The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, a right-wing Republican group (led by Sen. Greg Brophy and Rep. Dave Schultheis), today released a letter sent to Governor Owens about what they want to see addressed in a special session on illegal immigration. Their requests actually hurt?arguments that a special session is?even necessary, because the issues they want to deal with seem rather petty compared to broader illegal immigration reforms. The first issue is to?make English the?official language of Colorado government agencies, while the second requires proof of citizenship to be able to?vote in Colorado.
Now, we’re not saying that these are bad issues necessarily, but when Governor Owens is saying that a special session is absolutely necessary because illegal immigration reform is so important, it looks absolutely ridiculous for Republicans to come back and say that we need to make English the official government language. That’s like calling a special session on education reform and discussing a bill to make sure all pencils are wood and not mechanical. Maybe the argument about the issue is valid, but certainly not in the context of illegal immigration being so important that it requires a special session. Is it really an emergency that we make sure to designate English as the official government language in Colorado? Really?
Republicans are being accused of?using illegal immigration as a political ploy, and it’s really tough to argue against that if you’re going to demand passage of bills in a special session that aren’t an emergency.
Anyway, click below for the full press release…
By board action, the Republican Study Committee of Colorado (RSCC),, today urged Gov. Owens to include two important and related issues as he considers the drafting of his planned Call for a Special Session of the Colorado Legislature.?
Last week, Governor Owens indicated his willingness to call the legislature back into a Special Session if the Colorado Supreme Court is unwilling to reexamine and reverse its initial opinion with regard to ballot Initiative #55.? In an egregious and torturous decision, a majority of the Colorado Supreme Court invalidated the ballot initiative proposed by Defend Colorado Now, by ruling that it did not meet the single-subject rule.? That Initiative, if passed by voters in November, would have ensured that taxpayer-funded services not required by federal law are restricted to go only to those lawfully in Colorado.
Today, the RSCC is strongly urging Governor Owens to include two additional issues essential in insulating Colorado?s citizens from the negative effects of illegal immigration.? Both issues were the subject of bills introduced during the past legislative session, and both were killed by Democrats on a party-line vote in the House State, Military and Veteran Affairs Committee.
The first proposed issue would amend the Colorado Constitution to ensure that English is the Official Language for all state governmental agencies or any political subdivision.? ?Having a basic understanding of the English language is a condition of U.S. citizenship. State government agencies and political entities throughout Colorado ought to communicate only in English unless required by the federal government,? said Representative Dave Schultheis (R-Colorado Springs).
?Pressing ?1? for English is not acceptable when calling a government agency.? It is a blessing to be bi-lingual as an individual, but a curse to be a bilingual country,? said Sen. Brophy (R-Wray).
The second proposed issue would amend the Constitution to require Proof of U.S. and Colorado Citizenship to vote.? ?With the dramatic influx of illegal aliens into Colorado, I have become increasingly skeptical about the possibility that non-citizens may be finding their way onto Colorado?s voter rolls.? Trust in the integrity of our voting system mandates that we do all we can to ensure that only legal citizens in Colorado vote in our elections? said Rep. Bill Crane (R-Arvada).
Expressing additional concern, Representative Kevin Lundberg (R-Larimer County) commented, ?Today it only takes a utility bill to register to vote. If we don?t move quickly even France will have tighter voting laws.?
?The citizens of Colorado have lost patience with politicians who ignore their demands to stem the tide of illegal immigration in Colorado, and many will be voting in this year?s election to ?fire? those who refuse to listen,? said Rep. Bill Crane (R-Arvada).
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