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June 15, 2006 08:00 AM UTC

Students for Beauprez...Now for Ritter?

  • by: Colorado Pols

It’s hard to say how serious we should take this, since somebody could have just created this Web site for this specific purpose, but the Students for Beauprez Web site does lay out its reasons for changing its mind and supporting Democrat Bill Ritter over Bob Beauprez:

After a lot of deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer support Bob Beauprez to be the next Governor of Colorado. Instead, I will be supporting a real centrist who will not destroy the state budget and who can unite the state behind his Colorado values. I’m talking about Bill Ritter.

But isn’t Ritter a Democrat? you might be asking. Yes, he is, but this race is about the future of Colorado and it’s about a candidate who will stand for something instead of only against things (Bob Beauprez). Besides, I’m not the only Republican backing Ritter, there are a lot of county commissioners and state representatives (Republicans) who are recognizing that Ritter can cross the political aisle, and he’s pro-life so no problem there.

What really drove me over the edge was two things…


32 thoughts on “Students for Beauprez…Now for Ritter?

  1. The internet creates a lot more opportunity for political disinformation than ever before.  Students switching from BB to Bill Ritter :)–Ok, so there might be three of them that truly switched.  How about liberal students for Bill Ritter posing as BB supporters switching to Bill Ritter?–people are so gullible!

  2. Wow…anyone notice on the Beauprez for Governor blog that his “volunteer” is flashing a gang sign? Maybe he’s in that Russian mob that Bob hangs out with?

  3. Apparently his volunteer is livin’ the vida loca on the westside of town. If you look at his facebook, the dipshit actually says that he’s paid by Beauprez for Governor campaign. Wow guys, great screening process you have!

  4. maybe this is part of a in-depth gang outreach plan. now to solidify it, he needs to reach out the eastsiders and implement a cease fire / truce to bring a coalition of gangsters together for beauprez for governor.

  5. That gang sign flash is sooo childish. Does he think he is some kind of tough guy out there putting up signs for a Republican’s campaign. Thanks for posting that, good for a laugh at least.

    P.s. Why do they portray them as volunteers when they are actually paid staff people?

  6. Looking at the guys website it’s hard to believe that it’s some liberal posing as a Beauprez supporter just waiting to “spring” this.  I mean, wtf would the point of that be?

    Why would he say all that good stuff, just to build credibility?  I’m not going to say that this is significant, cuz it’s not.  But still, it is a trend, and it’s still early.  I think Ritter might run away with this thing.

  7. You all give the comments made here way too much importance as far as being any indication of what will really happen in the election. It may be a good place for some to vent their venom but I wouldn’t make any predictions of the outcome based on these comments.

  8. Unfortunately, we at UCCS College Republicans are all too familiar with this blogger. (S)he claims to be a member of our club on his other blog (cocollegerepublicanvoice.blogspot.com), but has never disclosed his identity to us and has caused us some minor headaches by rather flagrantly endorsing Beauprez in the past (of course, we are not allowed to endorse anyone until after the primary). I can’t speak to whether or not this person was a real Beauprez supporter or not, but I will say that anything they say should be taken with a grain of salt.

  9. UCCS College R – why exactly can’t you endorse a candidate?  You aren’t a party officer; you don’t hold a position in the GOP officially.  So why exactly can’t you endorse?  I can see why you might not *want* to endorse, but that’s not the same…

  10. phoenix- they “cant” endorse because republican (and democrat) clubs usually have bylaws that state they are not to endorse a candidate in a primary. This can be a point of contention for some clubs, but it’s pretty standard. Outside of the club, each member can do as they please; but I think what UCCS was refering to is that this member was implying the CLUB, not just one person, was endorsing Beauprez.

  11. Heh. College Repub…

    About 10 people go to your meetings, but your facebook group has over 200 “members”. Of course you can’t figure out who it is posting, and they likely have no idea who you are. Maybe that’s why Robert fared so poorly in the Senate race. When you have 8 spots open and 9 people running, you should kind of get the message when you come in dead last.

  12. Aaron

    I like how liberals will do anything to take a cheap shot at someone they do not even know. This story is about something totally different than what you are talking about. You might want to actually read it. Don’t be jealous that the College Republicans have more members than Spectrum. Its ok. We are just better organized than you are.

  13. Robert,

    I wasn’t taking a cheap shot, it was simply an observation about the lack of visibility College Republicans have on campus. When the Chairman of a large Republican group fails to get elected on a very conservative campus, its clear that no one knows who you are. I don’t think that’s an outrageous statement.

    You are correct about my post not addressing the story. My post was addressing your (I’m assuming it’s yours) comment to the story, specifically stating “Unfortunately, we at UCCS College Republicans are all too familiar with this blogger. (S)he claims to be a member of our club on his other blog (cocollegerepublicanvoice.blogspot.com), but has never disclosed his identity to us” My comment was simply that “About 10 people go to your meetings, but your facebook group has over 200 “members”. Of course you can’t figure out who it is posting, and they likely have no idea who you are.” It certainly isn’t meant as a personal attack, but instead as an explanation for why you don’t know who this person is.

    I’m aware that College Republicans (219 Members) has more members then Spectrum (The student Gay Straight Alliance [162 Members]), though I’m not sure why that matters. It’s Pride month Robert. Lighten up a bit.


  14. Our group focuses most of our time on campaigns and not pandering to the already conservative campus we do have. Lets realize that everyone who got elected is a liberal and the only conservative lost. Hum? Student government is ran and will be ran by liberals. I can’t help that. The administration is ran by them too. I wonder why. Maybe because every college campus in the country is ran by liberals. The conservatives on our campus actually work and don’t have time to vote in elections. I was just comparing our group membership to yours. Thats all

  15. I’m not understanding your logic Robert. You are suggesting that the conservatives on campus couldn’t manage, in a four day (24 hours a day) period, to vote in a simple online form for student government elections? I know a lot of people were working at the time (myself included), but I still have to question your assumption. And don’t even get me started on your “campaigns”.

  16. I’m truly an (R), have been longer than most of the students for anyone have been alive, and I am going to have real problems voting for a number of the (R) candidates this time around, including Beauprez;  Holtzman is completely out of the question.  Somewhere the party went very, very wrong, and it does not support the things I believe in.  It simply releases a press announcement and goes back to whatever petty, stupid, and corrupt practice it was into at the moment.  Locally, I think a lot is due to the lack of character of Bill Owens, although he had substantial help, including Marc Holtzman.  Owens is deluding himself if he thinks people are going to forget about his personal corruption come 2008.

  17. You don’t like our “campaigns?” We help elect Presidents, Governor’s, Senators, Congressman, etc. You are a democrat and probably don’t like our candidates. Thats ok, we don’t like yours either.

  18. “I hear there are also groups at most campuses called “Students for Ritter”

    You bet, the CU group is run by Bill Ritter’s son’s girlfriend. And let me tell you, she’s almost enough to make me want to join Students for Ritter grounds of her physical appearance, not on Ritter’s ideology, Ritter sucks.

  19. Yea, your ten person voting block is really frightening. Also, I’m not a Democrat. I’ll become a Dem when they stop being just the party of opposition, grow a backbone, and return to their base. Then i’ll register as a Dem.

  20. Wow this “blogger” who changed support from BB to Ritter sounds a lot like jesse samora. He always was a “what works for me only” kinda guy.

  21. It seems to me as though Beauprez’s grassroots support has been slipping away. Robodial’s for volunteers and now a blogger they had previously embraced is leaving. What is going on?

  22. CU College Republican,

    You sound just like the type that would drop everything, includuing moral beliefs, for something “shiny,” like black gold…oil that is. 

    Materialism is the cause of too many problems in this country and state.  No need to vote for Republicans who are going to make it worse with such a selfish value system.

  23. Aaron,

    You must not know what has gone on in Colorado for the last to years.  The Dems are in control of the government in Colorado, House and Senate that is.  Republicans are the party of opposition since they do not have control of the purse.  They are crying wolf at every turn, which is all they can do.  That is why the past two years have been the most political in Colorado history, since the Republicans will say and do anything to gain attention and disinform the public into thinking whatever the spin of the day is.

    Educate yourself before registering.

  24. PJ,

    When I say “party of opposition”, i’m referring to political ideology, not level of power. In recent years, the Democratic party (granted, more on a national level then state level) have refused to stand up for what is right, and instead have walked closely behind Republicans, criticising their every move. Until Democrats start to stand for something (anything will do), instead of standing against every move republicans make, they won’t gain back national power.

    Your perspective regarding state power is certainly well received, with one exception. Look at Owen’s veto record and tell me the Dems are in complete control of Colorado. Look at the great legislation that has been suddenly died with the stroke of a pen. If we manage to pick up a nation house seat, retain control of both colorado houses, and pick up the mansion… Then we will control the state. For now, we must continue to work.

    Finally, no point in making snide comments like “Educate yourself before registering”. I assure you I am up to date on politics in the state of Colorado and nationally.

  25. No, “jesse” This “blogger who changed from Beauprez to Ritter” is not me. I supported Holtzman when Hallen worked for him, but I dislike all the candidates this year, I’d have much rather have seen someone else run for office.

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