“The inevitable must be accepted and turned to advantage.”
–Napoleon Bonaparte
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IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Thursday Open Thread
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: QuBase
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
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Good morning…
Welcome to the demise of the T***p presidency…
It has begun.
(in the fine print……Moscow Agent Governing America)
Let's hear from Powerful Pear and Moderatus/PodestaEmails/Stained Blue Dress on this.
Seen on a comment on Yahoo News this AM. Trump admitted in 2015 that he has a conflict of interest with Turkey due to having Trump properties there. Sounds like Erdogan played him good.
Also: Making Attorneys Get Attorneys
Also, My Attorney Got Arrested.
Add an extra 'A' to give more emphasis: MAAGA !!!!
(My Attorney's Attorney Got Arrested)
MAAGA -winner
WAPO's Rubin is describing impeachment as a "slam dunk" after the memorable press conference of Mick Mulvaney.
re: Trump choosing Doral for the G-7 meeting and Mulvaney saying they wouldn't release any paper on the process of selection. I read (and immediately have forgotten where) someone saying the switch had been flipped — Trump now knows he will be impeached and is grabbing everything he can. If he thinks there is a bulwark of Senators who will not convict him, he has nothing to lose. Impeached with one article or impeached on five — it really won't matter.
What I heard in Mulvaneys' comments….
"Hey…Look…(they are trained to say that)…The boss said he wants it at his place, he gets it at his place. That's how Putin, Kim, Erdogan, MBS, Duterte, and the rest of his buddies get it, so that's how the boss wants it….and I'm not the one who is gonna tell him no. Get it? Get over yourselves."
I just took a moment to go look at active voter registrations on the Secretary of State's site. Comparing 12/1/2018 (report after the last election) to 10/1/2019 (the most recent)
Democrats + 16.715 to 1,053,176 — about 30% of the active voters
Republicans + 7,929 to 997,374 — about 28.5% of the active voters
Unaffiliated +112,843 to 1,381,935 — about 39.5% of the active voters
Today's the drop dead date for signature gathering for the recall effort farce against Leroy Garcia. Predictions?
They need 13,500 signatures. The organizers already lowered expectations by saying they thought that some of their sigs would have “problems”.
Ah, Pueblo. Same as you ever were.
30000 submitted.8500 validated
.fundraising will continue
Looks like Trump has lost the 4 star military vote:
But in a vastly more serious vein:
I love and admire General Mattis – have for many years.
Admiral McRaven is as bad ass an officer as the USA has produced.. ever, anywhere and everyone that knows him knows it.
You got a situation somewhere in the world that may need the pointy end of a sword type solution – this is your guy.
It is not about party affiliation – it is plain and simple – swearing to defend the Constitution. You know it, I know it, I promise you McRaven knows it.
I bet there are some very interesting stories behind how you reached that judgement.
Teper' ya ponimayu, pochemu marinovannaya grusha lyubit Gabbard.
Romney to Tump (paraphrasing) :
Turkey?! Turkey bullied you into a weakass retreat? Grow a pair or get of the way, you spurrywimp!
I've been meaning to share this fun site. I obsessively check it every day, and I'm sure I'd be doing great if I had more than the most minimal understanding possible of how stock thingies work.
So. It's a FUNdraiser for whoever is eventually the Dem presidential nominee. You get 100 free coins just by signing up, then you can buy more via ActBlue if you want. You buy "stock" in the nominee(s) of your choice. They go up and down in value according to the ongoing polls. What you win is a feeling of cleverness when YOUR pick goes sky high and you beat your friends.
Check it out! https://2020madness.com/play-with/b7phODP61L
That is fun…will sign up. Thanks.
Thank you! I hope you win a bunch!