“The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way.”
–Samuel Butler
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BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Genghis
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: A Person
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Colorado Pols
IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
BY: kwtree
IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
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Good morning, all.
The western slope of Colorado is enjoying the most spectacular morning of the season, so far. My Cat and I count ourselves as indescribably fortunate to live at the edge of the world. We don’t get a lot of traffic, but we do have wi-fi, so we are very much in touch with the news.
As we chatted this morning, we were discussing the continuing mystery of why the administration continues to delay (and lie about) testing. A doctor being interviewed said something like, “Until we have comprehensive testing, we can’t be sure of anything”. That then makes it impossible for us to call out the administrations’ lies. Which, I think, is the point.
Following is an article by Lucian K.Truskott IV from Salon.
Can we stop tiptoeing around the fact that Trump is behaving like a dictator?
A number of us have talked of this, but the realization that fascism is the intent and plan of the Orange Horde is becoming ever more obvious to all. We must take this seriously, call it out for what it is, and fight back. The Orange Destruction and his Billionaire Cabinet are intent on making sure Stephen Millers’ first pronouncement is valid.
The first time I saw him on television, I remember him saying to the interviewer, “We will not be questioned.” I guess some people thought he didn’t mean it.
Yes, and add in the sadism we see Trump displaying today, we are in a frightening time.
Truscott is becoming one of my favorite curmudgeons.
His comparison of Amb. Bill Walker and Secretary Mike Pompeo is classic:
Mike Pompeo, secretary of nothing: Unlike Bill Taylor, he's a disgrace to West Point Pompeo was first in his class at West Point. Now he's first in line to kiss Donald Trump's ass. Quite a career path
At the end of the day, Duke, Trump is only a front. A front for the real "deep state" of the shadowy billionaires that fund the far right wing: Adelson, the Kochs, Mercers, Uihleins, others. And their bought-and-paid-for politicians & ex-politicos like McConnell, Nunes, Pompeo, Huckabee, Gingrich, and others. As an aside, Louie Gohmert from TX isn't smart enough to know he's been bought.
Also part of the Deep State is the Christian nationalist and dominionist far right; the religious right. And let's not leave out the talking heads like most on Fox, Limbaugh, Bannon, Newsmax, InfoWars, QAnon, and the rest.
This is not the Republican party of Buckley, Goldwater, Reagan, or the Bushes. Yes, Reagan and the Bushes used these far righties for their own ends. But eventually the tiger becomes big enough that you can't ride it anymore.
("Ride the Tiger," Jefferson Starship, 1974. Grace Slick on lead vocals.)
WOTD from Rachel Bitecofer at Niskanen Center: "Negative Partisanship and the 2020 Congressional Elections"
For Bitecofer, Democratic success will be about turnout. She makes the point that negative partisanship turns out the base, but it also turns out a DIFFERENT base.
Here are her Senate 2020 Predictions:
Likely D
Lean D
Toss Up
KS (if Kobach is R nom)
Lean R
What’s Amash going to do to the turnout model?
Bitecofer hasn't said anything about 3rd parties that I've seen in this year's analysis. But in analyzing 2016, her position was:
Third parties were significant because WI, MI and PA were so close. But as kwtree has demonstrated often, active voter suppression of Democratic voters, especially blacks, was far more important in fascist strategy.
from Maddowblog…
Sam Stein, who was a guest during that spot, also brought up collected comments from academics about what might lead to another impeachment. They listed a quid pro quo against the states as a leading consideration.
Dump deserves to be impeached again.
"and convicted….." Depends on how close Amy McGrath is polling with Moscow Mitch in his re-election campaign.
Agree. It doesn't do any good to have laws if there's no one to enforce them. What if there were no enforcement of traffic laws – forget stopping at red lights, go as fast as you want, drive wherever you want, force others off the road?! That's what Congress is allowing the Trump administration to do – violate every law/rule/norm they want to. There is no accountability. Members of Congress are as guilty as Trump is.
(the same way he looked Mayor Pete in the eye?)
Leaving Off Mask At Mayo Clinic, Pence Said He Wanted To Look Workers ‘In The Eye’
Pence hasn’t figured out yet that one doesn’t have to cut eye holes in the medical masks. Just cover your nose and mouth, Pencey-poo.
Not sure why Ttump’s MisAdministration picked now to all of the sudden avoid wearing their masks in public? . . .
May Day looks to be a near-perfect Denver spring day (sunny, low-80s) for the next bigly Nutterpalooza . . .
. . . ya’ gots your “May Day Mutiny,” “Open Carry at the Capital,” and the “March for Freeedumb,” with more still to be announced, I’m sure . . .
. . . bring plenty of sunscreen and tin foil! (or not, if you plan to thoroughly irradiate your orange Ttumpself)
On a brighter note — Joe Biden appears to be doing the smart thing and letting Trump have center stage upon which to flail and put on full display the cruel, malicious and incompetent fool we have currently in the White House.
“Tar-Baby coronavirus stayed still, and Brer Fox, he lay low…”
Biden knows what he’s doing.
So is it a real thing that Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are censoring posts now that aren’t WHO compliant? Cuz I gotta a whole lotta rubes on my feed right now that are losing their damn minds. Nutter? Can you help us out?