“No one is really miserable who has not tried to cheapen life.”
–David Starr Jordan
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BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Genghis
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: A Person
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Colorado Pols
IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
BY: kwtree
IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
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RIP Richard Wayne Penniman.
That Lovecraft quote is something like 85 years old.
How to make national news.
"Happy Mother's Day Mom!!! I'm giving you COVID."
Yeah, That's what I thought when I saw this yesterday. As my next-door neighbor says, "At what point did this seem like a good idea?".
Meanwhile, their liability insurance carrier is typing up the cancelation letter
I would hope.
Or just the premium increase notice.
Colorado restaurant illegally reopens with no social distancing and hundreds of customers
The comments section is running heavily against this little brunch clique.
Neville was there but the only gun in sight was strapped to the bouncer at the door. This is Castle Rock celebrating their freedumb to get sick and/or die. What a letdown!!!
Time for some facial recognition and contact tracing.
The fix? Since there is no sports programming on the in-house TV now, pipe in live video from the local hospitals ICU or ER.
With no sports now, can there be transferred authority for betting on COVID-19 results?
I was sent the video of this crime yesterday, and have been thinking long about it.
My first reaction was nothing but contempt for the owners, and this stunt. Their actions have endangered thousands, in my community and throughout Colorado, not just the couple of hundred “brave” fools who were not “afraid” to be within six feet of other fools. Their claim to the “right” to endanger thousands, because “freedom,” is as hollow and ridiculous and dangerous as someone claiming the “right” to drive against traffic on any highway or interstate, because “freedom.”
This morning I read this seemingly unrelated article:
with this:
I’m still highly contemptuous of the Arrellano’s and their actions; livid, in fact.
But, now I also have a deeper understanding of what happens when “no hope” leads some to selfishly choose, and justify, their “fuck it, I’m-going-down-so-why-not-take-everything-else-with-me-in-the-fire” mentality. Why care about anybody else, when nobody cares about what happens to me? — When you and everyone you see desperately need help, and all you get is ineptitude, and stupidity, and posing, and lies, and grasping self-dealing? The failure of leadership and government and society and community (after all, what is government, but society and community?) to protect and provide, at all levels, and in every important and vital circumstance (unless, of course, friends of Ttumpian overlords); its complete and utter failure at its most basic, fundamental duties and responsibilities. When you’re left on your own; you’re on your own . . .
So, yeah, fuck the idiot Arrellanos; and all their childish patrons. But, fuck all the Ttumps, and their idiot enablers — harder. We get rid of every one of them and the disease they spread; or suffer the collapse they’ve spawned and nurtured.
The Arrellanos of this country are as much a symptom as they are the problem
In my long-ago youth, I used to believe that the Apocalypse would be thunderbolts and lightning, and trumpets, and winged horses, and armies of angels and demons in a spectacular and awesome, glorious, epic final battle. The end; the new beginning. Quick. Decisive. Good guys win.
It will be a long, slow, nasty, crushing, soul and body starving, grinding, horrific slog to a pathetic, wasting, final fading last gasping whimper. No good guys, no winners; nothing but dead and forgotten victims . . .
Unless . . .
Quoth the Lorax
Well, there goes Dougco’s comparatively low CV19 death rate, of which Dio was so proud. If Rep. Neville comes down with the virus, look for RMGO to find a way to fundraise off of it.
What is wrong with these people? There were seniors and obese folks lining up to get a little virus with their pancakes. There have to be immune-compromised people, too…all high risk groups.
The owners words reveal his essential selfishness and tunnel vision:
I’m not proud, nor was I . . .
(. . . not as proud as you are of making erroneous statements, anyway.)
Correcting your shoddy nonsense and twaddle (then, and now again) ≠ boasting
Conserve your venom and bile for those factually-challenged, septuagenarian men, here.
Who knew plausible deniability and the suspension of disbelief could kill you?…or grandma?
It's not like the Colorado National Guard was ordered to come and shoot people, like that would ever happen
CEOs, Farm Bureau President Told To Remove Face Masks Before Meeting With Mike Pence
Whoever said irony is dead? . . .
Having gotten The Yam's attention with a 2 x 4…
Coronavirus updates: Most White House officials will have to wear masks, but Trump will be exempt
Of course, he is. The mask would smear his spray tan.
You know that’s why he won’t wear one. ( meme by the buckingjenny.com)
Trump’s role model, Putin, presiding over 221,000 cases and at least 2,000 deaths from CV19 in Russia, (per Moscow Times reporting), joked with reporters outside a hospital without wearing a mask or distancing. Putin did, however, wear full hazmat when he toured the hospital wards.
If only the Donald would start following that example, too….but the Germophobe in Chief probably won’t visit any actual Coronavirus patients.
"Eleven members of the US Secret Service have tested positive for the coronavirus as of Thursday evening, …"
Just don't tell me I have to be sad when Yammie-pie and the Butt-kisser-in-Chief (Pence) get sick.
I won't.
– they are sick, but – they aren't going to admit or acknowledge COVID
– you can be sad anytime for anything
– you can not be sad anytime for anything
Here's the thing that gets me shaking my head some more
What is a more likley response from the Commander in Chief:
– wow. This virus just doesn't care who it infects, we should start requiring more universal testing and required preventive measures
– well, it's hard for the hoi polloi, but I have super immunity to everything so I know I can't get it.