both sides are represented.
I’ll still read it though, so go on…I’m preparing for the shill storm. I think it ends in Novemeber.
… at the moment. After the special session a few hardcore nuts mouthed off, but now immigration seems to be settled, at least until after the primaries when national candidates may try to make hay out of it. (Somehow I don’t think it’s going to be that big here in Colorado since both sides can now claim to be tough on the issue.) Maybe it’s just the heat.
The biggest lies are told immediately before the wedding, right after the hunt, and in the middle of the political campiagn.
Anyone see the segment on CNN’s Glenn Beck show last night calling Lionel Rivera to task for doing nothing to address the rape of a mentally handicapped student at a high school in Colorado Springs? This can’t be good for him if Glenn Beck keeps this up, as he’s indicated he will. Here’s a link to the transcript:
And here’s the key language if you don’t feel like clicking through:
“We have reached out to local officials in Colorado Springs. We called the mayor. We called the congressman, the District 20 board of education. All we keep getting is a bunch of lame legal statements. No one will actually speak to us.
“It turns out the mayor, Lionel Rivera, he`s been too busy running for Congress now. Oh, if you could spread this kind of leadership to Congress, oh, what a dream come true!
“I have one question for you, Mayor. What kind of town are you running there? You know, everybody just wants us to go away. And they think by hanging up on us, they think by not answering our calls, that we`re going to go away.
“I`ve got news for you mayor: I may sleep on your front lawn before we`re finished. All I need to know — you want to make us go away, all I need to hear is that somebody is willing to stand up and fight and carry the torch for the weakest among us.
“I am not a journalist. I`m not a protector. I`m not out looking for you. But you know what? When the mayor is more concerned with — and I`m not kidding you — saving the Rodeo Hall of Fame with taxpayer dollars than dealing with rape in the halls of his high schools, how do you stand by and do nothing? How do you do that?”
Every Way Ed is getting off message by allowing the campaign to revolve around things like positions on gun control, deciding who is in the pocket of big oil, and who flip flopped on gay rights. What kind of political campaign is this turning in?
We need to stay focused on the real issues: Where does Peggy live? Why does she still use her ex-husband’s last name? What exactly is the status of the Perlmutter marriage? And is Herb a carpetbagger?
Focus guys, focus!