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July 16, 2010 08:54 AM UTC

Bennet's New Ad

  • by: botw

Michael Bennet — our current and future U.S. Senator — has a new, straightforward ad.

The cynics and shills will attack, no doubt.

Those of us who have met Senator Bennet and who are objective know that Michael Bennet is extraordinarily smart and capable, and he has run a civil campaign of which both he and his supporters can be proud.


20 thoughts on “Bennet’s New Ad

  1. It’s a solid ad. Pretty non-descript and no specifics of “I did this” or “I’ll do that.” which I would have expected given some of the votes he can tout. I’d guess his polling says he needs to do more to connect with voters personally and to humanize him. This ad does a pretty effective job of doing that. Very Udall-esque with the walking through the field. Doesn’t move me and I don’t think it’s strong on persuasion about him but a decent personal imaging spot.

    1. You mean the dyslexia and failing second grade didn’t humanize him enough? Those voters are pretty demanding.

      This is the “ask for the vote” ad, nothing more, nothing less. It’s a very confident ad.

  2. There is a comfort level missing from his early outings.  Despite a bit of snarkiness onthe blogs, I really do think the race with AR is proving a good tune-up for Bennet.

  3. I’ll agree with both of those points.  I’m entertained by how new.  I guess Bennet’s last ad didn’t do so well.

    I agree that this is his best ad so far.  It doesn’t make unreal claims that CBS tears apart.

    In fact, it makes no claims at all.  It has no message, no talk of what he’s accomplished, or any promises on what he will do.  It reflects the candidate well.

    1. Do you know anything about campaign advertising? The “last ad” is still running. it got one message out there, this ad has another one. People see them both and get a compound message. But that doesn’t fit with your preconception that everything Bennet does is inept or corrupt.

  4. “Hi, I’m Michael Bennet. I’ve received insanely large amounts of money from the oil industry. I did vote against ending $35billion in tax breaks for big oil but the two weren’t connected at all and somewhere I’ve got a good vote or two on clean air and stuff so don’t worry about it. It’s not like BP drills here (wait, what? Damnit you should’ve told me that). I did give the money I got from BP to charity though so we’re all good about my vote, right? I thought about giving the JPMorgan & Citibank money to people who lost their houses but it’s not really as hot of an issue as oil and I think I’m covered on the whole BP and big oil tax breaks with that charity thing I gave. Anyway I approve this ad because that’s what they said I should do and damnit don’t I look good in plaid out here in this field?”

    Andrew Romanoff, Carmy McLean & Jo Evans speak about Michael Bennet’s vote to oppose the Sanders Amendment which would have closed loop holes that allow oil & gas companies to avoid paying taxes. Bennet voted to keep $35billion in tax breaks for Big Oil instead of investing in renewable energy and paying down the deficit

        1. Perfect–and that WAS the whole crowd!

          The new ad from Sen. Bennet is, I think, designed to do two things.  First, humanize him, as others have noted, and to help people identify with him.  Second, it is raising name awareness among many people who probably couldn’t name both their U.S. Senators.  Combined with his other ads, I think Sen. Bennet is significantly increasing his name recognition across the state, something that AR can’t afford to do.  

      1. I’m guessing your joke is that there isn’t one?  Given that the camera just remains trained on the speakers, and then the board that shows Bennet’s contributions, what exactly you basing that on again?

        1. I really like Andrew’s ONE “made in my basement” ad. Try to be objective. I like this new Bennet ad for a couple reasons.

          1. He asked for my vote. I think this is very important for a lot of voters.

          2. He comes across as a regular guy. Nothing about this ad screams “insider” or “career politician”. He also doesn’t come across as a crusader. This guy could be your neighbor. It’s a very important mood to set for the average voter.

          3. This ad works in its simplicity as long as it runs at the same time as some of his others. He already has ads touting his votes and accomplishments. This is works in layers.

          When is Romanoff going to tell us what actual votes he cast he is proud of in an ad? What bills did he introduce he stands by?  

            1. Oh it was sold as an Ed Schultz “town hall event” but it was 20 mins of Ed Schultz and 50-60 mins of Romanoff. Romanoff spent the entire time talking about Bennet or how evil and corrupt Washington is. He said nothing about what votes he had cast or what he had done for Colorado. I remember being struck at the time that I didn’t really know who he was. I hadn’t decided who to vote for yet but was leaning Bennet. This “event” didn’t help Andrew win me over.

              Even if he is all about this “long list of things he did for Colorado” at his events, that doesn’t do much for the general public of Colorado. Hence the point of ads.

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