“When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty.”
–George Bernard Shaw
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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WOTD from Tim Miller at Rolling Stone: “And the Hell Ship Sails on.“
Great article about Republican political consultants regarding their deal with the devil and how they justify it.
Thanks for the link. Will have to check out the article – seems to have a lot of clarity re: where Republican candidates are now.
But I'd like to know where we really are in the Trump fable – have we gotten to the part yet where he shoots someone on 5th Avenue? It's so difficult to tell when his failed policies (and the Trump-Aid elected Republicans around the country continue to drink) have already resulted in the unnecessary deaths of literally tens of thousands of Americans. We have immigrants in cages, we have peaceful protestors gassed by Bill Barr, we have billions of dollars of COVID loans flowing to the Trump family and his friends. But do we have the "shooting on 5th Avenue?"
Trump is the master of distraction and the shooting on 5th Avenue meme was just another one of those. While the audience waits for the shooting on 5th Avenue in the Trump drama, he has been looting the country, damaging our environmental laws beyond recognition, harming immigrants, and threatening the survival of our democratic republic.
We've hoped the deus ex machina in this bad Greek tragedy would be impeachment and conviction. It wasn't. Now we hope it will be the November election. We could be wrong about that, too.
He ain't the only one boarding the Good Ship
LollipopHeilthey could put a confederate flag on every jersey
Loeffler was the one who bilked investors with an insider trading scheme.
The Senate Ethics Committee said “Nothing to see here,” but apparently Georgia voters haven’t forgiven, nor have they forgotten. She’s fourth in polls, behind her Republican and Democratic opponents, for her appointed Senate seat.
Now she’s blatantly selling access through a tiered donor scheme. But if that doesn’t work, looks like she’s falling back on racism.
Suburban voters got behind Trump’s message in 2016. Now they are walking away.
Trump’s attacks on mail voting are turning Republicans off absentee ballots
enhanced rock weathering
Spreading rock dust on farmland could pull enough carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to remove about half of the amount of that greenhouse gas currently produced by Europe
Duke – you'd enjoy following the YEARS Project (video below). While Ttump is frantically trying to keep us distracted, the Fed is buying up troubled assets in the O&G industry at alarming rates. Meanwhile, in TX an undisciplined industry is flaring nearly a billion dollars (what should be) precious resources with no accountability. Not a shocking discovery given we lit the Bakken reserves to the extent they showed up on satellite images – and right here at home, the industry is demonstrably suppressing corn and wheat yields by an estimated 10%.
Warren Buffet is buying O&G infrastructure…is that so he can sell it back to the Fed?
Forgot the linky to Texas: (they're operating like a bunch of trust fund babies who have burned through their assets and now looking for daddy to bail them out)
IEEFA report: Texas oil producers burned through $749.9 million flaring gas in 2018
DrillBurn BabyDrillBurn !!Like a bad acid flashback. . .