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September 08, 2020 06:10 AM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite.”

–Bertrand Russell


35 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

  1. Tune of Camptown races 


    American veterans hate Trump’s jive.

    Doo dah, doo dah

    Trump’s IQ is five point five

    Ohh dee doo dah day.

    Trump he went and dodged the draft

    Doo dah, doo dah.

    Our soldiers died and he just laughed

    Ohh dee doo dah day.

    He claimed he had bone spurs

    And called our heros slurs.

    We’ll vote him out in 56 days

    And we will all feel gay.




    1. Yes, that was the episode that finally moved humanity to reverse course and save Earth 1. But on Earth 2 we elected Dump and fully committed to just burning the sucker down.

      PS. There’s no such thing as a ‘PhD in Climate Science’. That’s Hollywood talking.

      1. Western Colorado is +2° over long term averages.

        Not the area of fastest increase, nor the most ahead of estimates, but still hot and hotter than expected, sooner than expected.

        Food and water shortages.

        Doesn't matter- as a vet it has become clear to me I am a loser and a sucker. My stock options in the DOD didn't payoff. Oddly, the restricted stock in MCI I had to hang onto longer than I wanted also were worthless.

          1. “I’m waiting for the hordes of locusts.”

            You may be waiting for a while. Read recently that the last documented appearance of the Rocky Mountain locust was in 1904.

  2. If our beloved village idiot, Moddy, ever dares show his face here again, I thought I'd help him with some fresher material:

    Comedian Greg Larsen decided to ask his followers on Twitter: “Name someone who is universally agreed to be evil (genocidal dictator, serial killer etc) and I'll defend them and their actions using conservative logic.” Very quickly some posted “Kim Jong Un.” Larsen’s reply: “Show me literally one photo, one piece of footage, literally anything of Kim Jong Un killing anyone, or doing anything bad to anyone. I'll wait,” was almost not funny because of how true to life it felt. But there were more, a lot more.


  3. (as #GalaxyBrain scratches his orange scalp)

    How Trump's Billion-Dollar Campaign Lost Its Cash Advantage

    Critics of the campaign’s management say the lavish spending was ineffective: Mr. Trump enters the fall trailing in most national and swing state polls, and Mr. Biden has surpassed him as a fund-raising powerhouse, after posting a record-setting haul of nearly $365 million in August. The Trump campaign has not revealed its August fund-raising figure.

    “If you spend $800 million and you’re 10 points behind, I think you’ve got to answer the question ‘What was the game plan?’” said Ed Rollins, a veteran Republican strategist who runs a small pro-Trump super PAC, and who accused Mr. Parscale of spending “like a drunken sailor.”

  4. Maybe the former Trump donors are just tired of being swindled. 

    The “veteran’s charity” he claimed to support during his campaign

    The inauguration 

    “The Big, Beautiful Wall

    And all the other Trump administration scandals in the most brazenly corrupt administration in American history. 

    Does he even have any former campaign chiefs not under indictment? Why would anyone with a lick of sense send money to $rump’s campaign? 



    1. I've not heard that Brad Parscall has been indicted yet. And Kellyanne Conway is many things, but I don't recall she was indicted.  So, that's 2 out of 5 or 6, depending on what counts as  "campaign chief."

      And Corey Lewandowski only got indicted for simple battery after he was accused of grabbing a woman.  The DA, however, "would not prosecute Lewandowski; … [while] there was probable cause to make an arrest" and "the facts support the allegation that Mr. Lewandowski did grab Ms. Fields' arm against her will," but "the evidence cannot prove all legally required elements of the crime alleged and is insufficient to support a criminal prosecution."

      1. Whew! That’s a relief that it was only a majority of his campaign managers!  That must put it squarely in the “pure coincidence” category.

        But to kwtree’s point about the 2016 campaign, this probably reflects the overall tenor of the situation:

        One takeaway from the Bannon indictment, though, is this: Each of the three people primarily responsible for helping shepherd Trump into the White House has, at some point since he announced his candidacy in June 2015, faced criminal charges. And those three people constitute less than half of the close Trump allies to have pleaded guilty to or been indicted on or convicted of criminal charges.

  5. Oh Noes!  They caught a Trump toady in a lie?

    Fox News national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin doubled down on her previous reporting which claimed President Donald Trump disrespected veterans and war dead, adding that Secretary of Treasury Steve Mnuchin was in the room with the president when he disparaged four-star generals.

    Griffin reported Mnuchin was at the Tank meeting in the Pentagon on July 20, 2017, when Trump allegedly called four-star generals “losers,” “dopes,” and “babies”– calling his claim to have never heard the president speak that way “patently false.”

    “I confirmed with people who were present at the meeting that the president used those exact words in a meeting at the Pentagon,” she said. “I also circled back with my sources this weekend that confirmed that the president did not go, or did not want to go to the Aisne-Marne cemetery in France to honor the American war dead when he could no longer fly by helicopter and that one of the president’s favorite words that he uses when he’s angry is ‘loser.'”

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