“Just vengeance does not call for punishment.”
–Pierre Corneille
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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What debate?
What banking crimes?
What fires
in blue states?What postal issues?
What tax returns? What personal debt owed to Russians?
Thoughts and prayers.
I wonder what Melania and Hope were wearing?
Was Hope ever an underwear model? Are there any pictures of Melania and Hope together?
OMG – what about the people around them Wed and since?
Thoughts and prayers.
President Trump Discovers Cure!
I am thinking how does having it help his campaign.
What's the biggest, boldest, helpful lie he can tell?
I took hydroxychloroquine and I'm fine.
I am announcing a cure. I discovered a cure.
I got because I wore a mask.
My Cat thinks he will claim he caught it from wearing a mask. At RBGs' memorial, specifically. We are still curious why he chose to do so.
Nope – the worst possible scenario is he only gets a mild case, and comes out roaring two weeks later that it's just like the cold and everyone should stop worrying, so open everything back up fully right now.
A speedy recovfefe
Wonderful satire of our wonderful junior Senator's invisible status here in our state…
" Cory Gardner uses maps to get to the Tree Farm " !
This is a moment I have been anticipating. It is my fondest wish that the Infecter-in-Chief suffers desperately from this virus.
I am eager to see him and his family and friends pay a price for their decisions. If that attitude damns my soul…so be it.
There has never been a more hateful, cruel, and corrupt person in such a powerful position in this country. His meanness and selfish malevolence have killed and injured thousands of his countrymen.
If he survives, perhaps the experience will change him. We can only hope…no pun intended.
If he really has it.
That was my first reaction this AM. He lies so much I don't trust anything. He can lay low for 2 weeks, avoid debates, etc. Then come out and say Covid is a piece of cake. I thought the same when Bolsonaro supposedly contracted it. I hate that I've become this way.
You all aren’t the only ones who are highly suspicious of this, and rightly so. Fucker Trump will lie about anything. At least it means 14 fewer days of idiotic rallies.
fewer days
Thanks Dave ! Corrected
I can't see an upside to claiming to have this and in reality, not.
It will confuse his already easy-to-confuse base. And it certainly won't win him any sympathy votes. Not to mention it underscores how wrong he has been about the pandemic and the advice he has been giving people.
And it places the pandemic issue front and center when he wants to talk about: (a) the Supreme Court nomination, (b) "the problem with the ballots" and what is going on in Philadelphia (spoiler alert: nothing), (c) the Proud Boys, (d) pre-existing conditions and his work in helping those with them (yeah, right!), and (e) Crooked Hillary.
What if he appears in a cape and a zorro mask at the next debate?
I would have to vote for him.
But, only if just the cape and the mask.
As long as he doesn't show up in tights.
Do they make tights that big?
They're stretchy.😉
They ain't that stretchy — but they run.
Not a problem. Look at how small his hands are.
It allows him to claim
– he's cured! He discovered a cure
– it's no worse than a cold. Just a cold – hoaxy, fake, exaggerated cold
– monkeys in fact did fly out of his butt
– Hope Hicks is the polyamory unicorn
It's the perfect October surprise
– cannot be fact checked
– cannot be challenged politely
He could step aside temporarily, allow Pence to pardon him (and Jared and Ivanka and a dozen others) and then get CURED! and resume.
all in two weeks.
Dream big.
…and as a bonus FLOTUS gets a little distraction from her tape!
Has anyone thrown Schrödinger's cat into the mix? I think that's where we are with Trump now having a "hoax" illness.
I'll see your Schrödinger's cat and raise you an Occam's razor.
This seems like Ttumpy's Landsberg moment.
He's due for many more.
Several may happen simultaneously as he's perp-walked out of the WH where Melanoma's attorney and Cy Vance will all be waiting for him.
And they are just the first part of the gauntlet.
Once an editor, always an editor.
A gauntlet is a glove. You throw the gauntlet to challenge someone.
A gantlet is a line of people, on both sides of a
Person. You run a gantlet while they beat you, kick you or maybe just cough at you without a mask.
Yes, correcting this is a lost cause. Gauntlet is misused maybe 80 percent of the time. My fellow pedant dave barnes will back me up on this.
Mark Twain once said that he could never trust someone who only new one way to spell a word.
Not a lost cause at all. Some of us love the context.
81.23% of the time
Is it possible to shave Schrödinger's cat with Occam's razor?
How did our kitty get into this conversation?
Deleting duplicate.
I hate that it's necessary – but I LOVE that we've become this way.
If the people don't get really, really suspicious – it's all over but the coronation. FTR – I would accept Elizabeth only if Charles is guaranteed out.
Someone has already come up with an alternate explanation for how Trump caught COVID
What is his most fervent wish?
Are you asking me about Donalds' most fervent wish? Or correcting my choice of adjective?
It was only meant to be a comment dripping w/irony.
Oh, OK. As to Donalds’ most fervent wish…I’m gonna guess it is either eternal adoration by all mankind…or sleeping with Jareds’ wife.
I'm guessing one of those wishes has already been fulfilled.
As I was just saying to Karen, "Having gotten his attention with a 2×4…
My favorite of the morning ….
If *resident Trump has COVID-19 and has bad symptoms, will he be put on Forced Air One?
We suspected Fat Donnie would have an October Surprise.
Is this it?
Today is National Fried Scallops Day.
Well, at least it clarifies one thing – COVID-19 was a Democratic hoax until about 1am Eastern time this morning . . .
Clearly this is Obama/Biden's fault. and her emails.
You left out Fast & Furious, and Benghazi.
I was saving them.
I also left out that woman in Michigan and the Pennsylvania mail and blue states bailout and Bill Browder.
But you're right.
Ya. It marks the time when progressives started believing in a God and cons started believing in science.
That is really funny. That earns 2 LMAOs' this AM. 😆😆
"Your Time Is Gonna Come"
Led Zeppelin
Lyin', cheatin', hurtin, that's all you know to do.
Sourcing every big covid lie in town,
Puttin' Joe down for wearing' his mask.
Always the same, playin' your game,
Drive me insane, trouble is gonna come to you,
One of these days and it won't be long,
You'll look for our votes, but they're goin' to Joe.
This is all I gotta say to you orange man:
Your Time Is Gonna Come [X4]
Nice parody of one of the great breakup songs,”Your Time is Gonna Come”.
I was thinking When the Levee Breaks
But I hear ya
Cryin' won't help ya
Prayin' won't do ya no good
I will leave this here.
I want to take a minute to tell V. and all his song parody troops… I love you guys. You inspire me and entertain me at a time when it is so appreciated. I wrote my first song in 1982. After an extended drought, I have begun to write again. Thank you guys ( I don't need to name names) for the inspiration. Keep up the great (and fun) work! Rock on!
When's the Zoom concert of your new works, Duke?
It will be a while, thanks for asking. I stopped performing live in early March and have no intention of resuming until at least next spring. After a particularly indolent summer, I am preparing to start posting songs, etc.
There are significant learning curves and an upgrade to my internet service that will be necessary. All of which are subject to procrastination, as that seems to be my guiding principle lately.
I will certainly let you all know as soon as any material will be available on You Tube..
Thanks again for asking.😎🎸
Let them eat cake (and make sure they know it came from me)
Trump requires food aid boxes to come with a letter from him
There is no Hatch Act. There never was. If
Oceaniaanyone says otherwise, they're fake.Bidens test negative. Let’s hope that continues.
$rump’s diagnosis sets up the next debate- it should be remote, conducted on Zoom or a similar platform, hosted by the moderator Joy Reid with a “mute” button for candidates when it is not their turn to speak.
Surprised? I'm not. Vice President and Dr. Biden aren't stoopid. They wear masks in public, even when some people make fun of them for it.
We are wondering at the table this morning if COVID is directly transferable from anus to lips…..
Cory…are you paying attention here?
Well, Pence–so far–is testing negative.
32 days to election. Will Trump still be alive?
Tune: Elvira, Oak Ridge Boys.
The virus
The virus
Trump’s heart’s on fire with the virus.
Giddy up, giddy up,
Cough and sneeze
Shoulda worn a mask
We said pretty please.
Now his heart’s on fire with the virus.
Giddy up, oom poppa, oom poppa, mow mow
I guess Mike Pence is the man in charge now.
Trump’s heart’s on fire with the virus.
He told us the virus was just a hoax
He drank a quart of chlorox
that was one of his jokes.
Now his heart’s on fire with the virus.
Giddy up, oom poppa, oom poppa, mow mow
His lungs and liver will be next on fire now
That his heart’s on fire with the virus.
Giving some credit to the songwriter, country star Dallas Frazier wrote "Elvira" in 1965 and did the first recording.
I had it many years ago on a double vinyl album of late '60s and early '70s country songs.
SmellyAnne is positive.
Hickenlooper v Gardner debate recorded livestream , sponsored by Pueblo Chieftain, AARP, and Pueblo Community College Center for New Media..
buh-bye Voting Rights Act, we hardly knew ye.
Roberts hates the VRA and has spent a career trying to undo it.