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March 09, 2006 09:00 AM UTC

Everybody Loves the "Rogue Staffer" Defense

  • by: Colorado Pols

State Rep. Angie Paccione, who is running for congress against Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, has been assailed by Republicans for a fundraising campaign that offered top fundraisers the chance to be introduced on the House floor. Paccione’s defense was that the offer was the work of an “overzealous staffer,” which drew even more ire from Republicans.

Now that Republicans are in the midst of a complaint from Marc Holtzman’s campaign that someone was calling voters on behalf of the Republican Party telling them to support Bob Beauprez, they needed to come up with an answer. What do they say?

(wait for it)

It was all the work of a “rogue caller.” Check out Mt. Virtus for more.


56 thoughts on “Everybody Loves the “Rogue Staffer” Defense

  1. Paccione faces ethics protests
    Complaint filed over an election brochure

    DENVER – Rep. Angie Paccione might have to defend herself before a House Ethics Committee over a fundraising brochure she said was never meant to go out.

    Eleven constituents filed an ethics complaint against Paccione on Wednesday, saying she abused her office by offering rewards to fundraising teams involved in Paccione’s campaign against U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave for the 4th Congressional District seat.


  2. Marines: Two troops did nothing wrong

    The uniformed troops who appeared at the Larimer County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner last weekend did not violate military code, said a spokeswoman for the Marine Corps Headquarters’ public affairs office.

    “I don’t think there’s any trouble to be had,” said the spokeswoman, who declined to give her name, citing protocol. “It’s a touchy issue because lots of honorees are being invited to things like this. It’s a shame people are trying to turn it into more than that.”

  3. Eleven constituents?

    Hm. Like these folks:

    This whole ‘ethics complaint’ is bull.

    And regardless of what some ‘unnamed spokesperson’ (read: GOP functionary) may say, military regs were broken and there WILL be an inquiry into it.

    Sure, lots of honorees are invited – and should be – but NOT in uniform and NOT on the podium. That’s wrong and violates military regulations – as everyone involved knows.

    Sure would be nice if the GOP in CO would start following their own creed of Law and Order instead skulking around like a bunch of muskrats.

  4. M. Douglas Wray,
    Your frustration should be at Marine Corp HQ public affairs office (your supposed GOP functionary), not the GOP.

    ..”That’s wrong and violates military regulations – as everyone involved knows.”  Did you and I read the same article?  Apparently you don’t care about facts.  Now that the facts are out, John Jones and the rest of the D&C party can invite their own military heros.

  5. I am a Musgrave fan, but I am not trying to distort the facts here.  On the contrary I am trying to set the record straight about what happened.  Here is what the Marine Corps Headquarters is saying.  You can choose to believe them or not.

  6. So Musgrave’s military props did nothing wrong, according to a USMC spokeswoman who refused to give her name?

    Semper Lie!

    From DoD directive 1344.10, August 2, 2004:

    A member on active duty may:
      E3.2.9.  Attend partisan and nonpartisan political meetings
      or rallies as a spectator when not in uniform.

    In accordance with the statutory restrictions in 10 U.S.C.
    973(b) (reference (b)) and references (g) and (h), and the
    policies established in section 4., above, of this
    Directive, a member on active duty shall not:
      E3.3.8.  Speak before a partisan political gathering,
      including any gathering that promotes a partisan political
      party, candidate, or cause.
      E3.3.18.  Attend partisan political events as an official
      representative of the Armed Forces

    And the military regs aren’t the real point here anyway.  What’s important is that our troops are simply not being supported by the Republican administration in a meaningful way.  Shame on Musgrave.

  7. Beaupreznit,
    Sounds good.  Now take your case to the Pentagon.  As far as the public affairs office goes, there are many cases in the past in my time in the Air Force where you would get a generic “Public affairs office says this and the Public affairs office says that”. You won’t have a name attached to it.  That’s the way it is. But as far as your “Semper Lie” remark……Um……Good Luck! ;>)

  8. Actually guys, I just got off the phone with my source in the Pentagon and found out that they were rogue Marines. Yeah, rogue Marines.

    These guys have been off the reservation for months now, going around drinking iced tea, eating buffet food and giving speeches to Republicans in the evenings. During the day they are strack, law abiding, mild mannered… you know, killers, but each evening, unbeknownst to the Commandant of Marines, they are right wing, political party animals. And they say they won’t stop until another Bush is elected to the White House in 2008 or they score dates with the twins.

    When cornered my a superior officer while boarding a plane back to his duty station in Siapan, one Marine who would only be identified as Sergeant Justin said, “Wolfowitz can stick his Directive up his @$$! I’m still an American, I have free speech. I can say whatever the f**k I want!” The officer said the Marine had the distinct smell of roast beef on his breath and was waving a Diner Program around like a mad man. The Program was inscribed, “Look me up next time you’re in port. XXX OOO MM”.

    This just changes everything for me. I mean if they are just rogues out to use their uniforms to cruise MILFs, get free GOP food and influence the political process for the Bush Dynasty, I think they should be thrown to the wolves. They severely repremanded so that this never happens again.

    Oh wait, the Marine HQ says they didn’t break any regulations.

    Oh well, never mind.

  9. Thanks Dick. It’s such a serious issue, I had to bring into the light the things I knew. It’s all for the sake of the children you know.

  10. News media are picking up this “constituents” thing, except there are photos of Marilyn at that unethical Lincoln Day dinner putting her fingerprints on the smear operation. Ding dong!

    Sally Fox and the husband are Marilyn contributors doing the old gal a favor. Pretty white trashy, don’t you think?

    This is pure media manipulation. No surprise that the media gets itself manipulated. And now that they got that going, they have goofy Greg Brophy pulling robocalls for them.

    Hope he never introduced a donor on the floor………

  11. “Brokeback boys – don’t you two have a fishing trip planned?

    Posted by: lulu at March 9, 2006 02:07 PM”

    This from a member of the “tolerant” party campaigning on Gay rights.

  12. Sorry there “Musgrave Must Go”, we didn’t quite get that. Could you please phrase your rant in the form of a human language. It looked a bit like English but you had a couple syntax errors so it didn’t quite compute their smart guy.

  13. By the way, I’d leave that Brophy guy alone if I were you. He is a bad ass. Likes to tackle moving cars from his ten speed… Don’ tbe fooled because he is short. He’s wiry.

    One of those rogue Marines asked him if he had a daughter at an LDD and Greg put him in the hospital dude.

    He’ll put a hurtin on you holmes.

  14. Just to bring the conversation back to reality, a quote from Bob Novak’s column, “At the same time, the Bush administration is going directly to the public with its war message. Raul Damas, associate director of political affairs at the White House, has been on the phone directly to Republican county chairmen to arrange local speeches by active duty military personnel to talk about their experiences in Iraq. To some Republican members, this unusual venture connotes a desire to go directly to the people to sell the president’s position without having to deal with members of Congress.”

    Yeah, it’s just all so humorous, isn’t it, Mike? Unless you actually have legitimate concerns about your military being used by this administration and by some of its representatives to prop up a failing war policy? Or, in MM’s case, prop up a miserable record of voting AGAINST veterans’ benefits, health insurance and a bonus for putting their asses on the line in Iraq and Afghanistan. She’s quite the patriotic gal. I’m sure as a former military man, you’re very proud of each and every one of her anti-military votes.

  15. Greg Brophy assaulted someone who asked him if he had a daughter?  Seems like “Yes, her name is Megan” would have worked better.

    It doesn’t take much to start you guys on the physical threats, does it?  But as we all know, violence solves everything.

    (And I completely reject lulu’s snarky and homophobic comment.  I haven’t seen the movie yet, either, but it’s got to be better than Crash was.)

  16. See “Musgrave Must Go”, Pager and Beaupreznit know how to phrase their rants in the form of a human language.

    With that said, don’t pick on Brophy man. He’s awesome, but he’s hard core.

  17. Your humor-challenged condition is showing again, B-nit.  You gotta understand, Iron Mike, as a good Army man, has this thing about Marines.  But even a Marine or, God help us, an Air Force or Navy man, beats the hell out of you Jody-boys.
    “Ain’t no use in goin’ back.
    Jody’s got your Cadillac.
    Ain’t no use in goin’ home,
    Jody’s got your girl and gone.
    ..but when I get a three-day pass,
    I’m gonna kick old Jody’s ass.”

  18. “Jody-boys?”  And here I was defending you and Mike against homophobic slurs.  Live and learn.

    Despite what you seem to think, I have nothing but respect for the men and women in our armed forces.  My grandpa from Denver was a WWII Army vet.  My dad did ROTC at CSU and served in the Air Force for several years–he’ll still whine endlessly about his bad vision having kept from advancing to 2nd Lieutenant and actually piloting.  I was accepted at the AFA once upon a time, something I’m still very proud of as it’s not easy to do, but ended up going elsewhere.

    People are people.  Soldiers are just people doing a very important job.  It’s their leaders I have a beef with.

  19. And I meant to add that I think the reason this whole thing pisses me off so much, particularly MM’s voting record on vets, is because I come from a family of vets–my uncle, my great uncle, my grandfather. One never made it back and the other two that did never bothered to wrap themselves in the flag. They were far more concerned about their benefits being cut.

    They had no tolerance for the “Support our Troops” bullshit, when the biggest flag wavers were usually those in Congress, who were busy cutting every benefit owed to a vet.

    And that’s why I’m pissed off, okay? It’s one thing to spouse patriotism; it’s another altogether to put your money where your mouth is and vote to give these guys a goddamn, measly $1500 bonus. Is that really too much to ask?

    And that’s what Musgrave voted against. That and health insurance for guys in the National Guard, benefits for vets coming home with permanent injuries and missing limbs. What kind of a job is a guy without an arm gonna get?

    And then she shows up at a fundraising dinner for her political party, draping herself around two Marines.

    She makes hypocrites look bad.

  20. I was only trying to explain Iron Mike’s attitude to the humor-challenged, B-nit.  But I have to say that both you and pager think you speak for vets because your parents were vets. 
    Actually, veteran status isn’t transmitted genetically, like a dukedom. It’s earned individually.  So Jody-boys you are and Jody boys you’ll stay.  That’s actually one step below REMF.
    However, thanks for defending me against a homophobic jibe.  By the way, I think you’re kinda cute 😉

  21. I don’t think Beaupreznit really gets the whole Jody thing Voyageur. Not surprising though. The whole Jody singing situation really got undermined by Togo West back in the days of Bill Clinton’s Army. I believe your little ditty was considered too violent for the American boys and “Mama told Sally not to go Downtown” was just about universally banned as a corrupter of the morals of America’s youth or something. I just always thought that Hillary wanted to go Downtown, and never got to, so they banned the jody.

    But to clear things up Beaupreznit (love the name by the way). A Jody Boy is not necessarily gay. Indeed that is the crux of the matter. A Jody Boy is the boy who stayed behind when the real men… (Ooops, sorry, trying to be sensitive here…) I mean the other young men go off to serve their nation in the military. Hence the phrase, “Ain’t no use in looking back, Jodys got your Cadillac…” Jody is driving the soldier’s dream car, because the soldier is busy crouching down in a fire fight, wiping the sweat out of his eyes before aiming another shot at the enemies of freedom.

    “Aint no use in going home, Jody’s got your girl and gone”… See if Jody were gay, well a soldier could still go home and just have to adjust to his girl having a gay friend. But this is the problem you see. Because while the soldier is scanning the street for an EID or sniper that would prevent him from ever seeing his girl again, Jody may at that very moment be making whoopee with his girl instead.

    Now that we’ve had all of this cleared up, don’t you Jody Boys feel better about being Jody Boys and not having to risk your lilly white hides in far off lands because there are nice, young Americans in uniform, who aren’t afraid of getting dirt under their fingernails, who are willing to do that for you?

  22. Bill Clinton did bring out the army’s sensitive side.  He was probably the worst commander in chief since LBJ.  After years of watching the Vietnam policy disintegrate, I concluded Johnson wanted us to defeat the enemy — but on no account were we allowed to irritate him.  Somehow, we never quite figured out how to maintain that balance.
    I was just a chairborne REMF, but my brother, an E-8, did a tour in Nam.  I got livid when McNamara admitted he knew all along we couldn’t win on those terms.  If the bastard had spoken up in time, I might have have to walk by that damned wall with those 58,000 names on it.
    I do think George H.W. Bush knew how to fight a war.  He got an international coalition together, threw overwhelming strength at the enemy, and knew when to quit.
    Thank God for today’s citizen soldiers like Mike Coffman, Joe Rice and a bunch of non-political friends of mine who are now carrying on the torch.
    One young friend just got back from flying a Blackhawk for a year.  It’s kind of hard to go back to your day job after a gig like that, but he’s alive and well.

  23. Who else thinks Iron Mike’s rants are getting old? I learned long ago that those who thump their chest the loudest about their military exploits are usually the REMF’s. Iron Mike fits the build. He is always posting about what a great war hero he was, I call B.S.
    My guess is ol’ Iron Mike is currently unemployable, soft around the middle, married to a B.A.B. and all he has is the 2 year enlistment stint he did 15 years ago during peace time. Mike’s enlistment likely consisted of desk jockeying in some A.C. stateside.
    I know that Mike will pull out his posting 50-cal and call me this and that but, I would like you to know that yes I served two tours of combat duty as an 11 Bravo and got quite a few ata-boys on my chest. What this means Iron Mike is that I actually saw the bad guys. Out.

  24. Iron Mike – don’t give in. Don’t even rise to that level of accusation. This is the enemy trying to fish out your identity (though I already have). I prefer knowing exactly who you are – a former National Guard Fighter Pilot. Enough Said.

  25. Well Hoo-ah tinpanmike. I’m actually kinda a lot of soft around the middle. I run my own company, so that might count as being unemployable… I don’t know what a B.A.B is though.

    From my enlistment in 1988 beginning at good ol’ Sand Hilton in Benning, I too was an 11B. Until I went to college and joined the 11A club.

    That whole time, in one job or another I wore crossed rifles. I spent an awful lot of time walking through the woods, also spent some time driving a desk, and some time wiping sweat out of my eyes so I could aim my weapon, until finally resigning in March of 2001. Great timing huh?

    Now during that time before I became a Vet, the action was brief and far apart in time and space. So compared to the guys in the service now, except for maybe the Delta guys, we were all REMFs back then. My enlistment, with a couple very scary exceptions, often felt like one big police call… Being an O was a bit better. It’s good to drive the train.

    I guess the biggest difference between your time and mine in uniform is that we didn’t have “tours”… I used to kid my Dad about that when he’d use the term. I guess the term has come back in use. We had missions, not tours. My boys and I saw some bad guys, but usually we had to keep the weapons on safe, and hope the radio was working properly when I started screaming into it. I had no doubt I was going to be screaming by the way… There was this thing called a “Dragon”, that the Army expected us to use when fighting tanks. I always thought it was such a bad weapon they had to invent the Javelin or suffer the shame of losing a Light Infantry Division to a 3rd world tribe that won a lottery and bought a Company of tanks from the Soviets.

    Never fired my weapon in anger though. I was often excited, sometimes bored and a couple times very scared, but never angry.

    I’ve been sitting here for 30 minutes trying find a way to share my “exciting” experiences in writing. But I never can. As a matter of fact, off this blog, I think my wife talks about my military time more than I do. What can I say, my time in service was just the beginning. There is money to be made now.

    So there you go. Don’t know if that was a M2 or .556 of a response.

    You know it’s not about pounding our chests and acting tough. It’s about reminding some of the people on this blog that there are kids fighting and dying on the other side of the world all for the privilege of earning their bones as adults. They are not suckling of the public’s tit, like was expressed the other day by Dwyer. They are risking it all so that… Well, so that this blog can exist. They are there so that we’re not the ones running in the streets screaming.

    Two gigs as an 11B huh?

    Good to see you home.

    Don’t be a jerk, join the VFW and vote Republican.

  26. Oh yeah, yeah… I was a pilot in the Texas National Guard. I stood prepared in case a foreign country like Mexico, Cuba or Oklahoma invaded the sacred soil of Texas. Yeah, yeah that’s the ticket.

  27. What a tedious bunch of crap this thread has became.

    Anyway, since military bonifides seem to be required here, I am a Viet Nam vet (’67, slick door gunner supporting SF. Shot down once: A Shau valley.)

    I find Brophy kinda scary. But what would one expect from a former wrestler with anti-education tendencies? He thinks he’s amusing but he isn’t. Kind of an articulate redneck. And his supporters are worse, IMO. Couldn’t wait to get out of that room.

    MM has supported our soldiers as well as the WH has done: all praise and cut the benefits. Of course, if we keep them over there long enough and enough times, we won’t have to pay out much . . .. So pass the [DU] ammunition and cut the budget.

  28. I have said before that I was never in the service as the draft ended just before my number came up. But I ride with several buddies that were in the Army and Marines. And have a brother that served in the Navy. Two friedns served their one tour in Nam and another in the first Gulf War. He is the youngest and it seemed to affect him. He went and shaved his head and had most his entire skull tattooed. Said it help him get rid of things that bothered him.
    A note, no drugs come in to play here either.
    Just thought I’d pass this along as I have the utmost respect for Vets period. Whether they saw action or not.
    Here’s to you………..

  29. Calling Mike out like that is BS TinPot. 11B with two tours huh? How about a couple questions for you? Who were your Commanders on those tours? Chuck Swanneck with the 101st in Iraq? He and I had a nice argument one day at JRTC. Because I won the argument, he won the exercise when they called index. Wonder if what we learned that day in Louisiana saved your life in Iraq?
    Jim Huggins with the 82nd in Afghanistan? When he was just a major and had just made the LTC board below the zone, he chewed my ass. I then had to chew the asses of a few young LTs… Maybe the lesson we taught those LTs that day saved your ass. They have all rotated through Iraq and Afghanistan as Company Commanders and Staff Officers in the last four years.
    Caslen with the 10th Mountain in Afghanistan? He pinned rank on me when I worked for him. At another JRTC he was there when our Battalion got “wiped out” by OPFOR tanks. Again, did the lessons we learned that day save your life when chasing the Taliban in the mountains?
    I spent three months in Korea having staring contests with North Koreans. Before that had another two years watching Soviets BMPs through the sites of a Bradley before they called index on the Cold War. In between I drove a lot of desks and sat in quite a few Air Conditioned offices here in the States and Panama.
    So did Voyageur, so did George… A bunch of us were there when it was not quite so patriotic to be in the military and the lessons we learned and taught others probably kept your smart mouth alive to write today.
    So polish your CIB, wipe your nose and get with the program TinPot. There are a lot less of us here than there are of the military and vet haters, who will whip out the “oh, I respect the troops” crap at the drop of a hat, but in the mean time seek to undermine all that guys like you have been working towards for the last four years. We need to hang together.
    By the way Mike, I loved the rogue Marines stuff. Laughed my ass off.
    Rock 5 out.

  30. Can you mighty impressive fellows tuck your military selves back into your pants and, you know, get back to a discussion of politics?  The nightly chest-thumping is starting to wear just a tad thin.

  31. “Who else thinks Iron Mike’s rants are getting old? “


    Who’s paying attention anyway?  I’ve scrolled right past his posts ever since he declared that members of my family were “cowards” (his term) because they tried to enlist and were declared 4-F by all four branches of the service.

    Who wants to bother with that sort of BS?

  32. Iron Mike, where do you come by this notion that past military service privileges you to act like an ass?  All of your sniveling about not getting enough respect and insults directed at anyone you regard as not having adequate military credentials is having the opposite of the effect you desire.  I have never known a marine who whined as much as you.

  33. I agree.  The macho, bravado, military thing on this blog is just plain wierd.  Maybe we should all try and post only about Colorado politics…

  34. Correction there brio, Iron Mike is not a Marine.

    Though he does understand that ARMY means : Aren’t Ready for Marines Yet!

    Gotta love them doggies.

  35. You know, Lurky-Jerky, I’d be glad to stick to colorado politics if you’d get your psycho, America-hating whack jobs like Sir Robin and his ilk to stop cutting and pasting thousand word rants about how much they hate George Bush and how Imperialic America is so mean to al-Qaeda.
    Do we have a deal, Jody Boy?
    And you ARE a Jody, ain’t you?  I can tell because the snot dribbing from your nose clogs the keyboard and makes your posts look stupid.

  36. Yeah, Go Raiders, I knew I.M. was a jump boy, which was kind of my point.  And trust me Voyageur, most of us who compulsively waste time on this blog wish Sir Robin the Brave would can it almost as badly as we wish Manly Mike would stuff it.  Do you see any of us lefties rallying to Sir Birdie’s side the way you reliably do to Mr. Macho’s?

  37. Brio, I don’t even count you as a lefty.  Admittedly you lean to the liberal side of the equation, not that there’s anything wrong with that.  But you seem rational, draw distinctions between policies you oppose and defaming the people who craft them, and otherwise elevate the dialogue almost as our side’s beloved Becky.  I can understand why Surly Robin would embarrass you.  Hell, he’d embarrass Michael Moore.  Sometimes I think he’s a deep cover agent provacateur on James Dobson’s payroll hired to discredit the left.  Other times, like when he threatened to beat any serviceman he could find, I think he’s just an old drunk who loses all sense of rationality when he wallows in the sauce.  But you, Milady (assuming you is a lady) are a credit to this blog and the political dialogue in general.

  38. Now there you go buttering me up again, Voyageur.  The feeling has been largely mutual, which is why I was a bit alarmed of late to see you joining in some of this silliness.  But I guess its that whole brothers in arms thing.  As for any assumptions you may care to make, let me just suggest that you shouldn’t read too much into the fact that I have never threatened to or boasted of my ability to beat anyone up.

  39. George Teal (aka Iron Mike) and Scott Shires (aka Rock 5), I hear ya, just get tired of the bravado about military acumen. Scott to answer your question I served in Southeast Asia 63-64 67-68, don’t remember all the company comanders I served under but I remember the NCO’s. They were all class acts who served their country, came home and served it again, making it the great Democracy we live in. George, let’s knock off the back biting, holster the side arm, and focus on making America the Shining City on the Hill. Till then I have said my piece. Out.

  40. So Voyageur, I thought you might be amused to know that my wife has referred to me as “Milady” about 15 times now since I’ve been home from work.  Thanks for nothin’.

  41. No worries.  If I wanted people to know who I am, I wouldn’t be posting anonymously. Besides, when it comes to getting in touch with my smarter side, I need all the help I can get.  See ya’ Monday. 

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