Here’s a recent Facebook post from the immediate past Republican President of the Colorado Senate, Kevin Grantham, now running for a better paying seat on the Fremont County Board of Commissioners. He’s reportedly a reader, so we’ll open the floor without further commentary and you can answer Grantham’s curious line of questions:
Grantham’s a little past the face mask debate as you can see! At least he’s no longer in charge of the Colorado Senate. In case you were wondering, there have been no cases anywhere in the country we can find of the National Guard “shutting down churches,” despite some false rumors in red states and this great story about a church adopting a National Guard unit in Georgia fighting the pandemic. In Colorado, officials are catching flak for being too lenient. This public-health resistance fantasy world Grantham imagines is simply detached from the reality the rest of us inhabit.
Let’s all take a step back and remember what Jesus would do, which is the opposite of getting people sick.
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
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No. No. No.
Ummmm, seems like kinda’ a trick question, or maybe just a really stupid one, but, still — No.
Trick question? Or trick bible verse? Maybe he missed bible school the Sunday they studied (in my *rump voice) "One Corinithians" 10:24?
How does Mr. Grantham account for the 30+% of Americans who list their religious beliefs as "None?" Meaning, not likely they're going to a church.
Perhaps Mr. Grantham might join Republican Ohio State Representative Nino Vitale for World Naked Gardening Day tomorrow given he arrived on this planet wet, hungry and naked? Put that image of God in full bloom for the flock?
Mr. Grantham might recall that that Guy he apparently wants to hold up already had a test and it most definitively was not who would make the most public display or piousness. Rather it was to take care of the most needy among us, for in doing so we take care of Him. Ignoring public health advice in the time of a deadly, highly contagious public health emergency in order to Own the Libs, burnish Trumpublican bonafides, or imagine it is somehow a path to reborn relevancy, likely spreading disease that is killing the vulnerable among us is a sure road to Hell from my reading of Matthew 25. I don’t want to be unfair to goats, but if the cloven hoofs fit…
He's not the only one. Rep. Mark Baisley replied to Grantham's post saying "Wouldn't miss it."
And this morning Rep. Steve Humphrey announced that the time for closed churches is over, posting the following on Facebook:
"Many churches cancelled services and freely cooperated, temporarily, for the sake of containment. That phase is over. Time to re-open with due care and caution… corporate worship is a biblical essential."
Got any clue where "corporate worship is a biblical essential" might come from?
How often must there be corporate worship in order to count towards fulfilling the "essential"? Is it somehow linked to salvation? Is "corporate" somewhat bigger than "where two or three are gathered together," or is three a corporation?
Ought we rely on Colorado Representatives for theological doctrine?
Many, if not most, Christian churches today are connected to or ARE corporate entities. Gone are the little independent country churches of my mothers’ childhood…most have become “worship centers” whose flock is inundated with the “word of god” almost 24/7/365.
They just want to fill their mega-church.
Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it Duke? If they won't wear a mask because "God will protect them and your family," then why do they need to carry a gun around to protect them and your family"?
Just pick your lane boys…and stay in it.
What if, tomorrow, Kevin’s church decided to have regular service, indoors. Would Kevin go?
I can only hope so. Pews packed with Dumpster® voters. Massive Covid-19 deaths just a few weeks in the future,
I'm going to use that as my sweet dream tonight.
And all those who are NOT like-minded with Mr Grantham should stay away from every public place and every place of business he frequents.
Um, could these guys just get raptured up already. Geez, isn't that the whole point of COVID-19?