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(D) M. Dougherty

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(D) Diana DeGette*

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(D) Somebody



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(R) Jeff Crank*

(D) Somebody



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(D) Jason Crow*

(R) Somebody



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(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



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(R) Gabe Evans*

(D) Manny Rutinel

(D) Yadira Caraveo




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April 03, 2020 06:47 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.”



28 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. Why Vote-by-Mail is evil.

    “The president said it best ― this will be extremely devastating to Republicans and conservatives in Georgia,” said Ralston [Republican speaker of the Georgia state House]. 

  2. One of the world's smallest clubs is People Capable of Skippering a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier. Captain Brett Crozier has been relieved of his post as commanding officer of the USS Theodore Roosevelt after his report about the COVID-19 outbreak on the ship became public.

  3. At this website, you can compare different states. If you hover over the line, you can see rates of increase for previous day, previous week, and the full series. 

    Confirmed cases in Colorado, you can see that the rate has decreased from 23% to 13% (previous week). By the "rule of 72 for doubling: 72/rate = days to double), 13% is a doubling every 5.5 days, down from doubling every 3 days for the whole time period.

    Deaths are a trailing indicator by as much as a couple weeks. Here, Colorado is still showing the doubling every 3 days.

    This other website from the State of Colorado is a model of transparency. It presents some great graphical displays. The data is claimed to be carefully vetted, but trails a day. 

    In particular, look at the graph of Hospitalizations, Deaths and Cases about 2/3 of the way down. You can see how severely COVID-19 is hitting the elderly. Also, women are a few more percentage in terms of getting the virus, but deaths are 60/40 against men.

      1. Different models have different estimates.  The ones I've paid most attention to say peak is going to be mid-April (17th) to mid-June, depending on their assumptions about how effective the "shelter in place" order is followed.  The later peak assumes strict compliance for 3 months (April-May-June), and the "peak" is pretty low — and certainly below Colorado medical capacity.

  4. Kushner gaslighting just like daddy-in-law does:

    “We’ve done things that the federal government has never done before, quicker than they’ve ever done it before”

    Closer to the truth, there are two alternative corrections:

    1) “We’ve done things that the federal government has never done before, quicker than they’ve never done it before”

    2) “We’ve done things that the federal government has never done before, slower than they’ve never done it before”

    Even closer:

    “We’ve done things that the federal government has never done before”

    1. “We’ve sowed more self-congratulatory confusion, nonsense, and obfuscation, and also created substantianlly more lying BS, quicker than any previous American administration ever dreamt possible, in their wildest, wild imaginings.” 

    2. More good stuff from that the TtumpKushnocracy has done for America, that had never been done before . . . 

      Trump administration ended pandemic early-warning program to detect coronaviruses

      The program had worked with labs in Wuhan, China, and around the world to detect deadly viruses that could jump from animals to humans.

      Read in Los Angeles Times: https://apple.news/AHYRkPhvVS9qe0IGYSoYlsw

      . . . maybe it was a tariff thing?

  5. Can I piss you off today?  Let me tell you about the SBA's Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).  As a sole employee CPA I will qualify for about $21,000 of tax-free money.  Because.

    For real businesses, they will get tax-free money to pay their employees for 8 weeks.  This will benefit the owners to the tune of about 25% of the amount they pay their employees.  And, they will also get an additional $21,000 or so tax-free benefit.

    Just thought you'd like to know how this boondoggle is going down.  I intend to donate most of my windfall to a food bank.

      1. Go to Treasury.gov for the application.  Contact your bank, assuming they are a SBA lender, to submit the application.  It's a cluster fuck at the moment where there is no bank, to my knowledge, who is ready to actually accept and submit applications to the SBA.  It's concerning because there is "only" $349 billion in the program, and it's first come, first served.

  6. Not Colorado, but almost unbelievable. Read the whole thing.


    "If you spent less time on your ridiculous impeachment hoax, which went haplessly on forever and ended up going nowhere (except increasing my poll numbers), and instead focused on helping the people of New York, then New York would not have been so completely unprepared for the “invisible enemy.” No wonder AOC and others are thinking about running against you in the primary. If they did, they would likely win."

  7. FREEDUMB!! is under attack.  Just how exactly are my constitutional rights under attack by letting the legislature complete its work during a national emergency?

    When is the deadline for someone to declare their candidacy in a Republican primary?

    1. Would have been a bigger April Fool's joke if he'd credited SCOTUS or dump.

      But Brophy is a small thinker. NRA lobbyist?!?!??!!?!?!?! Lower than a tapeworm.

    2. Veweeey intewesting backwound cowoh choice by the widdoh Fuddnuttuh wunatic . . . 

      . . . is he cowoh bwind?

      . . . mewon huntuh fuchsia?

    3. Oofa. I'd say that Brophy is dumb as dog shit, but that would be an unconscionable insult to the substance my dogs deposit on the ground during their morning walks.

  8. Rust [Orange rot and corruption] never sleeps . . . 

    Trump to Fire Intelligence Watchdog Who Had Key Role in Ukraine Complaint

    (The president notified lawmakers late on Friday, saying he had lost confidence in the inspector general for the intelligence community.)


    The move came as Mr. Trump announced his intent to name a White House aide as the independent watchdog for $500 billion in corporate pandemic aid and notified Congress of other nominees to inspector general positions, including one that would effectively oust the newly named chairman of a panel to oversee how the government spends $2 trillion in coronavirus relief.


    Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee who was the lead impeachment manager, called the “dead of night” firing in the middle of a national emergency “yet another blatant attempt by the president to gut the independence of the intelligence community and retaliate against those who dare to expose presidential wrongdoing.”

    And Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said: “The work of the intelligence community has never been about loyalty to a single individual; it’s about keeping us all safe from those who wish to do our country harm. We should all be deeply disturbed by ongoing attempts to politicize the nation’s intelligence agencies.”

    The two top Republicans on both committees, including Senator Richard M. Burr of North Carolina, the chairman of the Senate panel, did not immediately comment on Mr. Atkinson’s dismissal.



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