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March 10, 2020 03:36 PM UTC

Better Than Average Tuesday Election Night Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE 10:30PM: Bernie Sanders battles for liberal Washington state after another big night for Joe Biden.


UPDATE 6:45PM: Michigan, the night’s big prize, looks good for former Vice President Joe Biden:


Get off America’s lawn.


23 thoughts on “Better Than Average Tuesday Election Night Thread

  1. I have to believe a major blow to Bernies’ turnout was the missing “Hillary Hatred”.

    So many people supported Bernie last time because they simply could not stand Hillary. This time…he didn’t have that.

    1. Sadly, you're right.  But never forget millions of us still love Hillary and the decency and honor she brought to poliitics. The  Hillaryhatersbrought us Trump.  Going from Hillary to Biden is a sad setback. But Joe can restore dignity to a White House that would have made Caligula blush.

      1. And some of us don't like her at all and voted for her anyway.  So voting for Biden is more of the same.  But very much the lesser evil.  ABT.

  2. Still waiting to see how Sanders does in the west.  Idaho, North Dakota &Washington would give him a split in states won tonight but he continues to fall behind in the delegate count.  Losing the M's (Michigan, Mississippi & Missouri) by a significant margin will outweigh winning the west.  Maybe Washington will stop the bleeding but it has to be a massive win which doesn't look to be in the cards.  It's possible that Biden will increase his delegate count by over a hundred tonight.

  3. Sadly, you're right.  But never forget millions of us still love Hillary and the decency and honor she brought to poliitics. The  Hillaryhatersbrought us Trump.  Going from Hillary to Biden is a sad setback. But Joe can restore dignity to a White House that would have made Caligula blush.

    1. Blame Sanders.  If he had decided to stay on the sidelines as a revolutionary emeritus, he would have given Warren his constituency and Biden and Bloomberg would have stayed out of the race.  That would have given us a primary between Warren and Harris.  Lots to like about that kind of a race.  Sanders stayed in way past his 15 minutes of fame and fucked up the race early on.  American voters had to triage the situation with somebody that could bridge the divides in the party and the nation.  Biden might not be inspiring like Obama but he has the experience of seeing what Obama did and his own in Congress and can pull it off.  Nobody thought he had a chance at the nomination and those who poo-poo his ability to win against Trump could also be underestimating him.

      1. This seems like it could have been possible scenario in another world.

        Even when Biden was really down and out according to the pundits I expressed my belief that he was the likely nominee. I was deploring the possibility and I still think he is going to lose the election, but there were plenty of people who thought he would win the nomination.

        I think this cycle’s number of elderly candidates is a problem. Except for the fact that it might be made irrelevant by future changes in health and ability there almost should be a constitutional amendment about age and the presidency. Alternatively I think there should be a Democratic Party rule about age (the Republicans will never put on in place). I would advocate for no one who will be over the age of 76 on election day being allowed to seek the nomination to avoid having a president over 80. And possibly the Senate as well.

        1. No self-fulfilling prophecies my friend.  Remember that people really really hate Trump now.  Little people like me and big people like Bloomberg hate Trump with the burning fires of seven Hells.  Trump isn’t getting the HatesHillary vote this time either.  Plus Biden has Jill as his spouse and she has the class and dignity that Trump’s I Don’t Care Do U whore will never comprehend much less possess.  Biden has a good chance to win.  Believe it.

          1. A chance, yes, good… I'd put him at about 50-50 right now.

            To win the popular vote I'd say he's got something like 80%, but until/unless Wisconsin or Pennsylvania starts showing lots of polls with Biden ahead I think he's going to lose. Nothing self-fulfilling about it, just the fact that there are lots of people like my co-workers saying the same things that I heard about Hillary. "Boy, he's just as much in the pocket of big business as Trump. We might as well have someone who's openly for the rich so I'm voting 3rd party."

            Yeah, I tried to suggest that this was a bad plan to this younger voter, but he's not convinced.

            1. I’d like to ask that young co-worker just what he thinks that genius plan accomplished for disillusioned Stein voters?  Angry Nader voters?. . .

              . . . if he still has a pair of big-boy shorts?

              . . . if he knows many older petulant folks?

        2. I'm with you on finding some way to limit the old candidates.  the best way, of course, would be people not voting for them. Trying to set a rule would be tough, as various ages would be proposed AND there will be a group who don't want to exclude groups or discriminate against the old.

      2. Thanks, G.G. You said it for me. Biden's not exciting, but I've had enough excitement for a while. We need a steady hand on the tiller and someone who just shuts up and does the job. No-drama Biden doesn't have the same ring to it, but I'll take it.


        1. First, let me remind everyone I voted for Warren.

          Don’t forget. Bernie knows he is leveraging for influence. Now that it is becoming more and more unlikely he will win the nomination, he has to choose. He can continue (he has the money) in order to enter the convention with the maximum # of delegates he can accumulate, thereby increasing his leverage in creating the national platform…..or not.

          That is the bottom line, anyway. Bernie (among many others) wants to make a hard left and steer this nation toward a rebuilding of the New Deal and a more distributed national wealth. Who will argue that wealth disparity is saving our country?

          The fear most progressives have is Joe, with his ties to the health insurance industry, among others, will not. Bernie, Elizabeth, Alexandria…these folks will not stop applying pressure to the system. 

          Hope they never do.

          1. Well said, Duke. I’m generally in the elect only women mindset (Andrew is my exception to that rule) and I was in Kamala’s camp.  I’d say there is a fair chance she could be VP, although I’d be thrilled with Amy or Lizzie.  

            I held my breath the entire time Joe gave his speech in Philly last night, but he really shined.  As GG said, Jill Biden is a class act and I think we’re ready for a dose of boring alongside a Dem-controlled Senate and House that can carry the progressive water bucket.  I’m guessing #MoscowMitch is having more than a few sleepless nights right now. 

    2. Quite correct overall. However, yesterday in Michigan ol' Unca Joe (he's a-movin' kinda slow) told some gun nut who was angling to become the next Samuel Joe the Idiot Plumber that he was "full of shit."

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