“Endurance is patience concentrated.”
–Thomas Carlyle
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: allyncooper
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
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Trump stinks!
Great God Almighty.
Trump Stinks!
I assume the reason T***p had the loss of smell symptom programmed into his virus was so he could sneak up on us…
I wasn't certain it could be done, but there is a chance that someone in the House Republican caucus is even more dogmatic and a bigger barrier to accomplishment than Rep. Buck.
Thomas Massie is a monster Republicans created
Massie is just another orc. They are drawn to Sauron like flies to carrion.
Seriously though,
The crime syndicate that is todays' GOP found its first family and its leader. T***p came along and showed the Bush/Cheney organization how it is done. The criminal element of the Republican party, which appears to most of what remains, is preparing to give Milton Friedman his Free Market United States…if we can remain united.
The Divider-in-Chief is driving us toward civil war over the Coronavirus epidemic. If the Federal government will not protect the people, the states will do so, but by their own design. This could get really, really ugly…all to T***ps' benefit. He has already openly discriminated against Blue State governors "who don't talk nice to me", as he put it. Expect more of the same, only worse.
Saurons' Darkness is drawing together orcs, ogres, demons, the Nazgul…
and speaking of Gollum…where the fuck is Rudy?
Never mind…I found him. He seems to be restricting himself to Fox News and Twitter.
Buckle up. Any idiot who is subscribing to the Easter – American Resurrection might just be a candidate for the Darwin Award. Yesterday China, without warning, shuttered its nation's 70,000 movie theaters and there is speculation they're on the cusp of a 'second wave'.
China reports deeply disturbing coronavirus development
Perhaps the understatement of the
day weekmonthyear.PS: bitchin’ song, Dio
Yes it is. It’s a Grateful Dead cover . . .
. . . the lead singer is a friend/acquaintance. The band is out of the San Antonio/Austin area.
Take a look here:
Another good friend, Myles Smith (Poor J Brown) along with, Eric Middleton (from Midnight River Choir) + 1
Scroll down a bit to the video livestream from last night in Myles’s garage. (You will have to toggle the video over to about minute 42:00 to get to where they start playing.) Myles told me they had “some technical difficulty, and we got a little drunk and talked too much, but some good tunes too.”
I told Myles that being a little drunk right now was probably pretty relatable . . .
VERY cool stuff.
If you ever might happen to get a chance to put in a kind word or two with some red-headed stranger? . . .
The first US death from the coronavirus was February 29. The 1000th death was Thursday. The 2000th death was today.
Captain Fat Fuck, Leader of Nations tweeted today that he's considering quarantining New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. The rest of the country can expect an influx of infected folk from those areas, along the lines of what happened in Italy and China when quarantines were announced.
There truly are no words to describe Trump's stupidity adequately.
He’s probably got a hunch?
. . . where do you go when you can’t run, and you can’t hide?
You don't go anywhere…you just stick your head up your ass.
Speaking of…#MAGA (click ‘play’)
There is one word …. covfefe-19
Yesterday, buried in the fire hose of shit we're experiencing were perhaps the most evil comments ever uttered by a US President. During the press conference he said that he would not call the governors of Michigan and Washington because they haven't been grateful enough to praise the actions that he has taken for them. Let that sink in. He was saying that he would not help the millions of Americans in those states because their governors did not lavish enough praise on him personally. He is threatening the lives of millions Americans as a result.
Isn't it time to revoke Godwin's Law and begin comparing him to Hitler? Given the chance, would you have coughed in Hitler's face? Trump's face?
Godwin's Law is gone as far as I'm concerned. Trump is a malignant narcissist, a sociopath or psychopath, and a sadist. We need to understand the full functioning of his very disturbed mind, AND we need to understand that people with his mental illnesses go downhill under stress, and they never go down alone.
Colorado Case Summary (Updated 3/28/20 at 4:00 p.m.)
Note: This summary only includes data through 3/27 and does not reflect cases since then.
2,061 cases*
274 hospitalized
44 counties
13,276 people tested
44 deaths
10 outbreaks at residential and non-hospital health care facilities
*Cases include people who had a positive lab test positive and cases that public health identified and determined were likely to have COVID-19 because of their symptoms and close contact with someone who tested positive. The number of untested cases included in the total case count is a very small portion of the total cases reported.
State by state breakdown of cases and deaths at:
Colorado Counties:
El Paso -10
Weld – 7
Denver -5
Jefferson – 5
Larimer – 3
Arapahoe – 3
Pitkin – 2
Eagle – 2
Teller, Pueblo, Gunnison, Crowley, Boulder, Chaffee – 1
Why is ElPaso couty so high ?
Besides the too-easy smarming answers?
I suspect it may have something to do with the issues and situations unique to the military? Lot’s of mobility to and from around the country and the world, and possibly the difficulties with “stay at home” and “social distancing” in their work environs? And then, those impacts transferring into the entire community?
I don’t know how the number/percentage of the at-risk (elderly, retirees, etc.) in EpCo compares to other Colorado counties?
Or, it could be Dave Williams and Chappy?
PS — I looked on an EpCo covid site, the reports are all more than a week old, but apparently there were a significant number of early cases related to a Bridge Center (where folks had been playing cards) and one senior-care/rest-home facility.
Beyond the senior-care/rest-home and the older woman who apparently was infected and went to a bridge tournament, I think one difference is the timing of government imposed restrictions.
Going to the El Paso County Health site, I can't find anything showing independent action beyond "warnings" and announcements of deaths or executive orders from the Governor. So apparently, restaurants and bars stayed open longer, churches continued to meet, people kept going to stores, etc.
Eugene Robinson just used the word the OD fears more than any other…
The "Task Force" is making the Pedo Anaranjado look bad. They are getting it done, albeit at a snails pace, while he blathers and dithers. They are exposing him as more a part of the problem than the solution. I believe he is withholdimg supplies for when the "red states" need them.
T***p will not appreciate that sentiment. They have tried to make him "look more presidential" before. It didn't work then…it won't work now.
I saw Eugene on MTP – in your past, my future.
I need my flux capacitor working
This week w/ George…
maybe FTN.
A favorite teevee and music moment all rolled into one:
They’ve announced the second COVID-positive case in Yuma County and an elderly Wray resident who recently moved to Greeley is in ICU with COVID and isn’t going to make it. A friend just found this quarantine directive for Yuma County for the 1918 pandemic:
Churches closed!
Commies. Or Wobblies.
Hopefully, today's true patriots will ignore the panic mongers and attend Easter services. MAGA.
Wobblies in Yuma county?
We do love our welfare checks from the Borg!!
So they want all the welfare AND all the political clout too, eh?
Most of those quarantine rules could have been written yesterday. The only provisions we haven’t used are the placard announcing that people in the house are sick, removing chairs from hotel lobbies, and the “no loafing in barbershops” rule.
My favorite Casa de Tamales now only allows 5 customers in the business at a time.
“no loafing allowed”
Now, there’s a rule.
December 18, 1918 …. which is definitely at the end of the second wave of the epidemic in the United States.
Better late than never, I suppose.
Things that make you go, “Huh?” (j/k we all now what’s going on here)
Today’s message from Chairman Cedric Cromwell Qaqeemasq (Running Bear) puts it all in context
A riddle in New England: The web of ties behind Donald Trump’s tweet about a Mashpee tribe bill
Howw, heap biggum Orange Chief FatheadHumpingselfWithWarbonnet speakum with forked tongue??!?! . . .
I think Sen. Warren ought to recommend an investigation of that Native American blood claim. And has he claimed any advantages due to his indigenous background?
Trump illegally attempted to quarantine three states without even consulting with the governors of those states.
Trump said he wouldn't talk to governors in MI and WA until they showed sufficient gratitude to him.
A sordid history of death panels parading as a health care system.
First stop: where we are today.
Next up: it didn’t have to be this way. A sickening indictment on unbridled greed and an inept Congress.
The U.S. Tried to Build a New Fleet of Ventilators. The Mission Failed.
Our next Supreme Court nominee….
Speaking of exponential growth:
On what day in April does the United States reach 1 million dead?
Math is not Republican.
April 27
You are assuming that deaths double every 3 days.
What if deaths double every 2 days in red states and every 7 days in blue states?
I think Jared Polis should invite the Republican Party leaders into his office with pad and pencil to see if they can calculate exponential growth. Or maybe not; let them twist in the wind until mathematics comes and kicks them in the butt.
Buh-bye Governors DeSantis, Abbott, and Kemp.
A handy rule-of-thumb is the “Rule of 72”.
That says to divide 72 by the % change from one day to the next to find the number of days until you double.
So, 24% growth rate in deaths from one day to the next implies doubling every three days.
One problem with COVID statistics is that they have reduced testing to the point where 15% of tests show positive. If they were testing more extensively, the percent would be 10% or lower. In this situation deaths are a better indicator of virus spread, although it lags the actual number of cases by a week or so.
When Fauci mentions 100,000 deaths, he is misleading us. We’ll get to 100,000 in 6.6×3=20 days, i.e. by April 18th, and MadCo’s 1 Million ten days later. I’m sure Fauci knows this.
Fauci can't say it
And Birx won't (if she gets it)
Fauci needs to be in the room for awhile longer
WOTD from Brad DeLong: "Cases and Deaths from Coronavirus Doubling Every Three Days Is Very Bad News Indeed"
DeLong makes mistakes – but not that many and not that big
Coronavirus has taken "the Pickup Man"
RIP….. Joe Diffie
Damn it … reportedly we’re on the cusp of losing John Prine, too.
I saw that.
This is not good.
Well, it looks like Ttumper the Resurrection Bunny has now
decidedhunched not to pass out any of those Cadbury eggs* . . .. . . I dunno’, probably gonna’ sell ‘em out the back door? Reporters should really be looking into this . . .
. . . it’s gonna’ be the yugest May Day parade, evah!!!! Get raring, America!!!!
(* subject to final approval by the deciderers at FOX, Hannity, Carlson, et al)
I'm avoiding any Trump show and tell session …. but then read about it and rattle my brain. The following description from James Fallow, The Atlantic:
Perhaps the germophobe Trump has never been around a hospital? Or he has been, but didn’t notice what the doctors, nurses and techs were doing while he was there?
J I D , it’s hard to watch our obviously unprepared President waffle and wander and try to put on compassion and caring like an ill-fitting suit. And one never knows whether to believe anything he says. And almost every one of the experts he calls up to talk about tests and ventilators apparently feels compelled to praise Trump’s “leadership”.
However, it’s always informative to watch Dr. Fauci cautiously correct $rump’s mistakes “ The Easter goal was “aspirational” and we should stay at home until at least April 30”, and above all, to watch the great Yamiche Alcindor get under Trump’s skin with her pointed and persistent questions. #WeLoveYamiche
I hope we will see more members of the 4th estate get into the fantasy world of Americas’ Greatest Douchebag and stir it up. I asked a question last week, and I will ask again…How many people will die because of the words…”Oh, its just the flu.” ?
This nation cannot survive the chaos and dysfunction that is the Orange ship of state. Our democracy is slipping away in the maelstrom of mendacity that is the modus operandi of the T***p administration. No one is safe, save those willing to dwell in that chaotic world with their lips firmly planted on Donald T***ps’ ass. If we are to prevail, we will need an army of Yamiches bearing down on the culture of corruption that is the T*** p family and its assigns.
He must be defeated.
Ol’ Rudy’s still got it. What’s he got? Misinformation about La Rona, lies putting down the President’s critics, the usual schtick…Twitter shut him down.