“The great thieves lead away the little thief.”
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BY: kwtree
IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
BY: kwtree
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: NOV GOP meltdown
IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
BY: ParkHill
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
BY: ParkHill
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
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Did we not mention this, or did I just miss it?
Crisanta Duran nabs early Ken Salazar endorsement as she takes on Diana DeGette
An interesting choice, given Ken Salazar's pattern in endorsements: The Intercept: Colorado’s Democratic Party Kingmaker Is a Fracking Lawyer. What Could Go Wrong?
This morning, in light of the last few days, I would like to issue a heartfelt apology to Donald Trump
President Trump: I'm sorry. That you're a terrible President and a terrible human being. I am also sorry that you stink.
Great God Almighty,
We are sorry that Trump stinks!
Purdue Pharma settles opiod-marketing lawsuit for $270 million. Since over 70,000 people are dying from opiod overdoses every year, 800,000 since the Sackler family began marketing it in 2000, this is a pittance and an insult. The $270 million settlement is only with Oklahoma. More than 600 other counties, cities, and Native American tribes are suing the Sacklers for deceptive marketing and wrongful death.
Rudy Giulani, Trump's TV lawyer, helped the Sacklers to mislead the public and head off criticism in 2000.
Museums are refusing the Sackler philanthropy, and may rename their Sackler wings. The Sackler foundation helped Trump's "True the Vote" the organization which wrongly claimed 3 million illegals voted.
The Sackler family has donated to both Republican and Democratic candidates in the past, including Republican and Democratic committees, Hillary Clinton, and Michael Bennet.
King Soopers UFCW Workers ready to vote on new contract.
Frackenlooper's new campaign motto: "No we can't!"
If Colorado Democrats* can’t get behind this……then it shows how corrupt and cowardly they are. That includes voting “present” in the US Senate.
(by the way, Pols, the blogging software really dislikes mamajama55's post above mine – the picture seems to be causing html formatting issues)
I tried resizing it. We'll see if that helps. Ed: it is an issue for graphics that are not quite large enough to bounce the edit/reply function to the bottom line. I think I fixed it.
That helps, thanks
Top Colorado Senate Democrat won’t support his party’s red flag bill
Goddamit. He pulled this crap last time when Giron was getting recalled. He likes to position himself as "gun-friendly". Like that's a big help to people facing domestic violence from a well-armed "friend".
As a military mortician and civilian paramedic, Garcia would have seen plenty of the tragic and gory results of suicide and gun violence. He knows better. This is the only chance of a gun – restriction bill that can pass this session with all of the stupid GOP obstruction.
He's calculating, being a goddam opportunistic politician. Again. The big bad Marine is afraid the Pueblo gunheads will come after him in a recall. He needs to vote for the red flag bill anyway, because it’s the right thing to do, and he knows it. And I'll tell him so to his face.
Negev, I see you chuckling over there.
Perhaps he’s just of the opinion that there’s a very large number of impaired and likely criminally dangerous, or suicidal, Pueblo and southern Colorado residents who really ought to be heavily armed and an imminent threat to themselves and others at all times regardless of any judicial review and finding??? . . .
Yes, and Garcia doesn't want them coming after him.
Pueblo does have more than its share of crazies. Part of it is that the state mental hospital (and many other lesser mental health institutions) have been there forever, while the steel industry has mostly up and gone.
Part of it is the inherent schizophrenia of being demographically a rural small town, in an area dependent on agriculture and prisons these days, but with a strong union history and a major university. It's got a great arts community, walkable streets and parks, and has done a much better job of preserving and enhancing its gorgeous downtown historic district than Denver has. It has a new solar plant and a new wind plant. It's diverse racially, too, more so than other towns its size. Dems and progressives are a tight, active group. Voters are well enfranchised by the strongest election clerk in the state, Bo Ortiz.
And then there's the Pueblo GOP. Looking at you, Moderatus.
Pueblo's gunheads are mobilized and empowered since the 2013 recall. They believe everything Alex Jones writes, and they pass it around. They're mad about Pueblo going blue in the last two elections, they're loud and aggressive, and they have learned how to tap into the deep pockets of the gun manufacturers and the Koch brothers to fund their adventures. Annnnd…. a lot of the gunheads are Democrats. It is a rural hunting/ shooting / fishing area, after all.
Other Pueblo area legislators, Daneya Esgar and Brianna Buontello, are voting yes on the gun bill. It's a real betrayal of trust that Garcia won't.
In most ways, Grand Junction, is very much like how you describe Pueblo. There is also a considerable presence of developmentally disabled and mentally challenged citizens, owing to the decades long influence of the state facility.
We also have huge presence of gunheads, who have managed to use tax dollars to build themselves a world class "shooting facility and education center".
Yeah…they are training their "Trump Troops" right here in river city. Wanna bet there is a strong evangelical presence there?
I have met countless newcomers here who quickly become afraid to speak their minds publicly or even socially if they happen to be liberals. Blacklisting is alive and well in this tightly controlled community. Practically all the media outlets here are doing story after story fed to them by the County Commissioners and the Chamber of Commerce about the "scary legislation" being "rammed down our throats" by the socialists and teh gayz…oh, and the elites…them, too.
Yep…I think Pueblo and Grand Junction have a lot in common.
Except that Pueblo was smart enough to legalize marijuana to add to their coffers. Grand Junction is still firmly entrenched in the Reefer Madness mindset, while the Sentinel keeps covering up the fact the valley is in a downward spiral, our infrastructure is crumbling, and our kids are killing themselves out of sheer despair.
But hey, Juco's coming up!