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October 02, 2018 06:54 AM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception.”

–Friedrich Nietzsche


36 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

    1. Seven percent is too close for comfort and makes me nervous.

      Think about the Tom Bradley Effect. I know it was over a quarter of a century ago but I remember early November 1992 with polls showing something called Amendment Two trailing 55% to 40%. And we know how that turned out.

      And before we talk about how much more evolved we are today, think about how it was only four short years ago that people in Colorado foolishly threw out a fine US Senator who ran lousy TV commercials and replaced him with Cory Gardner.

      Or how the voters in CD 6 have consistently voted for Obama and Clinton only to split their tickets and vote for Mike Coffman.

      1. It's not quite the same thing, R&R. Either one likes Coffman or not. People lied about their intentions on Amendment 2 out of fear of being tagged as a bigot (they were). It wasn't really that close in the end. 54.4 to 46.6, IIRC. I was involved with an LGBT cable access news program at the time, so I followed every nuance of that battle intently.

        1. True enough, Cook. But I was analogizing that the hidden pro-Amendment Two folks in 1992 are the same as today's secretly anti-Polis because-he-is-gay folk.

          I do think – or at least hope – that the hidden homophobic voter pool has dried up to some degree over the past 26 years.

    2. Monmouth founds a 7-point lead for Hick in '14 in mid-October, and that eventually led to a 3-point win. Others in that month ranged from +8 to -5.

      However, the race in 2014 was polled MUCH more intensely than Colorado has been this year. Looks like there were close to 60 publicly released polls over the length of the last gubernatorial election, while Polis vs. Stapleton has netted a grand total of 3. 

      The other two polls for '18 btw have had Polis up 5 and 7. 

    1. I suppose the good news is that he refrained from deploying any nuclear weapons against the nations of those who laughed.

      As for the retaliation itself …. thank you Jill Stein and her gaggle of Useful Idiots.

    2. If there is no reaction from Haley in the VERY near future, so much for the rumors of the kinder, gentler side of US Ambassador Nikki Haley.  I guess she'll take her pick of "it's no big deal" or "I couldn't push them away from this" when she writes the book and tries to position herself for a political future.

    3. It could be worse. It's actually consistent with our treatment of mixed-gender partnerships. We don't give recognition to unmarried straight couples either. At least, he's not threatening to refuse to recognize same-gender couples under any circumstance; as I'm sure Pence would prefer.


    1. You would think we could have found a decent candidate in new jersey. Maybe get Christine TOdd Whitman to switch sides.

      I'm reminded of the slogan when democrat edwin edwards ran against David Duke for gov in louisiana:

      Vote for the crook.  It's important!


        1. For those really wanting to know, Christine Todd Whitman has appeared in an online ad encouraging voters to end Washington gridlock by voting for Mike Coffman.

    2. Pseudonymous — if the Dems continue to be down one seat, it will be a moral and practical victory, as the Republicans thought they would pick up 4 or 5 seats and develop a solid majority for the next session.  If New Jersey is the difference, that would mean maintaining in the "red" states and a Democrat win in two others: Arizona, Nevada, Tennessee, or Texas.

      I'd be delighted to make the change, especially if it would be a loss for Cruz.

      1. If the Democrats are down one seat, it will be a moral and practical catastrophe.  Cancer survivor RBG can't live forever.  A Trump Senate could lock in a 7-2 fascist majority on the supreme Court that would cripple our freedom for 30 years.  Damn the Democrats for nominating this skunk.

    3. The Democrats in New Jersey need to do what they did with Robert Torricelli some years back. He was running for re-election and his polling numbers were appalling. Shortly before the election, they persuaded him to step aside and they put Frank Lautenberg in as his replacement. The Republicans screamed foul but Lautenberg won. 

      What is past is prologue.

  1. Another sign that the Republican Party is out of touch with voters:

    In the month before ballots drop in Colorado, Democrats registered twice as many voters than Republicans while those who don’t want to join either party continued to outpace both.

    Last month, Democrats picked up 14,029 registered active voters while Republicans gained 6,411, according to the latest figures. At the same time, 28,039 Coloradans registered as unaffiliated voters in the past month.

    As of Sept. 30, there were 1,007,948 registered active Democrats in Colorado and 979,204 registered active Republicans. There were also 1,236,592 unaffiliated active voters registered.

      1. If the trends set by the primaries are an indication, Dem and Dem-leaning Unaffiliateds should be enough to get the job done. But I agree, GOTV efforts can not slack off.

  2. I'm glad to see Polis up by 7 but considering who he's running against he should be up by 20.

    Don't let your guard down, get out and vote and convince everyone that you can to do the same.

    1. Your red-hatted hero doesn’t care for minimum wage laws, and tries hard not to allow minimum wages to prevail in his own businesses and casinos. Whatever gains people have made have been due to grassroots union organizing and progressive organizations like … PCN.

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