“Never give an order that can’t be obeyed.”
–Douglas MacArthur
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BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
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Worth reading…
Sweetly written, and grimly funny, because true. Thanks for posting, Duke.I’d been thinking along those lines – that this was one crisis $rump can’t postpone or shift blame or bs his way out of.
It was a sad day when the virus caught our #StableGenius.
(and 'some people' are worried about Uncle Joe's mental state?)
Tweeted y.e.s.t.e.r.d.a.y.
You can read this forward, backward, even sidewise, and it will never sound like it was written by a sane person . . .
No golfing. . . .
. . . Stuck inside watching FOX reruns.
Truscott has become a favorite for me. He's written a whole series of valuable takes on Trump and his minions, compared to others he's known in his long and varied life.
He grew up with and went to West Point with Bill Taylor, two-time Ambassador to Ukraine. Truscott's comparison of the two "first in their class" people — Taylor and Pompeo — will stick with me for a long time: https://www.salon.com/2019/11/23/mike-pompeo-secretary-of-nothing-unlike-bill-taylor-hes-a-disgrace-to-west-point/
Our parents might have been part of the “Greatest Generation”, but we Boomers are probably the “Luckiest Generation”. Our kids? Not so much
And on top of that, their incomes were never as generous as ours, and their college debt is overwhelming. We really need to invest more in that generation if we are to maintain a healthy economy.
Debt slaves can’t afford to buy homes, major appliances or raise a family.
You can’t say you weren’t given adequate warning about “all this winning” . . .
Thank you, Jared!
Thank you, Sean!
Thank you, Mitch!
Thank you, Cory!
Thank you, Donnie!!!
"It's just the flu."
Meanwhile, . . .
. . . somewhere in Hell . . .
And we aren’t even counting those who have died suddenly without attribution to COVID because they were already in an elderly, fragile state. I realize the current leadership couldn’t give a rat’s ass about this data but a friend of mine, whose wife is a nurse in Nevada, said they are seeing significant numbers in her care group that fall into this category. It happens so fast they’re just shipped off to the morgue. No time or capacity for autopsies.
The way we will measure Covid-19 deaths in history will be much different than today.
Today, we only measure those that are stated to be due to the virus.
In the future, we will measure the deviation in death numbers from normal.
The WSJ recently had an article about how Italia is undercounting. By a lot.
"The daily tally of New York City residents who died at home with coronavirus-like symptoms exploded from 45 on March 20 to 241 on April 5, according to Fire Department of New York data."
"Before the coronavirus outbreak, the lieutenant said, the five boroughs averaged 10 to 20 calls a day that resulted in death. " … "
Between March 20 and April 5, the number of Covid-19-like cases, including patients who survived, tripled, from 94 to 322, according to fire department data.
The percentage of calls in which paramedics could not save the person rose from 48% percent to 75%."
Mass graves are filling up fast on Hart Island, New York. “Unclaimed” bodies of New Yorkers have increased fivefold during the coronavirus crisis.
So freaking sad. How many could have been saved with earlier action?
USA #1 !
Take that, Italia.
If you're bored and want to learn something
newold – there's COBOL.Been there, done that. In 1976-77 I got paid money to program in COBOL which I learned in 1968.
I would be glad to help if:
° got paid $300/hr
° could work from home
You'd be worth that much and more if you could run their COBOL code through a translator producing C or Java or some other language du jour and then make it run on the cloud.
I just spotted this on Kos:
Dr Fauci yanked from Trump's daily 'Briefing' after saying "I just don't understand why we're not.."
Bye, Bye, Tony.
You saw the DK story was from Friday April 03, 2020, right? and that Fauci has been back for several of the press show and tells since.
Oops….missed that. thanks for pointing it out.
Another accounting of all of Trump’s failures in the face of crisis
So what is foremost on Trump’s mind at the moment?
Add to that this other Gem of the day:
Despite Mr. Trump’s denial weeks later, he was told at the time about a Jan. 29 memo produced by his trade adviser, Peter Navarro, laying out in striking detail the potential risks of a coronavirus pandemic: as many as half a million deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses.
Inside the West Wing, Mr. Navarro, Mr. Trump’s trade adviser, was widely seen as quick-tempered, self-important and prone to butting in. He is among the most outspoken of China hawks and in late January was clashing with the administration’s health experts over limiting travel from China.
Peter Navarro, Mr. Trump’s trade adviser, warned that a pandemic could cost the United States trillions of dollars and put millions of Americans at risk of illness or death.Credit…Doug Mills/The New York Times
So it elicited eye rolls when, after initially being prevented from joining the coronavirus task force, he circulated a memo on Jan. 29 urging Mr. Trump to impose the travel limits, arguing that failing to confront the outbreak aggressively could be catastrophic, leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses.
The uninvited message could not have conflicted more with the president’s approach at the time of playing down the severity of the threat. And when aides raised it with Mr. Trump, he responded that he was unhappy that Mr. Navarro had put his warning in writing
“And when aides raised it with Mr. Trump, he responded that he was unhappy that Mr. Navarro had put his warning in writing“. . .
. . . let that sink in.
Yep, another good article that makes the timeline of Trump's failures crystal clear.
Well, of course…..
GOP lawmakers: Fauci may be doing more harm than good
Gov. Abbott is going to make Texas into a petri dish to test whether or not Fauci is correct.
The Passover story, based in history, has some lessons for us today. The Jewish people were sheltering in place from a plague (one of 10). The Pharaoh, a cruel, selfish, and power-hungry autocrat, stubbornly refused to “Let the people go!”
Boils, Locusts, frogs, fire and ice, cattle dying in the fields, virulent pestilence- nothing could change his mind. The final plague came down on the first born of each household- except for the marked houses of those Jews who were sheltering in place.
Finally, they were released to leave their enslavement in Egypt, but had to leave in a hurry, in case Pharaoh changed his mind. Hence the Seder foods that we commemorate today. This year, Passover will be celebrated from April 8-16. Early Christians also celebrated Easter on Passover, and the two holidays are closely linked. Modern heathens echo the ancient matriarchal fertility rites of Astra/ Eostre/Ostara, with hares and eggs symbolizing rebirth and growth.
So….we have a Pharaoh, we have a plague, but (sorry, Uncle Joe), we have no Moses. Science is our Moses. We will shelter and take care of each other and grieve our dead and our losses, and keep faith in science and in Democracy, and in better days to come. Pharaohs can’t rule the unwilling.
This has been one of many Holy Week messages, and it is worth what you paid for it.
Happy Holidays to you and yours!Celebrate Spring 🌿🌳🍃🌷🌸🌞🌦💒🕯
Credit to Joy Reid’s guest Reverend Warnock for the reminder that we can learn from our spiritual leaders how to survive pandemics.
Actually, there is a long tradition that shows Moses, like Biden, had a speech impediment.
Biden has the basis to truly make the campaign "Not me. Us." Develop a team which includes a talented wordsmith / orator. Set the direction out of our current wilderness and toward a promised land — but not arrive there himself.
I like that- it humanizes Moses. And I agree that Biden will need a strong veep and cabinet to lead us out of the desert.
For women, it’s going to be especially challenging supporting Biden this year, as the allegation of sexual harassment is credible. If we’re saying “Believe women”, we should do that. Given that Biden has long promoted female-friendly policies, that balances the scales somewhat. But this was the cab that establishment Dems called when they were so spooked by Sanders and Warren’s policies that they promoted a largely unvetted “unity candidate”. The main thing that’s going to work for Dems is that Trump is an existential threat, and Biden is not.
Getting back to the spiritual topic, We have a plethora of modern day spiritual Moses figures – (Pope Francis, Rev. William Barber, Sister Rosemary, the church and secular people providing aid and comfort to immigrants on the border and in detention, and many more).
But on the Left, we don’t claim the moral high ground in the way that we should. Right wing Christian Dominionists have claimed that ground, and no amount of cognitive dissonance (cruelty in separating immigrant families, rationalizing coronavirus deaths as “thinning the herd”, starving the poor, breaking every other One of Moses’ Commandments).
Maybe it’s because we progressives have these “failings” of doubt, tolerance of opposing views, and a long term vision. We see nuance and spectra, not black/white good/evil choices.
I dunno’ . . .
. . . forty years is a long damn time!
And, anyway, what’s so often omitted and overlooked from this cozy “promised land” fairytale of divine deliverance is all the slaughter and carnage and ongoing war that logically followed: — “and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.” — like any war, all in the name of our God is greater than yours. But, we can always make another great hero story about the real true heroes (us, of course) out of that! Hooray, team! “Here’s another nit, captain . . .”
So, yeah, promised land — now just go kill all them natives and in just a few centuries from now they’ll have a day where your descendants stuff themselves with turkey and dressing and pie, and drink gallons of lite beer between commercials, while they honor your generations’ great righteous piety, moral clarity, and dedication to personal freedom (for the “right” persons, of course).
3,300 years and we’re still tied to the paeans and heroic mythologies of war and our divinely-favored providential group-superiority for our narratives of hope ??? We learn nothing . . .
Me, I’m sticking with the magical bunny, and maybe a celebration of the regularities of planetary motions and tilting.
"Unvetted"? Joe was in the Senate 33 years and vice president 8 more! That's four decades under a microscope. By comparison nobody really heard about the mayor of Burlington, Vt. or the former Oklahoma school marm until a few years ago.
Sorry that the American people again rejected Eugene V. Debs but it is ridiculous to claim Joe Biden is "unvetted."
and it is ludicrous for you to claim to speak for "women" when you sang in the "We hate Hillary" choir long after her nomination.
Hillary led us to the promised land. Tragically, she didn't enter it.
Maybe kamala, Amy or gov. Whitmer can complete the journey.
Thanks, kwtree.
Thanks for this Kim – and the Passover narrative. Being Catholic I have a slight traditionalist streak that runs through my veins; I enjoy a Seder meal with friends. Have a blessed Easter (to all of you here), however you may or may not be celebrating this pagan-turned Holy Day!
A commenter on Salon called Tenebrous submits this:
Donald Trump comes in to a bar and sits down. The bartender suddenly noticed that a tiny man playing a tiny piano is sitting next to Trump. "Where did he come from?" the bartender asked. Trump explains, "I found a magic lamp and the genie granted me a wish." The bartender asks, "So how did you end up with your little friend?" And Trump says, "It turns out the genie is a little hard of hearing, and I ended up with a twelve inch pianist!"
They told that joke about Nero☺
This just in…
Lawmakers cry foul as Trump considers retreating from Open Skies Treaty
I always figured pestilence, then famine, then war, and finally death made the most logical sense . . .
. . . but I guess pestilence, then war, then famine, and finally death could be the order of the horsemen?
Sure…the first three enable the fourth. I don't know that the sequence matters much.