“It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.”
–James Baldwin
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RussiansGOP are rude.Maybe Louie Goehmert and Matt Gaetz should start chanting, "Send him back, send him back …. to Greeley!"
Live online feed of Mueller hearings, from Politico:
I just want to slap the snot out of Louie Gohmert's smug, smirking, baldheaded evil-Gomer Pyle face. Is that wrong?
context: Gohmert is "interrogating" Robert Mueller about Strozk, the FBI agent under his supervision who texted that he hated Trump.
You might have to get in line for that one. I'd like to do that to Devin Nunes as well.
Gee, M.J. Is that the first time you've felt that way about him? I've wanted to knock his block off since about ten minutes after he was elected.
We could tag-team…
I’m really not a violent person, and I liked Gomer Pyle, but something about Louie G just makes my blood boil. I think that the ignorance is intentional, as is the “Aw Shucks ima good ol boy” persona.
You're right, he's not dumb. And it is that old toe-in-the-dirt "I'm just a country boy." thing of his that I find so infuriating, too.
Yeah, well…
I AM a country boy from the south. Shall I expound on how much I resent that conniving, smart-ass, fascist, motherfucker?