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June 16, 2006 08:00 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

The roof is not on fire.


13 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. In Vietnam we fought and lost because we did not heed the warnings from the Democrats and we had no clear objective, no exit strategy.  I don’t think we wish to see that same repeated result. 

    Today, we truly don’t know if the Iraqis will adopt and follow “democracy” or not.  We currently don’t know what time frame is necessary for its completion.  It could take hundreds, if not thousands of years to rebuild or change the ideology of the Muslim world. 

    Important note: the current view of the length of the war in Iraq is untested. 

    It is because we are still coddling the Iraqi government with the lives and dollars from our American military and from Great Britain.  I believe, as one concerned democrat American, with the right of Freedom of Speech, that I can voice my concerns about the possibility that we could be repeating the mistakes of Vietnam.  It is important to allow a “test” of this argument at some point, rather than having the risk of another Vietnam in our midst.  We need a proposal (at some point) that gradually reduces our level of troops in the region for the benefit of watching if the Iraqi government will accept democracy in the region.  This is not ONLY based upon several past wars in history, (like in Vietnam) but also based upon statements by the current Iraqi government, which recently said that they wish to give their people PARDONS for the killing of our American men and women in the region.  I question why are we risking so many of our young Americans and countless BILLIONS of our frail economy. 

    The Iraqis will no doubt accept our “money” each and everyday with BILLIONS and BILLIONS of my tax dollars, your tax dollars and my children’s children’s tax dollars.  However, I submit that a huge risk is hidden in this war.  We could be spending countless BILLIONS and even TRILLIONS for hundreds of years without any success that the Muslim world will adopt or accept our culture as one of their own – an assimilation.  I would hope that they will …

    Indeed, we need to see if the Iraqis will stand up or stand down.  This has yet to be tested.  Indeed, our presence in Iraq as “occupiers” could actually be harmful to our success in the region.  What is wrong with a democratic plan that allows for a “test” of their motivations with a GRADUAL pullout of US and British troops?  A gradual pullout not only makes practical sense in the protection of NOT repeating a Vietnam event, but it also protects us from making an unwise investment into a country that has no real intent on following our democratic processes …

    We could leave our troops in the wind … ready to redeploy from Saudi Arabia and in the Gulf in a quick return.  This also protects against the possibility that we are not leaving too soon, since we created the insurgency in Iraq with an attack into that portion of the world in the first case.  And of course this “test” does not apply to Afghanistan, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia — even though the terrorists of 911 came from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and not Iraq. 

    I think it is time for a plan that protects our military men and women against a repeat of Vietnam.

  2. Has anyone listened to Beauprez’ first ad that has been posted on his blog regarding immigration?


    Beauprez sounds just like Tom Bodett!

    Remember him, the spokesperson for Motel 6, long ago? He is famous for his deadpan and his dry narratives with the foksy music playing in the background — just like the Beauprez ad.

    Bodett said “We’ll leave the light on” in his ad campaign.

    I think Beauprez needs to “leave the light on.” Because he is definitely in the dark when it comes to what Colorado voters want in our next Governor! How corny can you get????

  3. Yesterday there was a debate between the CD7 candidates.
    Three people who had never met Rubenstein before came up and gave him a donation after the debate. Herb is taking a real stand against the war in Iraq.Average people are responding to his opposition to the War. Peggy Lamm’s position on Iraqis nothing short of shameful. Look at her website it contains nothing but babble and gibberish about Iraq. Ed Perlmutter will take a poll and than decide what to do. Herb Rubenstein is a man of principle.

  4. I agree that we have some problems in Iraq that are similar to Vietnam, but didn’t the Vietnam war start under Kennedy and escalate under LBJ?  Both DEMOCRATS?

  5. Hmmm, Interesting thoughts there Patriot (Ward Churchill), though you may want to check the History books a bit there, seems that there is some reference to JFK and LBJ both being democrats….. I am guessing that they did not heed the words of their own?

  6. Jist wanna give the city slickers writin Perlmutter’s announcemnts a run down on sum westurn terms:

    You shoot……witha gun
    A chute…….is fer a steer
    Oh sh*t……is fer not knowin the diffrence

  7. The Beauprez ad contains multiple hypocrytical statements on his part given his laclluster voting record on immigration. Just look at his record and compare it to that ad.

  8. Maximus Decimus Strange —

    History lesson 101 for the Republicans out there in lost Rush Limbaugh land. 

    Vietnam cannot be blamed on Kennedy or LBJ (even though LBJ played a role) … Eissenhower was responsible for starting the war there … in which we could not win.  The democrats and our youngest Americans were against the conflict because it had no end.


    Now, answer my question … what is wrong with a test of a pullout of our troops to protect them against a war that also has no end?


  9. Did anyone see the Channel 4 “Reality Check” last night regarding MH’s latest ad? They dissected the ad and basically said it was a good ad, and truthful.

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