“Strategic planning is worthless unless there is first a strategic vision.”
–John Naisbitt
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BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
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Letter I sent to Negeuse & Bennet (Gardner – why bother…)
I'm a small business owner that is in the queue for a SBA loan via Wells Fargo (our bank). I'm guessing that the first 350 Billion will run out before they get to our place in line. So we really need the additional funding for those loans.
With that said, I think it's more important for our country that the House Democrats hold out for the additional funding we need to protect our democracy and fund additional entities such as hospitals and local & state governments that are also about to go broke.
I think it is absolutely essential that the legislation includes funding for and a requirement of that every state goes to all mail voting similar to Colorado this November.
My company and my employees need the money from the loans. But we also all need long term a functioning democracy, local governments, and medical infrastructure.
thanks – dave
ps – And the Republicans will eventually agree to what you require, and then take credit for it.
Thanks for your effort to clarify priorities and support better decision making.
If we are going to have mail voting as a major element of the November election, there needs to be some certainty about the existence and effectiveness of the US Postal Service, too.
Not to mention the "existence and effectiveness" of the federal government.
So, now everybody here who’s been tested — who’s ready to just “go out there with all they’ve got and die one for the Ttumpter”??? . . .
I dunno’, maybe this coronamajig just isn’t as easy as winning a trade war ??? . . .
. . . maybe, science is hard ??
Have you taken your coronavirus test today?
Fine ideas. Based on some of Romer's archived musings, he points out even BAD tests (80% false negatives) will help. … but you will notice a distinct lack of numbers in the Tweet version of the plan.
So, a few questions:
Scott Adams is a very odd duck (sometime socialist, somewhat nihilist, an early and often Trump supporter — nevertheless), but I think he just defined one key element of today's Republican Party.
If you've taken a test, you are among the elite. One site compiling data says there have been 2,805,892 tests given and completed: that is 8.45 per 1,000 in the United States.
A month after emergency declaration, Trump’s promises largely unfulfilled
On March 13, President Trump promised to mobilize private and public resources to respond to the coronavirus. NPR followed up on each promise and found little action had been taken.
“Let ‘em eat ?? . . .
(. . . hmmm, . . . no, don’t tell me — I know this one . . .)
. . . LIES and PUFFERY !!!!”
CD-4 is represented by a f
lamucking lunatic:I read from the Progress Now blog that 600 beds have been set up the National Western Stock show for the homeless.
Question: HOW did that happen? How much did the crusty old right wing nutcases that run the place get out of that so the trash can spend time at their "heaven on Earth"?
I can't answer your question. I've lived in Colorado now for 39 years and have never been to the National Western Stock Show or complex.
Got my fill of such shows at county and state fairs when I was a kid; to say nothing about visiting family members who had farms and helping out, when needed, with the chores.
National Western Stock Show facilities are being developed, and services will be delivered there:
Recent meetings of the City Council have agenda items for approval of contracts for portable showers and security … but not the facility rental itself. NWSSC facilities are one of several options developed by Denver.
<pops popcorn>
Trump claims he, not governors, has power over states on deciding reopening country
For anyone who would like to read some positive news – I finally got approval to implement a living wage at Windward. I got approval in February and when this mess hit, got agreement to continue with it.
The minimum full time salary at Windward is now 63K/year. For any full time employee regardless of their job.
Good on you, David.
thank you
Enjoy your tax break equal to 2 1/2 times the monthly salary of each employee times your marginal tax rate. So, $13,125 times say 31% = $4,000 per employee. So, it wasn't exactly painless. And, there is no look back to require you to payback these tax dollars if it turns out your business wasn't actually affected by the crisis.
Of course, that is only if you get to deduct the PPP expenses. There is considerable uncertainty about that. I was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article on Saturday related to that. You might want to do some research.
You mean this? It’s behind a WSJ paywall. You may want to post an excerpt if you want us all to benefit from your expertise.
Yep. It deals with arcane Tax Code issues re: tax exempt tax deductions. My comments were about how maddening it is for tax preparers to advise our clients about the PPP program. You wouldn’t get it.
Although I brought it up to the reporter, the article did not address the issues I’ve mentioned above. Specifically, the bogus bonus afforded “small” business owners who get personal tax benefits for merely serving as a conduit for paying their employees with Federal tax dollars. Also, no look back requirement to refund these tax dollars if there turns out there wasn’t an economic harm to the business, after all.
Even if…. WOTD from asdf at Vox: "A raging class war, a preview of more good news, or a simple mistake."
I assume that following an intense month or three of "individual distancing; social solidarity", the economy will gradually move to a year of very careful lifestyles.
We live in a service economy:
The markets are underwhelmed…way too little…way too late. The world is awash in oil and gas. the Fossilonians are infected with the heebeejeebeevirus…they are about to get truly hammered. Be ready for 99 cent gasoline.
But if Polis and the librul Democrats in the legislature would just eliminate job-killing regulations…
–COGA press release in the works.
A follow up…fromCNN
President Donald Trump took a victory lap over the weekend for helping convince Russia and Saudi Arabia to make record-shattering production cuts — but there was no celebration in financial markets.
“This will save hundreds of thousands of energy jobs in the United States,” Trump tweeted Sunday. “I would like to thank and congratulate President Putin of Russia and King Salman of Saudi Arabia.”
Yet oil prices barely budged Monday, remaining near 18-year lows. And the S&P 500 energy sector (XLE) lost further ground, leaving it down a stunning 43% on the year.
The muted reaction on Wall Street reflects a realization that despite the historic nature of the OPEC cuts, they aren’t nearly deep enough to erase the epic supply glut facing the oil market.
This is bizarre. Why is Trump trying to raise oil prices?
Low oil prices provide stimulus to the economy. High oil prices lead to higher costs on all kinds of goods.
As a favor to Harold Hamm et al. The American oil bidness is so overleveraged, it cannot withstand $20.00 oil for any length of time. His buddies Vlad and MSB are intent on killing the the American oil industry.
Oh, the irony.
^^^THIS^^^ (something, something about ‘Wall Street’ and ‘junk bonds’.
Interesting article, Michael. Thanks for the linky.
I, for one, will not shed a tear for the American oil industry.
My experience with the industry over the past fifteen years (and having worked in the patch for a few years) has been sufficient to convince me that the Oily Boyz are universally corrupt.
Ruthless…dishonest…cruel. All words that apply to the way the soulless, arrogant, corporations have exploited the resource and run roughshod over anyone or anything that stands in the way of their ginormous profits.
Well…they are now getting their asses kicked and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of gasholes. Their troubles are a direct result of their own monumental greed. They deserve the ruin they have brought upon themselves.
He cares.
Because we’re about four or five months past due for any little bit of honesty* . . .
. . . And, honestly, there’s no way in freakin’ hell under our American “system” of healthcare that Donnie or Jared are gonna’ ever get one damn thing done right . . .
* As of the most recent reporting, America has slightly in excess of 30% of the world’s confirmed Covid-19 cases, and just under 20% of the world’s confirmed deaths. (And, no that’s not just because we’re such stellar counters — and all the other countries are better liars.)
Our American “leaders” are still treating this situation as one that will just miraculously go away (warmer weather, divine intervention, Hydroxychloriquone, whatever), and are mostly laser-focused right now on treating the economic symptoms, instead of treating this viral pandemic like it might possibly be some kind be a medical issue requiring medical treatments and interventions . . .
Who does this fucker think he is? . . .
. . . Eric Cartman???
FFS. That's 1:27 of my life I'm not getting back.
I have seen people react dramatically to the Orange Destruction and his addle-pated pronouncments, but I do not recall such an immediate and overwhelming reaction from the people in the room.
"the authority is total"…
Sorry, pea brain. Wrong again. No many how many times you say it.
All Hail King Donald, the Inept.!!