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(R) Donald Trump



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(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) V. Archuleta



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(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Marshall Dawson



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(D) Adam Frisch

(R) Jeff Hurd



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(R) Lauren Boebert

(D) Trisha Calvarese



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(R) Jeff Crank

(D) River Gassen



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(D) Jason Crow*

(R) John Fabbricatore



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(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



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(R) Gabe Evans



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October 16, 2010 03:04 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Don’t wait for the last judgment–it takes place every day.”

–Albert Camus


134 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. 1.  Local Colorado Springs paper endorses Hickenlooper.

    Had someone ask me who I was voting for governor.  When I told them Hickenlooper, their reply was “but he’s a democrat!”  To which my reply was, “how goofy or outrageous does the republican (or other party) candidate have to be before you say ‘enough is enough’?”  I didn’t get an answer.

    2. Ken Buck makes a decision (a decision that every DA in the Country makes on a daily basis) a couple of years ago about the viability of winning a particular case and he is once again touted as being “anti-woman”.

    I’m no Ken Buck fan, but it seems like he made a tough call on whether or not a rape case was winnable (and even had a fellow DA, a woman, review his work) and decided that he couldn’t successfully prosecute.  I can’t think of anyone who has a tougher view of crime and the penalties that SHOULD BE assessed than me and even I would have to agree that getting a jury to convict in this particular case could have been next to impossible.

    3.  Doug Bruce is once again shown to be a liar and a coward with regards to his actions on 60, 61, and 101.

    Oh, I’m sorry.  That’s not unusual or out of the ordinary.

    4.  Tancredo pulls to within 4 percentage points of Hickenlooper.

    Are there really that many Colorado voters who want our great State to be the laughing stock of the Nation?

    5.  The Denver paper endorses a republican (Karen Cullen) for Mike Merrifield’s term limited seat.

    If Karen pulls this off (and it might be one of the closest races in the State), it might really be a sign that republican’s could take over the House.  And that would be a good thing.  Given the Governor, the Senate, and the House, if you can have one of the three be the opposition party, legislators are forced to compromise.  Might actually create legislation that is good for the State versus good for any one particular party.

    1. “how goofy or outrageous does the republican (or other party) candidate have to be before you say ‘enough is enough’?”

      Spot on.

      Or even the Outrageous conduct and (GJ Billboard, Historical and Reality revisionists) attitude of those bent upon voting ACP/republican.  

          1. wow. It amazes me still nearly a month out that everyone already knows the results. I guess if we’re brow-beaten often enough with the foregone conclusion that this is a Republican landslide election, well then I guess we Democrats can just stay home and not bother voting. I mean, that couldn’t be the idea, could it?

            Off-year elections will turn on the turn-out. The tide is hardly in yet, and it is too early to predict such a momentous outcome. And the bias in our MSM is transparent. When the Republicans took control in 94, it was huge, momentous, a landslide, blah, blah, blah. When the Democrats took back the House in 2006 and grew their margin in 2008, hardly a whisper. Now we’re back to the drumbeat from MSM that Rs will once again sweep into power.

            Am I the only one who questions this received wisdom? I’ll say this if it is true- that the American electorate will deserve every nasty little thing it is going to get if it returns these people to power. We’ll be living in a third world theocracy with the uber-rich controlling all the levers of power (government, business and media) and the rest of us left to fight each other over the scraps.

              1. Every time you say “Lol” it’s a sign that you’re about to follow with something really stupid. It’s like a nervous tic.

                P.S. Do you know why people normally capitalize “LOL”?

                    1. That has become quite a common occurrence around here lately. Probably that guy who (stupidly) admitted to me that he had been sued for voter fraud.

      1. 1-I would guess the House is the more flippable, if only because all 65 seats are up.  It’s a bit harder to flip the Senate when only 18 of the 35 are up.

        2-I think, on balance, the Ds will hold both chambers, possibly with smaller majorities.  The Rs did a really lousy job on candidate recruitment.  Too many criminals…literally.

        The best example is the Republican legislative candidate who took two shots at his wife.  

        Democrats will vote against him because they don’t like men who shoot at their wives.

        Republicans — the men, anyway — will vote against the idiot because he missed.  Real gunnies abhor lousy marksmanship.

          1. This tragedy could have been caused by a Teenager with two weeks Driving experience.

            IT still Would be Tragic.

            If there were a Tancredo Political angle that could be affixed… Libertad/Tancredo would EXPLOIT that tragic event too.

            This, 9-11, Shootings at the border and Imaginary headless bodies in the desert. What else will republicans USE to regain power?

                    1. access.

                      How is that exclusive?

                      In fact, your current preferred gubernatorial candidate wants to restrict access and then eliminate publicly funded education.  How is that inclusive?

  2. I had these waiting for me this morning (aboout my site):

    Hi Mr. Thielen:

    I just wanted to say that I found your site informative and I thought your evaluation criteria were excellent.  Thank you for your independent and refreshing approach to the issues at hand and also for the work it must have taken to put up this site.



    Thank you for the

    It’s better than the official Colorado Democratic Party website

    Thank you for advertising it on Google, so it stands out front and center

    And my favorite:


    Thanks for your “Independent Evaluation” of the amendments on this years ballot.  It was very entertaining.  I’m curious, does George Soros’ fund your page?  

    After viewing your “Independent Evaluation” I will be voting “Yes” on all the amendments.  But don’t let me stop you, if these amendments pass, please feel free to pay additional state and local taxes for the “common good”.

    Have a nice day.


  3. from Hunting Big Sales

    Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

    I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.

    The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it’s still on the list.

    Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    … a lot more at the link …

  4. The polls show that Bennet is winning the women’s vote by about five percent and losing the white men’s vote by anywhere from 10 to 15 percent, ditto for dems overall.

    This is why I think that is happening:

    White men in this country are displaced and with changing demographics will ultimately be replaced.  I think underneath all that anger is fear.  Up until Obama’s election, there was an absolute status to being a white man in this country, from its earliest pilgrim days to 2080.  Now every time, the President speaks, he reminds them, that they are disposed, that they are the losers.  With the collapse of the economy, the familiar life they knew is gone and their  loss is compounded.

    What boyles does is every morning, he gets up, adjusts his almost seventy year old self, with its face lift and fixed eyes and teeth, shoots himself up with testosterone and goes on the air and tells those men. “It is not your fault.”

    ..”it is the fault of the illegal, it is the fault of the black, moslem illegal president… have been robbed.” And, every time boyles wins…getting rid of Ritter/Villa Fuerte or saving a house for an old women, he wins and they win.

    Tancredo is boyles’ boy. He tells them the same damm thing….and that is why Tancredo is soaring in the polls.

    What do the dems do?  The damm dems talk about abortion, gays and rape.  Each one of those issues is tailor made to be “off-putting” to white men….if not actually repulsive.  

    the dems are ignoring these men and this is a key demographic.  this is why the dems are going to lose big time.

    Now don’t show me young white men who like Obama….I think the older the white man, the madder he is…because the greater his loss.

    Finally, the losers in any society are the tinderbox.  They can burn out or cause a holocaust.  The original  brown shirts in Germany where the defeated soldiers of WWI.  Hitler told them “It is not your fault…the Jews did it.”

    1. Competition. the fear of having to compete for Jobs, Food, Education, Happiness, Societal Standing etc.

      Also the fear of repercussion or reparation. That is; the fear of being treated as they themselves have treated “minorities” over the centuries. (I am a white guy who is older and unafraid)

      This was expressed in the rumor that Obama will favorite Black people if he should be Elected president.

      even though this rumor never became reality the fear persists. The innate paranoia of the conservative republican is only exacerbated by “minorities” (Obama and Democrats) gaining power.

        1. If You THINK this is racist you should have caught Real Time on HBO last night.

          Bill Maher discussed these same topics with a tea party rep,a republican,a Liberal and Al Sharpton.

          Very enlightened and informative. the discussion was intelligent and with only some right wing propaganda brought fourth and shredded.

          You would have been appalled!

        2. That’s like saying that if we talk about the Nazis in Germany, then we’re Nazis.

          Does. Not. Compute. But then again, if it did I’d be a hard right fuckup, wouldn’t I?

        1. As soon as the American Worker is Hungry enough to accept less than minimum wage or even a living wage. Business will start hiring again.

          I do not think Child labor is in the cards but as radically rabid conservatives have become lately, it cannot be far behind. especially with the elimination of Public education, coupled with having to feed the whole family. All ten of ’em, as Birth control would be a thing of the past too.

        2. The number of construction jobs has dropped significantly. They haven’t been outsourced anywhere, they’re just gone. And it’s not like those guys can turn around and get a job as a programmer or web SEO expert the next week.

          1. Every high tech company I’ve ever worked for has sent first its manufacturing then its tech support, then it’s programmers and finally its R&D off-shore. IBM created the model, but every business process consultant continues to flog that horse until we’re all convinced its ok to send the work Americans used to do somewhere else to get it done.

            I really don’t know how all those highly trained engineers and computer scientists are going to be retrained for the next big thing, but maybe the curricula for “You want fries with that” isn’t so tough.

            Construction workers get squeezed on the other end by undocumented, non-union labor that undercuts their wages enough to make it not a living wage, unless your living standard is defined by the third world level you might have come from rather than our first world standard of living.

            And the rest of us shoulder our share of the blame as we all want to live at a level above our wage by buying all that cheap crap from overseas and the cheap houses the low-wage labor builds. SO I guess we’re all complicit.

            Keep touting that businessman’s mindset of yours David. I can really see why your Boulder neighbors consider you a right-wing case myself.

            1. …how many jobs in the United States have been generated by the IPad, and to speculate how long they will last in the United States.

              Retail clerks in Apple Stores? Check.

              UPS delivery drivers? Partial check.


              App programmers?

              Customer service?


              (Don’t forget construction jobs to build or remodel Apple stores, or are those going the way of Blockbuster–the a-way?)

              1. There are studies about the extreme disproportion of jobs created (especially domestic based high-paying jobs) relative to the revenue generated to the business for high tech companies. Companies use a metric called ARPE (Average Revenue Per Employee) or other similar data point relative to income and expenses to calculate how they’re doing versus their competitors.

                In High-tech, it is a fraction of manufacturing and construction, which are more labor intensive, and we have a fairly desperate need for them right now to rebuild our infrastructure and create tomorrow’s green industries.

            2. Part of it is jobs being moved overseas. But there is another sizable part of jobs that are just gone. Not moved, but gone.

              As to the case of outsourcing, programming for some time has been one of the easiest jobs to outsource. My company competes world-wide every day. I don’t consider that something wrong though as it also gives us a world-wide market to sell to.

              And yes pay scales in countries give them an advantage. But a better educational system, and a culture that encourages creativity and hard work are also advantages.

              What’s the alternative? That we put up walls around each country? I’ll take the world-wide competition because I get the world-wide market to sell to.

                  1. We keep hearing about emerging markets, but they’re not buying shit from us.  They can’t afford to because their citizens are working for pennies an hour doing jobs that Americans used to do.

              1. OK, not so much during this recession, but they are there in the long haul.  There will always buildings and roads to be built.

                The problem is that a kid used to get out of high school and go to work as an apprentice roofer or whatever.  In not many years, he’s a journeyman and can raise a family on his wages.

                Now, the jobs are held be illegals or other forms of wage cutting persons.  Ya know, $12 and hour is pretty effin’ good when you made$4 a day back home. Maybe that grandchild of the journeyman HS grad is willing to work $12/hour, too, but he has to work his ass off and better not get the idea of joining a union.  

                1. DAvid is right about construction jobs.  The glut of houses on the market, either through foreclosure or the lack of qualified buyers, means that new houses are not being built and won’t be for the foreseeable future.

                  But I do have a question for David.  In his thoughtful analysis of where do we go from here, he has suggested a GI Bill for the unemployed.  This would take them out of the job market and give them skills for the future. So my question:

                  What are those jobs, which will stay in the US, for which they are not enough qualified workers, now?

                  1. Construction jobs have always come and gone with the economy, demographic shifts, etc.  And so far the Chinese and American corporations haven’t figure out how to outsource them. (Although we are battling the results of toxic Chinese drywall here and in a few other locations.)

                    A local company is set to hire and expand. What are they doing? Well, did you know that a LOT of dentures are made in Mexico or China?  This company, in cahoots with 3M, is set to digitally master one’s mouth for CAM dentures and hope to bring more work back here.  

                    As my grandchildren are starting to think of higher and further education, I’m going to advise them to go into “hands on” careers: nursing, construction management, law enforement, teaching, UPS driver even.

    2. but I think you’re right, dwyer.

      And the anger and fear of those who can’t keep up with a rapidly changing economy and culture, has been thoroughly and totally exploited by conservatives in this election year.

      Interesting dichotomy isn’t it: White men are angry and fearful about the rapid changes in this country and will apparently vote conservative.  Conservatives have historicaly been the strongest supporters of the competitive free market system, and in fact are pouring millions of dollars into this year’s election to preserve the current economy which is weighted heavily toward large corporations (whether US- or foreign-based).  However, it is the inadequately-regulated free market system which has produced the rapid economic and demographic changes.  

      An African-American President is not the cause of our collapsing economy.  Instead it is the very system which corporations are trying to preserve through their huge campaign donations.

    3. Demographics dictate that the era of white dominance in our society is at or near the end, regardless of the undocumented migrant question. This has to be terrifying to those whites on the bottom of the ladder who now have lost any hope they may have once had. And it makes them easy to manipulate (eg: Koch brothers) into voting against their own interests.

      If there was an effective way to bridge the divide between the races and make people realize the greater chasm is between the uber-rich and the rest of us who fight fo rtheir crumbs, then the Rs would be toast. Many have tried, but it just doesn’t seem to make a dent against our tribal natures. It is so much easier apparently to identify with people who superficially look like we do (skin color) but share nothing else in common with us (economic conditions). The right has been able to manipulate this from time immemorial and Goebels was a master for the Nazis and Rove and company are for today’s Republican Party.

      Sow how do we bring those with truly shared interests together? That is the rub!

    4. For a long time, television has thrown out Father Knows Best and run Homer Simpson.

      and, if anything, the president’s rational and moderate logic goes a long way to ameliorate the feeling of being excluded that some white males feel.  

        1. Homer is probably in at least the top half of real men.

          1-He supports his family.

          2-He’s usually there, in the end, for his kids.

          Okay, he often tries to strangle Bart, but, well,strangling Bart is probably a good thing for the gene pool, on balance.

          3-He doesn’t cheat on his wife — and he’s had chances to do so.

          4-he’s still married to his first and only wife.

          5-He hates his job and who wouldn’t, working for Mr. Burns.  But he gets up every day, punches the time clock and endures because he knows his family needs the money.


          all that said, I really, really, really wish he had a job other than that of safety inspector for a nuclear power plant.   Can Obama find a place for him?  Or maybe he can run for Coingress.  As a Republican, of course, he’d be the pick of that litter.  

          1. I think you’ve completely missed the subtleties of Homer’s character V. It’s all about the beer and doughnuts!

            otherwise, I really think he’s too smart to run as a Republican with the state of that party these days. What a bunch of crack-pots they’re pushing on the American people. I really feel for my more moderate (even sanely conservative) Republican friends with the nuts they have to choose from any more. I mean, people are seriously starting rumblings about Palin/Bachman or Bachman/Palin in 2012? How can any reasonable person today still call themselves a Republican?

            1. Eugene Robinson’s column in the Washington Post agrees with you, jpsandsci:

              I know that O’Donnell is likely to lose to Democrat Chris Coons. But until Election Day — at least — we’re supposed to take her seriously as the Republican candidate for the United States Senate. Sorry, but I just can’t do it anymore.

              Nor can I pretend that Carl Paladino, the raging bull from Buffalo, is qualified by experience or temperament to be governor of New York. Or that Sharron Angle, whose small-government philosophy is so extreme as to be incoherent, could possibly make a worthwhile contribution as a senator. Or that Rich Iott, whose idea of weekend fun is putting on a Nazi SS uniform and gamboling through the woods, is remotely acceptable as a candidate for the House.

              What strains credulity is the possibility that:

              …voters, unhappy and impatient, have decided that things will get better if some crazy, ignorant people are running the show

              But then Colorado has more than our share of looney candidates as well.

              1. Paladino and Angle are considerably better qualified than Tancredo.  Not qualified, of course, but better than Tancredo.  

                “I’m no longer a witch” and “I’m only a Nazi on weekends” are about even with Tancredo.

                  1. in the long run, America rejects extremists.  By destroying the Republican moderate wing, the Tea Party is setting the stage for the GOP to go the way of the whigs.

                  2. the Republican Party destroyed itself long before the Tea Party came about. The Republican Party should be thankful that the Tea Party didn’t just split off into a third party. Instead, the Tea Party has been the best thing to happen to Republicans in a long time.

                    1. As I reall,[sic] the Republican Party destroyed itself long before the Tea Party came about.

                      Glad to have you on their side.

              2. he says what I’ve been thinking for a while- when did the GOP degenerate into a refuge for the crack-pots of our society?

                I believe firmly it happened when Carl Rove took a look at a failed businessman with excellent connections in Texas and thought “Hmmmm, if I could make this guy Governor, then I could make him President, then we’d really have them by the balls!”

                And instead of learning a lesson about electing incompetents to run our government, the Republicans have decided to double-down and throw so many candidates who are even worse at us it isn’t even funny any more. (which is why I’ve stopped watching the Daily Show too…)

                1. The GOP degenerated into a refuge for the crackpots of our society in 1964, with the Goldwater campaign and the civil rights act, which led to Democrats finally getting rid of people like Strom Thurmond. Ever since, the Republican Party has been a Big Tent of Crazy.

                  Republicans used to reject John Birchers. Now Bircherism is not only mainstream within the Republican Party, but anyone who doesn’t believe in it will lose in a primary to someone who does.

                  1. maybe its a process phenomenon then, a curve. But today’s crazies would not have gotten nominated then. Goldwater wasn’t as stupid as Palin and Nixon wasn’t as crazy as Angle. And Thurmond was just a simple racist through and through.

  5. I was talking with someone at work and she said she was going home to vote – and step one was to figure out who the incumbents are so she can vote against them. I asked her what if the incumbent is a Republican (she’s conservative). She said if he’s federal – he’s out. If he’s state then she’ll think about it.

    And she lives in Boulder…

    1. Seriously, I can understand voting against incumbents as a strategy, but how do you not know who they are? Any of them?

      I sometimes think Boulder needs more conservatives, because the ones we have just aren’t very good.

    2. other Democrats from voting!

      What is behind your numerous rants, day after day?  

      Do you really not realize how crazy most of the Republican candidates are?

      Or do you want to go back to the 1800s with them?

      Republicans in the majority in the House or Senate will go right back to the policies that had us at the brink (they have said that over and over) and we are not yet far enough from the brink to survive that.  We will be in a depression soon, not just a stubborn recession if they gain the majority.  You apparently think that your income is safe enough that a depression won’t affect you.  You will have a rude awakening and this country will be 3rd world shortly!  Any party that only does what they think they need to do to get elected, even when their actions extend and exacerbate the recession, should scare the dickens out of you to the point that you are spending 12 hours a day knocking on doors.  

      These are not the Republicans of 10 years ago, let alone 20 or 30 years ago.  They will do exactly what they are doing now and not stop until they have, at least, destroyed all of the advances from FDR to the present.  They will not give an inch.  They will lie over and over until people think that it is the truth.  What does that remind you of?  Well?

      They won’t vote for START.  They like nuclear proliferation so that they can use it to scare the dickens out of the American people.  They like war and will even take a chance on nuclear war if it means some of them will survive to be in charge.  I know, that sounds dire but if you don’t think that it is true you are not listening to the people who would be the most influential.

      It is to the point that it almost seems that you are getting paid to post so many comments that are intended to discourage Democrats from voting.

      Vote Democrats!  Vote!  Ignore David’s doom and gloom or it may come true!  Vote!

      David is determined to convince you that voting is a waste!  Don’t listen to him!

      Vote Democrats!  Vote!

      1. I’m talking about what I face talking to people about voting. Pretending it doesn’t exist won’t make it go away.

        Yes I’m ranting. Because I think a lot (not all) of the trouble we Dems are in is self inflicted. And I think we’re continuing this self-inflicted damage.

        But whenever I suggest we change our message to something more effective, I’m called out for “being negative.” Sorry, but I’m not willing to pretend that if we shout the same old message louder people will change their vote.

        But we do agree on one thing – yes please vote Democratic. It does matter and Republican control would be really bad (not to mention loony toons in the case of several of their candidates).

        1. you’d have plenty of opportunity to reframe the issues if people are struggling. I never seem to have a problem talking from a positive point about what Democrats stand for and being able to attack Republicans for what they absolutely stand for. Why is this so difficult for someone of your obvious intelligence?

        2. All I see is ‘might as well give up now because the canary in the coal mine is already dead’, according to you.  

          So, what is the NEW message or messages that you would promote?  Besides, don’t bother trying to create more jobs in America.  

          Most of what I see from you is defeatism.

          Personally I don’t think the message is that bad but what they lack most is more personal energy in putting it forward.

          1. #1 is to listen to what President Clinton said in his Daily Show interview. It was brilliant both in content and presentation.

            #2 is speak to the issue of jobs. Talk about what was done, be honest about not making it the prime issue, and promise specific actions as soon as the election is over.

            #3 is speak to the class warfare the Republican party is waging against America, and again specifically how we Dems will counter.

            1. I listened to the entire Clinton interview.  Clinton does have his own smooth presentation but I don’t think that he is saying anything different than what other Democrats are saying.  Don’t you think that ‘brilliant’ is maybe a little over the top.  Or maybe you are just that much more enamored of Clinton than I am.

              Everyone is talking about jobs, and has been.  And just because they weren’t talked about constantly for the last 20 months, doesn’t mean that there weren’t lots of efforts to create jobs.  It is estimated that about 1 million jobs were saved by saving the auto industry.  That took a considerable amount of effort, and courage, but it saved jobs.  Just think of the jolt to the economy at the time that the auto industry was saved if 1 million jobs had been lost in a very short space of time. It might have been enough to push us into a depression right then!

              The jobs in the green industry are increasing every day and should just keep it up.  

              Jobs would have improved quite a lot if not for Republican obstruction.  For example, the last small business bill that took over 3 months (maybe more) to get passed.

              You seem to think that if other things are getting done, then nobody must be thinking about jobs.  Not true.  From ARRA on, jobs have been a major focus.  

              All I have heard you say about jobs is that they are gone and aren’t coming back.  So, what do you have in mind for jobs?  You are still so nonspecific about what you would recommend that people say or do that I still don’t have any idea what you have in mind, except maybe imitate Clinton, which would probably come across as fake by anyone trying it.

              Almost all Dems are talking about class warfare.  Jobs and class warfare are the basis for the talk about Repubs, and the Chamber of Commerce, being so in favor of outsourcing.  Also the Supreme Court’s decision on ‘personhood’ for corporations!  There are lots of ways that they are talking about class warfare, just not always using that term.

              Again, I just wonder if you are actually listening to what Democrats are saying/doing, if you just enjoy being negative or if you are actually trying to discourage Democrats and suppress the vote.

              You might feel better about the last 20 months if you visit… .

              1. Yes ARRA and the auto bailout were very helpful on jobs. But the unemployment rate has been stuck for some time and the small growth we see in the private sphere is below 100K/month which is the rate required just to stay constant.

                I have talked a lot about what I think should be done. One thing I have been suggesting for over a year is a G.I. Bill for the unemployed (part of the reason I liked Clinton’s speech – he wants the same thing).

                My primary concern is two-fold.

                1) I think Congress & Obama did drop the ball by not focusing on jobs over the last year.

                2) I think our candidates and leadership needs to  talk very specifically about how their primary focus will be jobs and what specifically they will propose.

                Yes we’ve achieved a lot. But most voters don’t care about anything other than jobs. And the “common wisdom” is we Dems aren’t doing anything about jobs.

                I’m not trying to discourage Dems, I’m trying to get them to look at the political environment as it is and adjust their campaigns to better speak to it.  

            2. why not try doing it yourself? Is it too hard?

              Be the change, as they say. Do something to help, or at least get out of the way while others do. Constantly telling people “We Democrats suck” is actually a lot less helpful than you seem to imagine.

  6. from

    The nonbinding question will be considered only by voters in the Third Berkshire District, which has about 40,000 residents. It seeks to rewrite the legal definition of nudity, so that the same rules apply to both genders. Gundelfinger, an amateur artist, launched the ballot effort after failing at Pittsfield City Hall in 2007 to win a woman’s right to swim topless.


                David Thielen is a far-out, left-wing looney toon Big Business Fascist Anti-Union scumbag who supports the designated hitter rule.

                  Opps, that may be going too far.  I take back the part about supporting the designated hitter rule.

  7. The Case for Obama

    The charges are familiar: He’s a compromiser who hasn’t stood up to the GOP or Wall Street. But a look at his record reveals something even more startling – a truly historic presidency.

    Historic in many ways but the political message was neglected in favor of governing.  Actually, with the economy and all of the other crises in January 2009, governing had to take priority.  But I will give this to David T, even though I haven’t heard from him what the message should be, that the political message could be better.  More bragging for one thing.  I blame part of this on the media, often the President does brag but noone knows it because it isn’t covered.  Hmmm. Could it be that the talking heads all make more than $250,000.00 net income in a year (if you watch the Press briefings you will often hear them complain)and the companies that they work for are most concerned about the bottom line and where they stand on the stock market?

  8. It has been so wonderfully refreshing to read a thread of comments that have almost all been thoughtful, respectful of others, and written with some effort to persuade rather than simply to hurl childish insults.

    Thank you.

  9. Earlier this week, my Unaffiliated, mostly apolitical wife gets her ballot in the mail.  Me, the can’t wait to vote Dem, only gets a measly little postcard from the Denver Elections Division.  I also get the Ballot Trace email indicating I’ll automatically get notified of the progress of my mail-in ballot.

    For the last few years, my mail ballot has been arriving like clockwork (I used to enjoy voting early at the grocery stores — that was convenient!).  So I go, “hmph”, and read the card.  It says “If you have already applied for a mail-in ballot, you do not need to re-apply”.  So I wait, and wait, and wait.

    Finally after my wife has already returned her ballot (after letting it sit on her desk for 4 days!), I go to the Secretary of State’s website to check my status.

    Lo and behold, I have an “N” next to the “Permanent Mail-in Ballot” option.

    I must have set that years ago (I don’t really trust the mail, and usually drop off my ballot in person).  So I guess this is the first election where the mail-in option truly is optional.

    So this week, I think I’ll trot down to my vote center and give that a whirl.  Fortunately, the closest one is just 4 blocks away.

    But for anyone that may have gone through this same experience, and still want to vote by mail, you have until the 26th to return your request card.  Or fax to 720-913-8600, or email  

    I don’t know if simply changing your preference on the link above will be sufficient to actually prompt getting your mail-in ballot for this election.

    Remember Dems, vote early and often.  Repubs, the election is Wednesday, Nov. 3rd.  You’ll also need to bring two witnesses to swear that you are a US citizen.  There will be a written test.

  10. Ripping up the Bennet and Hickenlooper signs.  We’re leaving them just the way they are.

    It demonstrates as nothing else can the vileness and hate behind the Buck and Tancredo campaigns.

        1. Praying for guidance, humility and compassion.

          But maybe that’s just me – I’m sure God has a plan for wilson.

          I used to know a great dive bar where that $0.50 could get you a PBR.  No more.

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