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October 03, 2018 10:42 AM UTC

Trump Mocks Kavanaugh Accuser and Draws Ire of Many

  • by: Colorado Pols
President Trump in Mississippi on Tuesday (AP).

As the Washington Post reports, President Trump spoke at a rally in Mississippi on Tuesday evening and openly mocked California professor Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh:

Trump, in a riff that has been dreaded by White House and Senate aides, attacked the story of Christine Blasey Ford at length — drawing laughs from the crowd. The remarks were his strongest attacks yet of her testimony.

“‘I don’t know. I don’t know.’ ‘Upstairs? Downstairs? Where was it?’ ‘I don’t know. But I had one beer. That’s the only thing I remember,’ ” Trump said of Ford, as he impersonated her on stage.

“I don’t remember,” he said repeatedly, apparently mocking her testimony.

Ford has said the incident happened in an upstairs room and that she is “100 percent” certain it was Kavanaugh who assaulted her, although she has acknowledged that her memories of other details of the evening remain unclear.

As CNN reports, two Republican Senators who could be key to Kavanaugh’s confirmation — Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake and Maine Sen. Susan Collins — were not at all pleased with Trump’s comments:

“There’s no time and no place for remarks like that. To discuss something this sensitive at a political rally is just not right. It’s just not right. I wish he hadn’t had done it,” Flake told NBC’s Savannah Guthrie on “Today,” adding, “It’s kind of appalling.”

Collins, a Republican from Maine, similarly condemned Trump’s comments, telling CNN’s Manu Raju they “were just plain wrong.” She would not say if the remarks would affect her vote.

Trump’s attack on Ford was so disgusting that even the Trump-loving hosts of “Fox and Friends” criticized the President for his remarks.

But not all Republican Senators stuck with a remorseful stance. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham had this weird thing to say:

“President Trump went through a factual rendition, and I didn’t like it. I would tell him to knock it off — it’s not helpful,” Graham said at the “Atlantic Festival” in Washington. “But it can be worse, someone could be dead.”

It would be worse if someone…were dead…but…uh, what?

Meanwhile, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley says that an FBI investigation into claims of sexual assault against Kavanaugh is getting close to being completed. From Politico:

Grassley said Wednesday the FBI report on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is “very close,” but the Iowa Republican would not predict when the high court hopeful will get a vote.

“I think it’s very close,” Grassley said. “I have not talked to the FBI, and I don’t think I should talk to the FBI. People that seem to know said it’s getting close, but when, I haven’t heard.”

If the FBI report on Kavanaugh reaches the Senate by Wednesday, Grassley said a critical cloture vote on the nomination could come as early as Friday, although he said the final decision on timing is up to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

It also remains to be seen what Senators will do about Kavanaugh’s apparent lies to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding when he heard about accusations from another woman, Boulder resident Deborah Ramirez. As Vanity Fair writes, Kavanaugh’s story on Ramirez is “unraveling.”


14 thoughts on “Trump Mocks Kavanaugh Accuser and Draws Ire of Many

  1. What's unraveling is Democrat hope of victory in November. You are outraging middle America with your witch hunts and presumed guilt. This disgusting episode will be remembered by everyone in America. Democrats don't value the rule of law, you believe in mob rule. True Americans want nothing to do with it.

    1. True Americans don't approve of a foreign power interfering in our elections.  Real Americans also hate that the so-called "President" commits treason on the national stage by siding with the dictator Putin over American intelligence agencies.  The people who are fine with it are not True Americans, they are fascists.

    2. Been reading Gary Abernathy, Moderatus?

      He thinks that the Kavanaugh nomination was just what the mid-American Trumpsters needed in order to turn out and vote. His "evidence" was a couple of conversations and seeing more people at the Republican satellite offices.

      5 weeks … and then we'll see if you and Gary are correct.  If so, you have a future as a political predictor.  But so far, your track record on Governor candidates isn't encouraging. Nor is the trend in registrations (more Independents than Democrats, and LOTS more of either of them than Republicans here in Colorado, and most other places I've read about). Nor is the over all donations to candidates and ESPECIALLY small dollar donations, which are running to Democrats.  Polling skews Democratic. "Expert" sites like Cook Political Report go Democratic on many races. Historical correlations on first term Presidents and outcomes on  Presidential approval rates all tend toward Democrats.

  2. Once Kavanaugh fails his confirmation that's it, Trump will never get a right wing justice through our next Senate. Voters will remove the obstructionist republican congress in Nov. so our new congress can do the job we hired them for and remove the draft dodging traitor Trump in Jan.

    1. The principle reason the GOP establishment embraced our fascist president was the prospect of elevating a true conservative warrior to the nations highest court.

      The Republican Congress wants desperately to subvert itself and cede power to the executive branch. 

      Milton Friedmans' "Free Market Experiment" is close to becoming a reality in the good old USA.


    2. Unfortunately, that's not necessarily true.  If Kavanaugh's confirmation fails, neither Trump nor McConnell will have the slightest qualms about ramming another cannonball nomination through the lame duck Senate.

      1. You are assuming the nomination fails. Right now, the odds are he gets confirmed. Here is the disturbing part. I predict Heitkamp brings him across the finish line. He loses one or two Republican Senators, and Heitkamp causes a tie which the Holy Roller comes in to break.

        What happens next is interesting. If the Dems take the House in January, there are probably thorough investigations into: (a) Kavanaugh's treatment of girls/young women, drinking habits, and testimony during confirmation hearings, and (b) how the FBI responded to political pressure to limit the investigation. He may be impeached by the House but acquitted in the Senate.

        There may, for a while, be demonstrations before the Supreme Court building.

        There will be routine motions to recuse filed on cases involving the Democratic Party. The motions will be routinely denied without comment by Kavanaugh. And there is no recourse beyond that. The Supreme Court is not always right, but it is final.

        Thank you Jill Stein and your Useful Idiots.


        1. Agreed — your scenario is much more likely than the one posited by Independent Voter that I was responding to.

          The moral, ethical and intellectual rot that infuses today's GOP is tragic, and threatens the very core of our democracy.

        2. I'm opposed to an empty impeachment. If there is not a prayer of getting 2/3 of the Senate then I don't want the blowback. But, I am in favor of investigations, subpoenas and whatever helps choke out the R party to its not-soon-enough death. 

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