“Hustlers of the world, there is one mark you cannot beat: the mark inside.”
–William S. Burroughs
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BY: ParkHill
IN: Trumpflation is Here
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IN: Why DNI Tulsi Gabbard Should Scare The Hell Out Of You
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IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
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IN: Trumpflation is Here
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
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IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
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IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
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IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Trumpflation is Here
BY: unnamed
IN: Obligatory Lauren Boebert/Kid Rock Gossip Thread
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These killer amendments have not been on the radar, I gather because of the primaries and waiting for labor day. But it seems to me, if these pass it could have more impact on daily life in Colorado than anyone running for election. I have been learning a lot from this blog. I would like to ask the collective wisdom/rampant speculation of this group. Will these pass? What is your political assessment?
The people are just fed up with rampant government spending and want protection from those leveraging their future and those funding that leverage. When the people are scared they tend to seek safety.
The amendment on lowering the income tax is fair as it applies to one and all … being the people have less money maybe they’ll not feel so impacted and will stay the course by paying their fair share.
all those unemployed people who are today losing their homes and have no life savings any more because they were wiped out in the Great Recession are really worried about the deficits. That is tops on their minds. Uh-huh, sure!
might push the poor over the edge for 101. The reflection on Hickenlooper and his support of the tax and fee hikes will keep him well below the 47% threshold he needs to justify a win.
The debt train the democrats have us on is just not sustainable. Where is Clinton???
..but let me ask you ‘tad, since you brought up my man Clinton.
Where is the surplus that Republican’ts inherited from Mr Bill?
It seems the only thing the GOP knows how to do is drive up State and National debts.
by spend crazy Congress with Bush encouragement and the Dotcom bubble … you remember that bubble don’t you??
As I recall it started in the spring of Clinton’s final year and concluded after about 3 years (spring of 2003).
Then those terrorists impacts had caused the nation to defend itself. Of course it was all Bush’s fault.
Cheap money, high livin’ and a failure to manage the risk ….
And cutting taxes for the richest 2% of Americans.
But you already knew that.
of business, education and intelligent political leaders will oppose all three. Much has been written on various aspects of the three but if there is a “white paper” I haven’t seen one. The hearings and debate over the Blue Book pros and cons prior to the election is in September I believe.
“Will these pass?” – I certainly hope the people of Colorado have more sense or we in deep, deep trouble at all levels of government.
with real cash …. whats up with your GOP buddies the Hasan’s?
but yes they donated I believe $10,000, $5000 of which was Ali. and I did say “intelligent political leaders.”
The opposition to these 3 is mounting all across the state. We are starting to see community groups everywhere holding forums and coming out opposed. The statewide coalition has raised several millions of dollars for the campaign this fall. The measures are so badly written and internally contradictory that it is almost impossible to analyze them. I understand that Legislative Council has published a new analysis that shows if all 3 pass that the percentage of the state general fund that would be exclusively committed to school finance would increase from its current 40 some odd percent to 99% – should be available on the Legislative Council web site.
I think 60 and 61 get smacked handily by the voters but 101 is harder to predict and if any of them squeak by it might be 101.
61, 101, and then 60.
Say what’s up with the the Healthcare Choice Amendment. Was that ever qualified to the ballot?
I heard Rick speak to the issues the other day and they’re still working on messaging. The problem is that the language on the ballot points to deficit reduction and tax savings. The key will be educating the uninformed public. That is no easy task considering everyday folks are thinking about their jobs and maybe the race for Governor and Senator, they won’t be thinking about the amendments and initiative. Even though the business community seems to be on board we are nowhere close to having the support that we had for Ref C.
I’m scared s hitless about this one as should everyone, this is going to be disastrous.
The Democrats have spent lavishly the growing tax and fee reciepts of Coloradans, while crying poor state.
What have you grown the poor rolls … 40% growth in Colorados poor and 50% growth in kids on Medicaid? Try growing private sector jobs and we might not have these issues. Not everyone can for for the government creating new programs in which to spend the peoples $s.
Just tell me this …. how does Weld County run a sustainable multi year surplus?
Why don’t you try to educate yourself on the subject rather than craping out regurgitated Republican talking points.
or am I missing something???
Edumicate yourself
It goes after all those annoying fees.
People will be reminded about these ever time they look at their phone bill.
The largest fees are the federal ones, but people won’t know that.
They will see the phone bill and get angry.
I personally think it was brilliant marketing on Dougie’s part.
omg, the repubs are getting their act together….big boys beginning to reluctantly organize to support Maes. Today, boyles reported that maes has decided to be more selective in his talk radio exposure and will not be on the boyles shows everyday, all day. WHAT! boyles “made” maes. Now, maes is “busy.” Wadham lost it with tancredo on the nationally reported two way ….boyles/tancredo v. wadham.
Now, wadham will not come on the boyles show….
boyles is left with the birthers and tancredo…not a totally bad mix, but absent the republicans….very wise move, FINALLY, on the part of wadhams. Maybe republican talk radio all day every day is not always a good thing.
There will be no more airing of dirty laundry, darn it. Instead, it looks like Maes has been given a “communication director/spokesman and republicans will support him publicly and then ignore this race and concentrate on “down ticket.”
boyles is supporting tancredo…but without someone to fight with tommy the tank is just a little go-cart. maybe we are finally seeing the wadham who beat the dem speaker of the house in Montanto (tom fooley???) surfacing…
And as for boyles: silence breaks the heart…to say nothing of the ratings.
on the birther thing again this morning.
I changed the station as I would like to hear actual reality. not the wet dream imagination of the bigoted right.
hey Peter with you pushing this nonsense all day ever day. Having Maes on all day every day these two will eventually collide.
to hear Maes agree with that nonsense will only add to his label of “Crazy Maes”.
Oh, wait……
Maes is NOT going to be on the boyles show. The republicans have dropped boyles. You turned him off too soon and missed the whine…”I made you Maes,, and now you won’t take my calls.”
…for everything that’s wrong about the Republican’t efforts to try and stop the building of a Muslim community center in New York, the worst has to be this idea that the run-down building is somehow “hallowed ground.”
It wouldn’t have mattered if this was going up 1000ft or a half-mile away, the fundamentalist nutjobs that dominate the GOP would extend the radius of sanctity to include whatever future location the community group choose.
But fine – somehow 600ft has got the badge of sacrifice ordained upon it. Can someone explain to me why having a strip club within the Holy Zone is allowed? A gambling parlour? Street vendors selling tourist crap?
(Profs to my buddy Stew in NYC who sent me this link.)
Maybe we should raze everything within a 600ft radius, just to ensure the metaphysical purity of the site.
OR….maybe the nutjobs on the Right should shut the hell up about “hallowed ground” and stop being Anti-American asshats and let people practice their religious views, just like the Constitution says they can.
Should we allow Catholic churches next door to elementary schools?
New Yorkers in those pictures! I can’t believe anyone would allow elitist east coast liberals onto “hallowed” ground.
(Thanks for the link Dan.)
Criminy, where did all the “hallowed” remains of the WTC get stashed? Where is the uproar about the fact that we tossed “hallowed” bits of the WTC into a landfill?
As the Daily Sentinel inartfully put it, go buy the damn property yourself if you are so upset about the First Amendment.
. . . so that’s what we’ve been trying to do in Iraq.
Who needs an election. Let’s just give up right now.
And who needs a Constitution for that matter, or judges who protect it.
If something or someone is not popular right away in the daily tracking polls, it or they it must be wrong for all eternity.
If Westboro Baptist Church demonstrates in opposition of the NY mosque and cultural center how will the right respond? If the Muslims come out and whip their butts everyone would be happy. Man that could get confusing.
It’s called survival. You have to be a stone to survive.
still it’s always good to have some knowledge of how important stuff works.
From mtero.co.uk
Check out the photo…
I guess if I criticized someone else for all those abbreviations, I can’t use them myself…
Thanks – a hilarious photo!
The Australian Sex Party
We’ve got more than our fair share of “jerks” running for office.