“The reward of suffering is experience.”
–Harry S. Truman
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BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Genghis
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: A Person
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Colorado Pols
IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
BY: kwtree
IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
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What? COVID didn't magically disappear in the Spring? *trump has valets? Like Obama?
Trump's personal valet tests positive for coronavirus
They were probably all very busy watching FOX News all day, and tweeting threats aimed at removing all of those unnecessary pandemic restrictions. . .
. . . you know, helping to make America great, again!?
Maybe this was the personal shoe valet so there were, at all times, a safe social distance of six-feet-four inches between *rumps adderalled nostrils and the valet's nose as he tied and shined the Dolce and Gabbannas? (plus the bonus of the William Howard Taft girth separating the two to deflect any stray Rona).
He'll be fine.
"Trump has valets" = Trump has servants paid for by taxpayers.
All presidents do. There's plenty to criticize w/o that.
Indeed. The presidential staff is a tradition from long ago.
"The Butler", starring Forest Whitaker is a fine film about the subject.
The poor valet – had to spray on the tan and the hair. This is why $rump won’t wear a mask, by the way. Pure vanity.
Image is by The Bucking Jenny http://bucking-jenny.com/
Speaking of….
Ms. Luther has raised over half-a-millon-dollars on her Go Fund Me page. NO wonder Caribou Barbie made a visit yesterday – she’s wanting in on this action.
The new “cause de celebre” for the Right Wing Howling Society. Similar to the air-headed clerk in Kentucky.
Of course, the 1/2 guv can see the potential.
Hey now, Duke, some of us lefties howl at 8 pm, too. It’s a way of saying, “We’re here, we’re bored, but we’re still alive.” I wonder if any nursing homes have taken up the practice.
Howling at 8 pm started as a nonpartisan declaration of support for health workers, almost a unity movement. You can howl masked or unmasked, with your furry friends harmonizing.
My Capitol Hill neighborhood howls every night at eight. Kwtree nailed it, it’s a hoot. I’m famous fo r my loud “we-onk!” In honor of the geese who overfly our cheeseman park neighborhood regularly with their dawn patrol.
Oh, shucks. I had forgotten about that when I made up that group.
Certainly no connection to the folks howling at 8 PM.
I do not live in a neighborhood, per se, as my 2 neighbors are 2.5 and 2.25 miles away, respectively, I am a bit disconnected from any community, writ small. We don’t get in to town much.
I enjoy the solitude.
This cycle’s Joe the Plumber?
Staffer for Vice President Mike Pence tests positive for coronavirus
UPDATE: The new infection is Katie Miller, wife of Stephen Miller; he of Muslim ban and family separation fame.
Where are Powerful Pear and Moderatus/PodestaE-mails/Stained BlueDress?
14.7% unemployment rate at the end of April and the Trump Recession keeps rolling right along.
Visit: Lincoln Project dot org; Rule of Law Republicans dot org; The Bulwark dot com. Pear and Moderatus: these sites will show you what being real conservatives is all about.
I'm really enjoying my daily dose of Bulwark, C.H.B. Thanks for the suggestion.
My pleasure, Michael.
They do have a relatively balanced cast and their menu is good.
In order to summon them, or any other Trumpistas, you must play the following music:
Moddy was here not too long ago, defending the bomb maker up in Loveland. I spose we just need to mention their "fine people" before they'll make a peep.
Surveys: Coloradans ordering less from restaurants, not excited about dining in when they reopen
Even as Colorado restaurants edge closer to reopening, a majority of residents don’t know that they are willing to go back out to dine in them and, in the meantime, are ordering less takeout food from them, according to two surveys that were released Wednesday.
The findings, part of polls that found also that Coloradans prefer to keep a statewide business and travel restrictions in place and that they support Gov. Jared Polis’ actions during the coronavirus pandemic, could portend trouble for an already battered industry. According to Colorado Restaurant Association findings, statewide restaurants were expected to lose $975 million in sales in April as compared to the same month in 2020, and some 23% said they feared closing permanently if stay-at-home orders remain in place through the end of this month.
Polis, who’s transitioned the state to a safer-at-home order that allows retail stores and non-essential offices to open again, reiterated during a news conference Wednesday that he has no timeline yet for allowing bars and restaurants to allow in-facility dining and drinking again. The governor said he wants to see data on the decline or resurgence of coronavirus cases under the new order before deciding whether to allow people to go back into the facilities, likely under orders that would have the restaurants begin operating at reduced seating capacity.
According to a Keating-OnSight-Melanson (KOM) poll of 600 people released Monday, just 41% of respondents said they will go to a restaurant when restrictions are lifted, while 39% said they will not and another 20% said they don’t know. That represents a far higher percentage of people than those willing to go to a concert or sporting event when the state permits that activity (20%) but a far lower percentage than are willing to go now to a retail store (62%).
And in a Western States Coronavirus Survey conducted by the University of Denver’s Center on American Politics and Montana State University-Bozeman, 62% of Coloradans said they got takeout from a restaurant less often in late April than they did just the week before. The results from 2,220 responses in four Rocky Mountain states — including 503 Individuals in Colorado — demonstrate what several area restaurateurs have begun to say anecdotally, that consumer spending that was crucial to them during the first month dine-in restrictions were in place has begun to drop off as weeks of closings have turned into months.
Colorado had recorded 17,816 positive cases of Covid-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, and 921 deaths as of mid-day Wednesday, Polis said. The May 5 numbers represented a 2% growth rate in positive cases but just a 0.3% increase in hospitalizations, he said.
The second-year Democratic governor declared a public-health emergency on March 10, shut down casinos and gyms as well as banning dining-in at restaurants and bars on March 17 and then issued a stay-at-home order closing non-essential businesses beginning on March 26. While opponents of his actions have organized two rallies at the Capitol calling for Polis to reopen the state fully, a number of other people have expressed concern that the governor has moved quickly than counterparts in other states to begin reopening targeted services like non-emergency medical providers and hair salons.
According to the KOM poll, 68% of Coloradans support Polis’ safer-at-home order and 71% approve of the job Polis is doing on the coronavirus outbreak. Overall, Polis has ratings of 66% favorable and 30% unfavorable, up significantly from his 50%/35% split in a poll by the same firms conducted last June.
Polis fares slightly less well in the Western States Coronavirus Survey, with 64% of respondents approving of his handling of the coronavirus response and 23% disapproving. In that poll, 73% of Coloradans supported the stay-at-home order, with 12% opposed.
Despite their acceptance of Polis’ restrictions on business activities, Coloradans believe they could have long-term consequences on the business environment here, according to the Western States survey. A full 73% of respondents said they were very (40%) or moderately (33%) worried about the collapse of small business in their state, while only 9% said they were not worried.
Trump blocks national testing program — why? Because tests make us "look bad"
Amid Trump's flagrant lies, a truth comes out: He's never wanted "all this testing" because he fears the optics
Hold on it gets better….
We knew this…now he is admitting it.
From… the Hill
Electric cars are here to stay — despite what the oil industry thinks
Q. When is a medical crisis, not a medical crisis? . . .
. . . A. When it’s an economic concern.
Or, why JBS needed (and received) Presidential liability absolution . . .
. . . and, why their CEO will probably receive a Presidential pardon, and a Presidential medal.
#thanksdonnie, #thankscory, #thanksken, #thanksJBS
Remember, nobody working at JBS ever got Covid at a JBS plant anywhere; they all brought it from home. Because, you know, “essential workers” (i.e., those people, not praying enough to the right jesus, etc.) . . .
. . . JBS was actually doing these workers a favor by allowing them to come to work in the close quarters of their health-inducing plant facilities, thereby escaping the terrible squalor they’re accustomed to living in at their homes.
Fuggit the CEO
Billionaire Co-owner of JBS Gives Himself up to Police in Brazil
Trump administration showers Brazilian crooks with $62M bailout money meant for struggling U.S. farmers
This would be a good place for a couple of Republican senators who have a conscience (if such a thing exists) to begin the GOPs retaking of their party. We can see the edge of T***pland and the ship is rudderless. If the Republican party wants to survive, if they want to avoid the waterfall into the void, their window is closing.
‘We’re going to fill it’: Republicans ready for any Supreme Court vacancy
GOP senators denied Obama a seat on the high court. They’ll deliver for Trump.
addendum: I just learned a new and troubling term, which, from its use must get tossed around in DC, a lot. A “situational answer” is a cousin of “alternative facts”. I must be slipping…I have not heard it.